December 2023
Greetings New Hope High School Champions and Families
Dear Parents and Students,
As we embark on another exciting semester, I want to take a moment to emphasize the importance of attendance and diligent work on credits. Your commitment to these fundamental aspects of your high school journey lays the foundation for your future success, both academically and beyond.
To Parents:
Your support and encouragement are invaluable in fostering a positive learning environment for your children. By emphasizing the significance of attending classes regularly and staying engaged in their coursework, you reinforce the message that education is a priority. Your involvement in their academic pursuits not only motivates them but also demonstrates the value you place on their educational journey.
Encourage open communication with your children about their school experiences. Take an interest in their progress, celebrate their achievements, and offer assistance when challenges arise. By being actively involved in their education, you instill a sense of responsibility and accountability that will serve them well in their future endeavors.
To High School Students:
Your high school years are an opportunity to lay the groundwork for your future aspirations. Each day presents a chance to learn, grow, and move closer to your goals. Attendance is key to maximizing these opportunities. By attending classes consistently, you not only acquire essential knowledge but also demonstrate your commitment to your education and your future.
Similarly, staying on track with your credits is essential for your academic progress. Take ownership of your learning journey by prioritizing your assignments, studying diligently, and seeking help when needed. Remember, each credit earned brings you one step closer to graduation and opens doors to a world of possibilities.
As you navigate the challenges and triumphs of high school, remember that you are not alone. Your parents, teachers, and school community are here to support you every step of the way. Together, let's strive for excellence, embrace learning opportunities, and build a future filled with success and fulfillment.
Best wishes for a productive and rewarding semester ahead!
I believe in you. If you need help come see me.
Much Love,
Gina Hutchins
February 8th - 120th Day of School
February 13th - School Board Meeting
February 13th - Quarter 3 Progress Reports
February 16th - Early Release at 1:45pm
February 16th - Basketball Homecoming
February 19th - President's Day Holiday, No School
March 8th - End of 3rd Nine Week Quarter (140th Day of School)
March 12th - School Board Meeting
March 18 - 22nd - Spring Break
March 28th - Parent - Student Conference Day
March 29th - Good Friday - No School
Sports Schedules - Click on picture
Athletics Page
GRADUATION Requirements
Seniors time is dwindling away. Do you know where you stand when it comes to graduation or your next step to your future? Please make arrangements to meet with Mrs. Hernandez or Mrs. Hutchins to see where you are at and what you need to make it across the stage in May.
Early College Applications Now Open
All Early College Applications are Due Friday, March 8, 2024 @ 3:00.
What is Early College?
Early College High School is a program that allows Lovington High School students to enroll in college-level courses offered by New Mexico Junior College. Courses are taken simultaneously to earn credit toward high school diploma and post-secondary degree/ certificates. This pathway is cost effective and may save parents extra money. However, if students are competing for rank parents must understand that this will drop them as they will have 5 classes in their schedule as opposed to 7. Some of the courses taken at NMJC are honors weighted and will be those that we offer here at LHS as well through our Dual Credit ITV program. However, the other courses that are not offered at LHS do not get honors weighting.
Overall, Early College is a great program for college bound students and want the in person experience. As an Early College student you would attend New Mexico Junior College on a daily basis per your schedule. Your application gets reviewed by the Early College Committee and the student who meets college readiness standards is offered the opportunity to attend Early College. This is a process! In the meantime I encourage you to apply to New Mexico Junior College and stop by the Counseling office for your form to take the ACCUPLACER at NMJC.
Below are the detailed instructions.
Students interested in Early College must do the following:
1. Apply to NMJC at :https://www.nmjc.edu/admission/apply_online/index.aspx and get and A# This will be given to them at the end of the application or may take 5-7 business days to process. If so, they must contact NMJC help desk to get their A# follow this link: https://www.nmjc.edu/admission/ask_nmjc/index.aspx
2. Make an appointment at NMJC testing center to take the ACCUPLACER here: https://www.nmjc.edu/resource_service/testing/placement.aspx
3. Pick up a form from LHS permitting them to take the test signed by one of the LHS Counselors.
4. Fill out the Early College Application
5. Student will also be rated by their core teachers. We will send each of them a recommendation letter link to fill out.
Accuplacer information
Students may take the first test free after the first attempt it will be $5 fee. Students must wait 2 weeks in between attempts. Students must pass all areas of ACCUPLACER and be placed into College level courses to meet the requirements for the program.
Study Resources
· Web Based Study AP: Sign up for free practice tests https://accuplacerpractice.collegeboard.org/login
· Information on taking the Accuplacer test and sample questions: Downloadable and printable study booklets/practice tests https://accuplacer.collegeboard.org/student/practice
· ***Free Accuplacer Practice Test: http://www.accuplacerpracticetest.com/
· Sign up for free month by month college prep guide from Kaplan Test Prep: (This website also has great resources for applying for college) https://www.kaptest.com/college-prep/kaplan-college-planner#download
Accuplacer testing is by appointment. Students must first apply to NMJC and be accepted then pick up a permission voucher in the Counseling office to take the ACCUPLACER at NMJC prior to testing. The first time is free after there is a $5 fee. If students didn't get placed into College level courses on the ACCUPLACER they must retest. Retesting can be done every two weeks. We recommend students to take it as early as possible.
Scholarship Opportunity
FASFA Completion Scholarships: Once you submit your FASFA apply for the monthly grading. You can win $500.
No Deadline. For more information visit: https://www.nmeaf.org/scholarships
DISCOVER STUDENT LOANS SCHOLARSHIP AWARD: Discover Student Loans is giving away $100,000 in scholarships. Students can get tips and resources on paying for college and enter for a chance to win a $2,500 scholarship award. No purchase or student loan is necessary. Monthly drawing.
No Deadline. For more information visit: https://scholarship.collegecovered.com/rules.html
UNM CAMP SCHOLARSHIP: Must be a U.S. citizen or U.S Permanent Resident, Must be a first-time freshman and attend UNM full-time, Must demonstrate financial need One of the following three statements must apply to you.
-Have you, or at least one immediate family member, spent a minimum of 75 days during the past 24 months as a migrant or seasonal farmworker?
-Or Are you eligible to participate, or have participated, in the Migrant Education Program (K-12) while in school.
-Or Are you eligible to participate, or have participated, in a National Farmworker Job Program or Department of Labor Employment Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
No Deadling: For more information visit: http://unmcamp.unm.edu/application/index.html
NM FRIENDS OF FOSTER CHILDREN AWARD: • Be between the ages of 17 and 25 (Note: previous scholarship recipients are eligible to reapply each year);
• Have been in the New Mexico foster care system for six months or longer at some point in your life (you are included if you were in the custody of the state of New Mexico due to abuse or neglect, even if you stayed with members of your extended family during that time)
No Deadline. For more information: http://www.nmffc.org/applications/
New Hope High School
Maria Hernandez - Secretary
Email: ginahutchins@lovingtonschools.net
Website: https://new.lovingtonschools.net/
Location: 601 North 5th Street, Lovington, NM, USA
Phone: 575-739-2416
Proud principal of our New Hope HS Champions.
"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." — Maya Angelou, American poet, and civil rights activist