3rd Grade Weekly Update
Week 16/ Semana 16
Estimadas familias de tercer grado:
We will be MAP testing Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (not Wednesday due to the field trip). Please ensure that your student comes to school on time and has had breakfast.
Please make sure that you fill out the form that was sent to give consent for your student to attend the HSR lessons or not. If we do not have a response by December 13, 2024, your student will automatically be opted out. If you have any questions, please contact your student’s homeroom teacher. Here is the link for the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1leoCS0tVXpPEndUYaRVCLFseYjiucvPutyYENnvR1uM/edit#settings
For the field trip on Wednesday: Due to the time of the field trip and it taking place during our lunch time, the students will have lunch at 10:00. You do not need to pack a sack lunch as they will be able to go through the cafeteria line. However, please make sure to pack a larger snack, or possibly a second lunch for when we return. They will be given about 15-30 minutes to eat.
Week 16 We are learning….
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish): Los estudiantes seran capaces de Identificar y explicar el propósito del autor. Explicar la relación entre los personajes y la influencia del ambiente en la trama.
Math (English): The students will be able to determine the difference between weight and capacity.
Science (Spanish): Los estudiantes planifican y realizan investigaciones que demuestren cómo la velocidad de un objeto está relacionada con su energía mecánica.
Development (English): The students will be able to write a persuasive letter/essay using the acronym OREO.
Social Studies (English): The students will be able to explain how things have changed in the community over time.
Coming Up:
MAP Testing;
Nutcracker Field Trip to Long Center
Story Wranglers Performance in the cafeteria: Parent are allowed to attend
Christmas Parties December 20
Last day before break December 20
12/9- MAP Math
12/10- MAP English Reading
12/11- MAP Spanish reading
12/23- 1/6- Student and staff break
1/7- First day of spring semester
Continue to check your student's take-home binder
Continue to check your students grades
Thank you very much for your support and understanding. It is our job to answer your questions and work together to best help your children. Please do not hesitate to reach out.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Ashlinn Rutherford: ashlinn.rutherford@austinisd.org
Olga Sosa: olga.sosa@austinisd.org
Stephanie Vazquez: stephanie.vazquez@austinisd.org
The Third Grade Team
Week 14/ Semana 14
Estimadas familias de tercer grado:
We had such a great first couple of weeks with your kiddos! It’s been such a joy getting to know them and start building a community together.
Week 14 We are learning….
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish): Los estudiantes analizaran cómo los elementos de la trama apoyan el propósito del autor e Identificaran el conflicto y la resolucion.
Math (English): The students will find the perimeter of a polygon or a missing length when given perimeter and remaining side lengths using their addition and subtraction strategies.
Science (Spanish): Los estudiantes identifican ejemplos de
energía lumínica en la vida diaria.
Development (English): The student will be able to write a literary or informational text that shows they understand the text.
Social Studies (English): I can explain the difference between primary and secondary sources and give examples. I can also explain what founding fathers is.
Coming Up: November 17-November 23
Thr 19 Spirit Night at Bush’s Chicken on Brodie Ln. 5:00PM-8:00PM
Thr/21 Thanksgiving Family Lunch Day: Must RSVP (2 guests per student) & purchase tickets if eating school lunch in advance
Thr/21 PTA General Meeting & Healthy Lifestyles Fair 5:30PM
F/22 Dual Language Tour for Prospective Families 9:00AM-10:00AM
November 24-November 30
M-F/25-29 Thanksgiving Holiday: No school
Continue to check your student's take-home binder
Thank you very much for your support and understanding. It is our job to answer your questions and work together to best help your children. Please do not hesitate to reach out.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Ashlinn Rutherford ashlinn.rutherford@austinisd.org
Olga Sosa olga.sosa@austinisd.org
Imelda Jimenez imelda.jimenez@austinisd.org
The Third Grade Team
Week 13/ Semana 13
Estimadas familias de tercer grado:
We had such a great first couple of weeks with your kiddos! It’s been such a joy getting to know them and start building a community together.
Week 13 We are learning….
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish): Los estudiantes identificaran los elementos de la obra de teatro y reconoceran la afirmación del autor y los datos de apoyo.
Math (English): The learner will be able to find the area of a 2D object.
Science (Spanish): los estudiantes tendrán el conocimiento y las habilidades necesarias para investigar la materia y la energía; fuerza, movimiento y energía; Tierra y espacio; y organismos y ambientes.
English: Reading:
They will make connections to personal experiences, which will help with the writing part of this unit.
Explain the relationships and differences between major and minor characters
The will learn and understand what plot/plot mountain is.
They will also be able to identify the authors purpose and message within the text.
