Panther Press
October 2024 - Week of 10/14/24
Weekly Highlights
A FULL short week of school!
- The Rhoda Guest Readers visited classrooms to share stories!
- NWEA has been wrapping up and we are so excited to see the strong results from our students!
- We are looking forward to welcoming parents and families into school for conferences - if you haven't signed up yet - please do so!
If you have any questions, please reach out at any time. I am always happy to hear from our Park Avenue families!
Mrs. Stephanie Marris
Fall Parent & Teacher Conferences
Dear Park Avenue Parents & Guardians,
One again, our school is using using to make signing up for conferences with your child's teachers easy and convenient!
If you have not already signed up, please do so now!
You may indicate you would like a phone call instead of an in person conference if that is easier for you!
Please use the following link to access conference schedules for your child's homeroom teacher:
We look forward to welcoming all of our families and friends into our school to celebrate the growth and progress of our students!
October is Fire Safety Month!
Transportation Changes?
Please Note: Transportation changes need to be made before 2:45 PM in order to avoid confusion at dismissal time. We appreciate your help in addressing this challenge! Thank you!
Please update your family forms in Power School!
We are trying to get to 100%!
Please log in to be sure you have updated your information!
The following forms need to be updated for each child in your family - either on paper copy or on your Power School parent account! CLICK HERE to access Power School!
* Economic Status
* "Back to School" Information Update
* Health Information
* Technology Release Form
A Year Later: Talking with kids after tragedy
As the Lewiston & Auburn communities remember the events from last October 25th, there may be times when students have questions parents are not able to answer, or have the right words for.
Our school counselor, Mrs. Cindy Smith, has shared this resource as a tool for families who may need language to support difficult conversations.
If you have questions, or need further assistance, please contact the school.
Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Families and Educators
How We Keep Students Safe
Safety is our first priority. This is why we have high expectations for student behaviors. It is why we train to evacuate and we train for intruders. Every staff member has multiple ways to access administration and are capable of making emergency calls as needed.
All the doors are locked all the time, external and internal
There are hard wired phones in each room
Cameras that are observed
Secure front entrance
Badged staff
Practice safety measured
We do not have unannounced visitors
Staff have multiple communication devices to contact others for immediate assistance
Wednesday, October 2nd
Early Release Wednesday → Dismissal @ 1:00
School Committee Meeting @ 6:00 - Auburn Hall
Tuesday, October 8th
School Picture Day!
Wednesday, October 9th
Full Day Wednesday → Dismissal @ 3:00
Friday, October 11th
NO SCHOOL - Workshop/Comp Day
Monday, October 14th
NO SCHOOL - Indigenous People’s Day
Wednesday, October 16th
Full Day Wednesday → Dismissal @ 3:00
Panther Day - Wear Green & Gold!
School Committee Meeting @ 6:00 - Auburn Hall
Wednesday, October 23rd
Early Release Wednesday → Dismissal @ 1:00
Parent & Teacher COnferences → 1:30 - 3:15 PM
Wednesday, October 30th
Early Release Wednesday → Dismissal @ 1:00
Parent & Teacher Conferences → 1:30 - 3:15 PM
Learn how you can support our Parent & Teacher Organization!
Click this link to support our school community!
Save the dates! -->
Our next meetings will be on Tuesday, November 12th and Tuesday, December 3rd @ 5:30 PM in the Park Avenue Library
What's Happening at Park Avenue?!
3rd Grade Narrative Writing!
Ms. Matthew's class has published and displayed their narrative pieces!
Fist grade math problems!
Miss Sterling's class
New Story Walk book is up - check it out!
One Green Apple has been put up by Ms Matthew's 3rd graders!
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures: 2024-2025 School Year
**In response to delays at arrival and dismissal, including a high number of families dropping off and picking up students, we will continue to assess and adjust our plans, as necessary, to create the smoothest process possible. We appreciate your patience and support.**
Students should be entering and exiting the school using assigned doors.
No students will be allowed in the building prior to 8:00 a.m.
Dismissal will begin at 2:50 for walkers and early bussers, and 3:00 for Parent Pick Up
Student arrival and dismissal routines are as follows:
Parent Drop-Off for Student Arrival
Students MAY NOT arrive at school prior to 8:00.
Student arrival is from 8:00 - 8:25
All students will be dropped off to the left of the school at the gymnasium entrance.
Parents: Please follow the guidance of staff and remain in your vehicles at all times.
Parent Pick-Up for Student Dismissal
All students should be picked up in the side parking lot outside the gymnasium.
Staff will bring students out to vehicles as parents arrive.
Parents: Please follow the guidance of staff and remain in your vehicles at all times.
Walker Arrival
Walkers may arrive between 8:00 - 8:25.
Walkers will enter through the front main entrance.
Walker Dismissal
Walkers will be dismissed at 2:55.
Walkers will be dismissed through the side entrance to the playground.
Bus Arrival
Buses will arrive between 8:10 - 8:25.
Bus Dismissal
Bus dismissal will be from 3:00 - 3:30.
ONLY buses are allowed in the bus circle during the hours of 8:00-3:30.
If you require a handicapped parking spot, please access the designated spaces in the side parking lot.
Please remain in your vehicles at all times. If you must exit your vehicle, please be sure you are in a designated parking spot.
Health and Wellness Policy
Park Avenue Elementary School
Location: 161 Park Avenue, Auburn, ME, USA
Phone: (207) 333 - 6657