The Rise Up Family Newsletter
August 28, 2024
Letter from the Principal
Greetings and Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year,
We are preparing for this new and exciting school year!!! I look forward to working with all of you in a collaborative manner! I look forward to creating a PPA Parent Group, intense discussions during community talk sessions, feedback in support of YOUR SCHOLAR, and learning more about your culture and strengths that we can uplift at PPA.
Let’s discuss some PPA news!
Students that are driving. This information is important for our student drivers. Please note that students that do not park in the designated student parking session:
First offense- a verbal warning and ask to move their vehicle to the proper area
Second offense- parent communication
Ongoing offenses will be discussed with families and hopes of a resolution
Scholars should be prepared to learn on the first day. Those that turned in Chromebooks will be able to pick them up from the main office. If you have a Chromebook please bring it to school on the first day. We will not give students new Chromebooks, if they have one or more already checked out to them Please have your scholar return any damaged Chromebooks to the main office.
If you missed last weeks information it is shared below:
First off, this may not be the best information but I must share… Mr. V. has retired. He will no longer be with us at PPA. I am in the process of hiring a new Youth Advocate and would like to have a student on the interview team. Reach out to Ms. Sconiers at nsconi@sunprairieschools.org if you would like to be on the interview team.
Let’s share a warm PPA welcome to our new advisor, Matt Reines. Matt comes to us with loads of experience in ELA, being an author, and having a love for Fine Arts. Welcome to PPA Mr. Matt, you will be an outstanding asset to PPA!!
Teddy’s Place at PPA is underway!!!!! If you are not aware.. Teddy’s Place is a childcare facility in Sun Prairie that will have a place in PPA in support of our school-aged parents. We are truly excited to have an opportunity to support students and remove barriers.
Upcoming dates:
*August 29th- Back to School Night- 4:00 PM- 6:00 PM (meet advisors, gather school supplies, grab a treat)
*September 2nd- Labor Day (no school)
*September 3rd-First day of school (Woo Hoo)
*September 20th-Picture Day
I look forward to sharing more communication with our PPA community!!!
Be well,
Ms. Sconiers
Office updates
Attendance line: 608-834-6900 Line 1
Please use this number when calling in a student for an absence, illness or an appointment.
You can call the office at 608-834-6900 ext. 5507 for any reason that your student will be absent.
School day is from 9:00am - 3:20pm.
Classrooms at work
Hey ya’ll, my name is Matt Reines (Rye-Niss) and I am the new guy here. I have worked as an educator in Madison and Verona since 2006. I am also a professional actor and author, and I’m excited to bring my knowledge into Prairie Phoenix. Some of you will receive a text message from me through an app called Remind so that we can get in contact. Otherwise, if you would like to reach me my email is mjreine@sunprairieschools.org.
Hi I am Rhonda, the building substitute teacher at PPA. I am looking forward to the new school year working with the PPA staff and students.
Welcome Back, everyone! I am so excited to start my 4th year at PPA as an advisor. This school year I’m looking forward to starting Hugga Mugga Cafe again as well as teaching some new classes I have planned. It should be a great school year and I can’t wait to see all of our new and returning students.
GEDO Happenings:
I’m looking forward to working with all of our GEDO2 students this year. Reminder: GEDO2 runs each day from 9:00-12:00 (doors open at 8:30). Students can eat lunch afterwards if they’d like, in which case they’d be done at 12:35.
-Ryan Lenard
Abeyance Happenings:
For those participating in abeyance, it is at PPA from 1:00-3:00, Monday through Thursdays (during days we have school). There is no school for abeyance students on Fridays.
Student Services
Welcome back PPA! Student services is ready to welcome you and assist you in lots of different ways! You can reach out about academic planning, disability accommodations, community resources, mental health, housing, transportation, attendance, and more.
Ellie Donaldson, Social Worker: ehdonal@sunprairieschools.org
Annetta Wright, School counselor: alwrigh@sunprairieschools.org
Sheri Mclean, Administrative Associate: semclea@sunprairieschools.org
Notes from the Nurses Office
Does your student need to have medication kept at school ?
If so, please fill out the attached Medication form .
Prescription medication your health care provider will need to complete and sign the form as well as a parent /caregiver.
Non prescription medication a parent/caregiver will need to fill out and sign the form.
Please bring the labeled medication container and completed forms to the school health office at the start of the school year.
If you have any questions please email slbilli@sunprairieschools.org
Medication Administration Form
My name is Mrs.Ayanna and I am your Community Schools Site Coordinator here at PPA. I have the wonderful privilege to connect with you all to find useful resources in our community, as well as planning activities and events for our students to elevate the skills and understanding around post secondary education! The school pantry and clothing closet is all stocked and ready for use, reach out if there are items that are specifically needed. See you all soon!
Bus Lost and Found
Kobussen has a Lost & Found for items left on the bus. The driver keeps the lost item on the bus for a few days, then turns it in at the Kobussen terminal. If your child has a lost item don’t forget to check with Kobussen. Feel free to stop by the terminal at 1500 Forward Drive, Sun Prairie or call (608) 825-8700.
Autobús perdido y encontrado Kobussen tiene un Lost & Found para artículos dejados en el autobús. El conductor guarda el objeto perdido en el autobús durante unos días y luego lo entrega en la terminal de Kobussen. Si su hijo tiene un artículo perdido, no olvide consultar con Kobussen. No dude en pasar por la terminal en 1500 Forward Drive, Sun Prairie o llame al (608) 825-8700.
Prairie Phoenix Academy
Email: nsconi@sunprairieschools.org
Website: https://www.sunprairieschools.org/prairie-phoenix-academy-home
Location: 220 Kroncke Drive, Suite 13 Sun Prairie, WI 53590, USA
Phone: 6088346901