Gator Bites
November 14, 2024
Principal's Corner
Thank you so much Gator Nation for your understanding and respect this week as we honored Officer Dunn and supported our friend and alumni, Officer Bethany Grusing. Our community was amazing during the end of Officer Dunn’s memorial service which closed the roads around us at 3:20pm! Yep, right at the carpool time. Watching the helicopters honor him right over our property during carpool brought a special feeling to my heart. I am so grateful for the men and women who keep us safe day and night. Our hearts and prayers are with Bethany as she continues her healing process.
We’ve enjoyed some fun in the snow and I really appreciate the parents who support their kids at play by making sure they have a pair of shoes to change into after playing outside with the snow boots. We are watching the GIANT snowballs melt…..
Enjoy the LASA Glow Party tomorrow. We are expecting a really large community turnout and we are so excited to celebrate the awesome families at LA. We have the BEST Gator Nation.
I am excited to see our students in grade K-3 at their music performance on Monday. These kiddos have been working hard with Ms Anderson and have some great talent to share.
GO Gators!
Upcoming Events
Zoology Elective
Mr. B's class had a once in a lifetime opportunity to see the zoo in a very special way. Mr. and Mrs. B's nephew Troy B works as a zookeeper in the tropical discovery at the Denver Zoo. The students had a unique opportunity to go backstage of tropical discovery. The students got to feed a rare iguana, watch the crocodile be fed, and the best of all, students went upstairs in the canopy to see the mother sloth with her baby. A special thanks to Mrs. Stephens for helping with the field trip.
Proud of our LA Gator Alumnus!
Littleton Academy alumnus Porter Warren signed his letter of intent to run cross country for The University of Pennsylvania next fall!
Porter started cross country for our Gators in middle school and we wish him congratulations on his accomplishment!
Please let us know if you have news on any of our alumni. We love to share and celebrate their success!
Work as a Substitute at Littleton Academy
We’re excited to announce that we've partnered with ESS to manage our substitute program, the same company that provides all the substitutes for Littleton Public Schools! Moving forward, they will be responsible for recruiting, credentialing, hiring, placing, and managing all substitute teachers at Littleton Academy. If you are interested in substituting at Littleton Academy please visit https://ess.com/apply/ to apply today!
Volunteer for Lunch and Recess
As a reminder each family needs 20 hours of volunteer time for Littleton Academy. A great way to do this is to volunteer for lunch and recess! Click here to sign up!
Communications Director Wanted
LASA is looking for a replacement Communications & Technology Director to join the LASA Board. The position has the following duties:
1. Conduct all correspondence as directed by the LASA Board.
2. Manage LASA Website, Facebook page and manage email tool, Mail Chimp.
If you are interested please contact the LASA President at president@lasalittletonacademy.com
Pre-Order the Fall Concert Video!
Scan the QR or click here to pre-order the professionally produced K-3 Fall Concert Video!
Middle School Parents - Please Sign Up!
Our Student Leadership Council is throwing this party! Please sign up to contribute games, food or join the fun and volunteer to chaperone!