Writing: This week students are working on writing a Narrative Essay. Their essay is: Write about a time where either you helped a friend or you saw a friend helping a friend.
Social Studies (English): This week in social studies the students will learn about the difference between primary and secondary sources.
Coming Up: November 11-November 15
M-11 Holiday Giving Tree starts,
M-11 Veteran’s Day program 8:30 am- 9:15 am
T-12 Fall pictures retake
W/13 Thanksgiving family lunch Day RSVPs due Limit of two visitors per student
Th-14 Spirit Night at Chuck E Cheese
F-15 Last day to purchase Thanksgiving Lunch Day visitor tickets. $5 per visitor is paid in cash or by check in the office.
Continue to check your student's take-home binder
Thanksgiving project Disguising a Turkey. This will happen over the next two weeks and is due Friday November 22, 2024. More information will be sent home tomorrow.
Thank you very much for your support and understanding. It is our job to answer your questions and work together to best help your children. Please do not hesitate to reach out.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Ashlinn Rutherford ashlinn.rutherford@austinisd.org
Olga Sosa olga.sosa@austinisd.org
Imelda Jimenez imelda.jimenez@austinisd.org
The Third Grade Team
Semana 12/ Week 12
Estimadas familias de tercer grado:
We had such a great first couple of weeks with your kiddos! It’s been such a joy getting to know them and start building a community together.
Week 12 We are learning….
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish): 3.7B escriba una respuesta a un texto literario o informativo que demuestre la comprensión del texto;
3.7C use evidencia textual para apoyar una respuesta apropiada;
3.7D vuelva a contar y parafrasee textos de manera que mantengan su significado y orden lógico;
Math (English): This week we are working on division and different strategies to help them divide.
- Below you'll find the anchor chart we will be using to help them divide. This anchor chart has the strategies we will be teaching them and expect them to use.
I can determine the number of objects in each group when a set is partitioned equally.
I can use my knowledge of multiplication to divide.
I can verbally describe why a problem scenario can be solved with division.
I can determine the number of objects in each group when a set is partitioned equally.
I can use my knowledge of multiplication to divide.
I can verbally describe why a number is odd or even.
I can verbally use academic vocabulary words in context.
Science (Spanish): Entender el verbo cognitivo: “Identificar” significa averiguar o mostrar que significa algo.
Lección 1: Los estudiantes identifican ejemplos de energía lumínica en la vida diaria..
Lección 2: Los estudiantes identifican ejemplos de energía sonora en la vida diaria.
Lección 3: Los estudiantes identifican ejemplos de energía térmica en la vida diaria.
Development (English): We are starting a whole new unit this week and there are alot of different parts they will be learning. The new unit is Narrative. Below you will find each different aspect of ELA broken down into it’s different components.
- Reading:
- They will make connections to personal experiences, which will help with the writing part of this unit.
- Explain the relationships and differences between major and minor characters
- The will learn and understand what plot/plot mountain is.
- They will also be able to identify the authors purpose and message within the text.
- Writing: This week students are working on writing a Narrative Essay. Their essay is: Write about a time where either you helped a friend or you saw a friend helping a friend.
- Foundational Skills: Their foundational skill for this week is: decoding words using these patterns: VCCV, VCV, VCCCV
Social Studies (English): This week in social studies the students will learn about the difference between primary and secondary sources.
Coming Up:
November 4th-8th: Fundraiser
November 5th: No school
November 8th: Fundraiser party during PE time
Continue to check your student's take-home binder
Continue to check your students grades
New grading policy for class worksheets: Due to them already having extra time in class the students will not have a chance to make up these assignments at home. At the end of each week, the assignments that we are taking for a grade if they are not turned in by Friday, it will be an automatic 60 in the gradebook.
Tests however, if they score below a 70, they will be allowed to make test corrections in class the next week.
Thank you very much for your support and understanding. It is our job to answer your questions and work together to best help your children. Please do not hesitate to reach out.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Ashlinn Rutherford ashlinn.rutherford@austinisd.org
Olga Sosa olga.sosa@austinisd.org
Imelda Jimenez imelda.jimenez@austinisd.org
The Third Grade Team
Semana 10/ Week 10
Estimadas familias de third grado:
We had such a great first couple of weeks with your kiddos! It’s been such a joy getting to know them and start building a community together.
Week 8 We are learning….
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish): Los estudiantes escucharán, leerán y verán una variedad de textos y medios que les presentarán información sobre importantes documentos y símbolos de Estados Unidos.
Math (English): IThe student will learn to use the commutative property to multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number.
The student will learn to use the associative property to multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number.
