Madera Mustang Message
February 5, 2025
Madera Vision and Mission
Vision: Madera will develop thoughtful citizens and empower young leaders to become active members in their school, community and government.
Mission: Madera teachers and staff will meet all students where they are, using best instructional practices to cultivate academic and social-emotional growth and success.
February 5th, 2025
Dear Mustang Families,
February is here! We have many things planned for the shortest month of the year, an author visit, Lunch with a Loved One, 4th and 5th grade Volleyball practices and tryouts, and so much more. Please continue to check all communications for updates.
Because the weather outside continues to be frightful, our students should be prepared for cold and windy weather especially at recess time!
Let's make this a great week!
Other communication modes are: The Madera Website (under construction)
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MaderaMustangs
Upcoming Events and Important Dates
February--Excellence--Commemorate US Presidents and African American Trailblazers
2/3--Volleyball Try-outs 2:15 for 4th/5th grade
2/6-Shortened Day Dismissal @12:55 P.M.
2/7--Wear Madera Blue/Spirit Shirt
2/7--Author Visit Day
2/7- Kindness Awards Assembly 8:00 Quad, --December and January Combined Character Award Assemblies 8:00AM at the flag pole
2/7--Volleyball Try-outs 2:15 PM 4th/5th grades
2/11- Student Council Meeting 2:30 PM
2/11-PTA Board/Association 2:30/4PM
2/14--Lunch With Your Valentine, Wear Red/Pink/White
2/17--No School--Presidents Day
2/20-PE Day
2/21–Wear Madera Blue/Spirit Shirt
2/28–Wear Madera Blue/Spirit Shir
Volleyball Try-outs for 4th and 5th Grade
Junior Olympics time is almost here! Madera will have a volleyball team if there is enough interest. Mark Donalson, a longtime volleyball coach for Junior Olympics has volunteered to coach. Try-outs for the team are open to all 4th/5th graders. The try-outs will be Monday, February 3rd and Friday February 7th, from 2:15-3:15. Your child must attend one (both are preferred if possible) of these try-out sessions to be considered for the team. Coach Mark will make his final team decisions on February 7th. Students do not have to have any volleyball experience at all to participate. Please note that your child must be able to commit to 2 after-school practices each week from now until Saturday, April 12th which is Jr. Olympics Day at SVHS. Days for practices will be decided after the team is chosen to account for other practices of team members. Please complete and return the permission slip by Monday, February 3rd, if your student intends to try out for the team. Please remember to pick your child up from try-outs promptly at 3:15 PM. Go Mustangs!
Nominations are due FRIDAY, February 7th!
Intent to Return to Madera Forms-Response Requested Please
As early as it is, we are now beginning to plan for the 2025-2026 school year, and we need your input to help us. It is important that we get an accurate count of returning students as soon as possible. Having this information as soon as possible will enable us to make appropriate staffing decisions for the next school year. Please complete one form per child.
Thank you for your help. Please complete this form by February 6, 2025. If you have already sent the paper copy of the form to the school office, you do not need to complete this form.
Parents of 5th graders need to complete school of choice and intent to register forms at the middle school.
Parents enrolling TK students need to enroll at the district office.
Parents of incoming Kindergarteners need to pick up an enrollment packet from the school office.
Thank you.
Author Shari Swanson to Visit Madera on Friday, February 7th, 2025
On Friday, February 7th, 2025 we will be hosting Author Shari Swanson. Ms. Swanson is a local author who has written two books, Gertie the Darling Duck of WWII and Honey the Dog Who Saved Abe Lincoln.
Ms. Swanson's books are available on Amazon and at other book retailers. If you wish to have the author sign your purchased copy of the book, please bring your book to school with the completed form below.
Junior Olympics Participation Information will be coming soon! Stay tuned!
Special Olympics Event-Register before February 15th!
Simi Valley Unified School District is proud to host a Special Olympics Event on Saturday, March 15th from 7:15 AM-11:00 AM at Royal High School. All students are welcome to participate.
Students and volunteers may register to participate using the following links: https://forms.gle/SSpUwGWLo9xoaZ1r8
Teams will be formed based on student registration and the completion of the event liability waiver which can be turned in to the school office. Please see the flyer and registration forms below.
Always bring your ID when coming to school! Visitor Sign in required!
Inclement Weather
Please help your child be mindful of the weather conditions each day and be prepared with weather appropriate clothing. As we move into the "winter" season, the weather is unpredictable. Students will continue to go outside to play at recess time. Please be sure that your child's clothing is also labeled with his/her name. Even in the cold weather, students who go outside to play and run around will leave jackets and sweatshirts on the playground as they heat up from activity. We want to try to get lost items of clothing back to rightful owners!
