OES Family Newsletter
December 2024
Checkout Our OES Braves
Thank You!
Thank you families for all you do to help your students and Oakland Elementary School succeed. We appreciate you!
100% ID Check
Anyone that enters Oakland Elementary School must show a government issued ID. You must have a physical photo ID, not a picture of it on your phone. Thank you for adhering to our safety procedures.
Upcoming Important Dates
Monday, December 2, 2024 - Return from Fall Break
Friday, December 6, 2024 - Fall Picture Retakes
Friday, December 6, 2024 - Progress (Interim) Reports Issued through HAC
December 9-13, 2024 - Fall Book Fair
Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 6PM - 7PM - Reading Under the Stars Family Night
December 23 - January 3, 2024 - Winter Break
Regular School Attendance
Regular school attendance is foundational to a child’s educational success, social development, and future opportunities. By understanding the critical role attendance plays and actively working to prevent truancy and chronic absenteeism, parents can significantly influence their children's academic journey and overall well-being. Encouraging consistent attendance not only benefits the individual student but also contributes positively to the broader community and society as a whole.
If you’re experiencing challenges related to your child’s attendance, consider reaching out to your us here at OES for support and resources. Together, parents and educators can create a supportive environment that fosters regular attendance and sets the stage for lifelong success.
Scholastic Book Fair
Dear Families,
Get ready—the Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school! This is a great opportunity to connect with your child over the thrill of bringing home new books to dive into again and again. Studies show that kids read more when they choose books for themselves. And fostering a love of independent reading leads to a wide variety of benefits—including academic success and improved mental health.
Here’s everything you need to know about the Book Fair:
Dates: December 9th to December 13th
Location: Media Center
Family shopping night will be on Thursday, December 12th from 6:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.
There’s even more info on our school’s Book Fair homepage:
While you’re there, set up a Book Fair eWallet, the digital payment account that allows your child to shop for books at the Fair without cash. Then share your eWallet link so friends and extended family can add funds.
When you fund an eWallet, you’ll have the opportunity to contribute to a giving initiative called
Share the Fair™. Your contributions directly support our students who need help buying books
from the Fair. Also, every purchase at the Fair benefits our school!
Many of us still remember the rush of finding the perfect book at a Scholastic Book Fair. I hope you’ll join your child at our school’s Fair and share a reading experience they’ll remember forever.
Happy reading,
Candace Myrick Bynum, PrinciPAL
Delrose Morgan, Media Specialist
On Going Announcements
The link to this week's application is https://forms.gle/mUj1RF7bxvqRvZka7
If at anytime parents need to change transportation, please communicate this with your child's teacher in writing.
Car Rider Procedures
- Please have students exit the car nearest the sidewalk (passenger side).
- Parents are asked to remain in their vehicle.
- Please do not pass cars or double park, forcing students to walk in traffic.
- Please follow the direction of the car rider staff.
- Drop off is at Door #4. Students should not be dropped off at the front entrance unless they are late for school.
- Students that arrive after 9:25 a.m. have to be escorted in the building through the front entrance by a parent/guardian.
Student Pick Up - 3:40 - 4:00 p.m.
- Your 2024-2025 Tag must be visible until your child is in the car with you.
- Please be prepared to present your photo ID.
- Please refrain from lining up for pick up prior to 3:30 p.m. to avoid traffic backup on Godwin Blvd.
- Please follow the direction of the car rider staff.
- Parents are asked to remain in their vehicle.
Those arriving after 4PM may need to enter through the front entrance and sign their student out from the front kiosk.
Dear OES Parent/Guardian,
This school year parents can reach out to me directly to check-in on students using this Google form. Unless it's an emergency, I will pull the student during their resource time and talk to them. If you should have any concerns for your child, please feel free to complete this form. I will be in contact with you. Please give me 24-48 hours from receipt of the request to follow-up with you.
If you have any questions or concerns about referring students please contact Kandace Taylor-Tysinger, Professional School Counselor at kandacetaylor-tysinger@spsk12.net.
Kandace Taylor-Tysinger, Ed. S.
Counselor Experience/Focus Areas: Adverse Childhood Trauma, Developmental Disorders, Case Management, Outpatient Therapy, Assessment, Education, Advocacy, Mental Health Disorders, Crisis Counseling and Community Outreach, CAMS
Lunch with Students
Attendance Matters
If your child must be absent from school please be sure to notify the front office. You may send in a paper note or email our attendance clerk, Mrs. Moore at robinmoore@spsk12.net.
Approved Snack List
We've seen an increase in parents trying to bring snacks for his/her students' classmates. While we truly appreciate this form or kindness, sharing food is discouraged for many health reasons. If you must bring in a snack for the class please ensure your items are on the SPS approved list.
Approved Snack List
Below is a list of suggested snacks that parents may bring for classroom celebrations and school parties:
Fresh Fruit
Special K Red Berry Bars
Frozen Yogurt
Quaker Rice Crisps
Baked Cheetos
Oven Baked Potato Chips (Frito Lay)
Wheat Thin (Nabisco)
See the Amazon Healthier Generation Smart Snacks online store for additional items such as:
Pepperidge Farm, 100 calories Whole Grain Cheddar Goldfish
Doritos, Reduced Fat
Nutri-grain Cereal Bars- Mixed Berry
Honey Maid, Teddy Grahams
Cheetos, Cheese Puffs Reduced Fat
Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Treats Whole Grain
General Mills, Simply Chex Snack Mix
Cheetos, Fantastix Flamin Hot
More details on SPS policy linked here.
Safety First!
- Morning drop off is from 9:00 - 9:25 a.m. Parents should remain in his/her vehicle and join the car rider drop off line to drop students off at door number 4.
- If students arrive anytime after 9:25 a.m. parents must park and escort his/her student into the building and sign the student in as tardy. Be sure to have a government issued photo ID.
- Please always have a government issued photo ID available when coming to Oakland Elementary.
- When entering the building you may only enter through the main entrance (door 1) and must ring the buzzer. (Please do not allow others into the building, everyone must be buzzed in by office staff.)
Volunteers Welcomed
Communication/Home Access Center
Please make sure that the school keeps updated contact information on file for you. We should have an updated phone number, email address, and mailing address. This information is used to keep you informed of upcoming events and important school topics.
Also, please check Home Access Center (HAC) frequently to ensure that you are updated on your students' academic progress.
Oakland Elementary School
Website: oes.spsk12.net
Location: 5505 Godwin Boulevard, Suffolk, VA, USA
Phone: 757-923-5248
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheOaklandElementary
Twitter: @OES_Braves