Science (Spanish): Los estudiantes demuestran y describen las fuerzas que actúan sobre un objeto a distancia, incluyendo el magnetismo.
Development (English): The student will learn how to write an informational text using text evidence to support my answer.
Social Studies (English): Let Freedom Ring
Coming Up:
October 22- Spirit Night at Chuy’s
Friday October 25: Fiesta Sunset Valley
October 21-25: Book Fair
October 21-25: Transportation Appreciation week for employees
Continue to check your students’ take-home binder
Thank you very much for your support and understanding. It is our job to answer your questions and work together to best help your children. Please do not hesitate to reach out.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Ashlinn Rutherford ashlinn.rutherford@austinisd.org
Olga Sosa olga.sosa@austinisd.org
Imelda Jimenez imelda.jimenez@austinisd.org
The Third Grade Team
Semana 9/ Week 9
Estimadas familias de third grado:
We had such a great first couple of weeks with your kiddos! It’s been such a joy getting to know them and start building a community together.
Week 9 We are learning….
Spanish Language Arts (Spanish): Los estudiantes serán capaces de reconocer las ideas principales en un texto informativo. Y elaborar un ensayo descriptivo.
Math (English): We are still in our second week of the multiplication unit. The students will learn how to multiply using different strategies and methods.
Science (Spanish): Los estudiantes demuestran y describen las fuerzas que actúan sobre un objeto a distancia, incluida la gravedad.
ELA/Reading/Social Studies: Phonological: Students will be able to decode 3 letter blend words, manipulate phoneme changes. The student will be able to find text features in a text and write an SCR on a story using text features. The student will also learn about the cross-linguistic vocab skill connections between ELA and SLA.
Social Studies: We are moving to a new unit that is also apart of ELA and it is called “ Let Freedom Ring”. The students will be learning about how government and the different parts this week.
Coming Up:
Story Wranglers-Last week
Parent-Teacher Conferences: Monday, October 14 (No School) (Homeroom teacher will send a signup with available dates and times, not all conferences will need to be on this day)
Vision and Hearing Screening Schedule: October 21- October 25
Last day for report cards is Friday
Book Character Parade (must be school appropriate)- October 31st on the track
Book Fair: October 21-October 25
Intervention time will officially start on October 21st as the last couple of weeks we have been in trainings for this
Stations/Rotations have started and/or will start this week or next as well as small groups
Story Wranglers will continue to come every Tuesday for the next 5 weeks.
Continue to check your students’ take-home binder
Homework: Math packet is for the reminder of the semester, this is based solely on their MAP scores and what they need to improve on
Math homework every week is the parent letter with the choice board. For these next two weeks they can work on it throughout since it is the same unit. However, we will start dividing soon, so a new letter will come home for that week. A new letter will also be sent home this week.
Thank you very much for your support and understanding. It is our job to answer your questions and work together to best help your children. Please do not hesitate to reach out.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Ashlinn Rutherford ashlinn.rutherford@austinisd.org
Olga Sosa olga.sosa@austinisd.org
Imelda Jimenez imelda.jimenez@austinisd.org
The Third Grade Team
Semana 8/ Week 8
Please take a look at what's coming up this week:
What we are working on and learning this week:
Math: We are continuing to work on adding and subtracting using strategies. This week we are going to continue with the number line as well as regrouping.
ELA: We are working on Poems and figurative language. They will learn how to write and read a poem and it's elements, as well as finding and using figurative language. The students' will be able to create a poem using figurative language.
Social Studies: The students will be learning about maps and globes. They will be able to tell the similarities and differences of maps and globes.
SLA: Aprenda a leer y escribir un poema, sus elementos y el lenguaje figurado.
Ciencias: Aprender los diferentes estados de la materia y que hace cada uno.
CLI/SEL: Morning meeting, t-shirt handprint activity. This will not only build the classroom environment but also the grade level and will help with team building and friendships.
Reminders/ Upcoming Dates:
•Plain white or an old t shirt with name on it by Friday for CLI activity
•Field trip forms due by Wednesday (can’t go without them)
•No school October 3rd or 4th
Parent teacher conferences: 10/14 (no school for students)
If interested in volunteering for the field trip, message your homeroom teacher. 1st 3 to reply will be able to go. You can ride on the bus.
October 2nd Field Trip
No school October 3 or 4th
The 3rd grade team can't thank you all enough for the support have given and shown us over the last weeks! We are greatly appreciated by all of it and have really enjoyed working with you and your students! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out! Seesaw it best and easiest, however we also have our emails.
Ashlinn Rutherford: ashlinn.rutherford@austinisd.org
Olga Sosa: olga.sosa@austinisd.org
Imelda Jimenez: imelda.jimenez@austinisd.org