On inclement weather days, students are usually asked to go to the MPR for the morning until the bell rings and the teacher picks them up for class.
Madera Handbook
What do I do if my child is absent? Does my child have to stay home if he/she has a fever? Can I bring birthday treats? What time does school start? When is recess? Are crocs allowed in sport mode?
For answers to these questions and more, please review the following Madera Handbook information for important information about attendance, procedures, policies, school safety, and discipline. Please click the button below to access the handbook.
Want to give a positive shout-out to a Madera Staff Member?
Here is your chance to recognize and shout-out your appreciation for a staff member. Just complete this simple form! Click here: Positive Staff Shout out Form
Save the Dates! Family Calendar!
Communication is key to good planning!
Please mark the dates on your calendar.
All dates/times/events subject to change.
Madera and District Early Dismissal Day-Please mark your Calendars!
Incoming Middle School 6th Grade Students
We understand that every family has unique preferences when it comes to their child's education, and we are committed to accommodating those preferences to the best of our abilities. However, it's important to acknowledge that we expect the middle schools to be operating at full capacity. If your child plans to attend their neighborhood school then there is no action required or application to complete. The student information system will automatically transfer the student to their neighborhood school based on the primary address recorded in Aeries.
If your child does not wish to attend the next residential school then families should complete the school of choice application. If space allows, school of choice will be based on a lottery. Priority is given to those who will have a sibling currently attending 6th or 7th grade at the middle school of choice.
This form is only required if families wish to apply for a school other than the next residential middle school. It must be submitted on or before February 7, 2025. You will need the 6-digit student ID number. This is the ID number students use to purchase lunch (can be found in Aeries). It's important this ID is accurate when submitting the application.
Please follow the link below to fill out the School of Choice Application or visit our website.
If you have any further questions, please call your current school’s office for assistance.
Community Resources
Meals for February
The Dinner Site Calendar is linked here.
Meals are available to all families in need. Samaritan Center also serves breakfast and lunch. Families can also use the showers but need to meet with a caseworker at Samaritan Center to set this up.
Food Pantries
The Samaritan Center has a New Flyer: The pantry has changed its hours and format, Walk Through Only- Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:00 am - 12:00 pm.
Still Waters Cafe continues to serve as our local food pantry. A food pantry is also held in Moorpark at Moorpark College on Tuesdays from 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. More information can be found here. Here is a list of regional food pantries and dinner sites.
Samaritan Center Client Services (Spanish) and Laundry of Love (Spanish)
Digital Mental/Behavioral Health Resources
Children 0-12: BrightLife Kids - A CalHope Program by Brightline
Teens and young adults 13-25: Soluna | California's Mental Health App for 13 - 25-year-olds
Lunch With a Loved One
Dear Madera Families,
We would like to invite you to participate in “Lunch with your Loved One” on Valentine’s Day (February 14th). In order to make this event run smoothly, please see the information below.
Here are the details:
Complete the RSVP tear off sheet by Tuesday, February 11th. Return this sheet to the school office or your child’s teacher. By completing this form, we will be able to issue a RSVP pass for you as your sign-in for the event. Please complete one form for each of your children. If you do not RSVP by February 11th, you will need to complete the full check in process in the office on the 14th. If you have not been through the raptor process, please plan to bring your ID in prior to the event date to register.
Plan ahead for food pick up, since there will be many families visiting local establishments and the lines may be long.
You will be allowed into the gates at your child’s designated lunch time. You will be issued a name tag to wear while on campus, based on your RSVP.
Please plan ahead for parking. Parking is limited, but parents may utilize the far back lot and the front lot. No parking is allowed in the RED zones at any time.
Please proceed to the front gate for check in and entry. NO one will be allowed to enter at any other gate.
Families may bring chairs and picnic blankets to use in the quad. All families may enjoy the quad area with their students.
Once students line up for recess, parents will be expected to exit the campus at that time in order for other families to enjoy lunch with their students. (parking and space is limited)
Here is a schedule of your student’s lunch times:
Lunch I (J/K, T/K, Kinder &1st) 11:15-11:35
Lunch II (Grades 2, 3 & 4) 12:00-12:20
Lunch III (Grades 5) 12:20-12:40
Teachers will also be taking part in this day as lunch buddies.
If you can’t attend, please consider putting a special note in your child’s backpack or lunch!
Family Corner
Daisy Update! She has grown to 38 inches and 205 pounds!
Student Services Clerk: Julie Killian (Bilingual--Spanish) julie.killian@simivalleyusd.org
Office Manager: Maritza Berreondo (Bilingual--Spanish)
Principal: Tracie Bowden tracie.bowden@simivalleyusd.org
(805) 520-6740