Hillside United Methodist Church
July 2024 Newsletter
Pastor' Jenny's Corner
Welcome Pastor Jenny White
Pastor Jenny White joins Hillside United Methodist Church after serving Otwell United Methodist Church for 10 months as pastor. Pastor Jenny completed License to Preach School in Fall of 2023 and received a License in Local Pastoral Ministry in January 2024. Pastor Jenny also brings her prior experience of serving as a Director of Family Ministry at Centenary United Methodist Church for 1 year, Certified Lay Speaker in the United Methodist Church for 1 year, and Hillside United Methodist Church in a part-time staff position from 2012 to 2021. While serving at Hillside, she began as the Nursery Coordinator and ended as a Director of Early Childhood Ministry. Prior to being full time in ministry, Pastor Jenny ended her 25-year healthcare career in medical records. Pastor Jenny lives in Patoka with her husband John and their two daughters, Jaleigh and Jaylen. In her free time, Pastor Jenny enjoys traveling, gardening, watching movies, and playing family games. Pastor Jenny is thrilled for the opportunity to serve at Hillside once again. Pastor Jenny and her family are looking forward to catching up with everyone and joining the Hillside Community.
Summer Special Music
Summer Special Music
Sun, Jun 2 – Mike Watkins
Jun 9 – Dan Robbins
Sun, Jun 16 – Rebecca Parker
Sun, Jun 23 – Venus & Jun Guinto
Sun, Jun 30 – Addi Robbins
Sun, Jul 7 – Rhonda Bozikis
Sun, Jul 14 – Austin Glover
Sun, July 21 – TBD
Sun, Jul 28 – Betty Farris
Sun, Aug 4 – Lizzie Weagley
Sun, Aug 11 – Sarah Bradley
Sun, Aug 18 – Gina Moore
Sun, Aug 25 – Zach Dean
Sun, Sep 1 – TBD
Sun, Sep 8 - Renee
“Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!” Psalm 100:4
In Psalm 100, David reminds us that thanksgiving is a gift that is given to us by the good and loving nature of our heavenly Father. Through every season of life we have a reason to give thanks because we serve a wholly faithful, good and loving God. We are privileged to serve the only ing who would lay down his life for his unworthy, rebellious servants. We serve a God perfectly worthy of all the praise and thanksgiving we could possibly give. When we use this incredible gift of thanksgiving, we remind ourselves of how truly good our omniscience, omnipresent and omnipotent God is.
When we give thanks, we experience the joy of a proper perspective and have our hearts stored by the renewing of our minds. Psalm 100:4 says, “Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!” When we come before God with thanksgiving, we seek the face of our Father while grounding ourselves firmly in the truth of his perfect nature. When we begin our days, our prayers, our worship, our reading, and our fellowship with a heart of thanksgiving, we live out of a place of faith and reality found in the kingdom of God come to earth.
Our God is bigger and better than our circumstances, fears, wounds, misconceptions, and past failures. There is security and joy in declaring the goodness, kindness, loving, and eternal nature of our Father. We dictate the emotions we feel by what we choose to dwell on and believe. Our minds are the battleground for our emotions, actions, and desire to dwell in communion with our good God.
Ephesians 5:20 says we are to be “giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” And Psalm 92:1-5 says:
It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night, to the music of the lute and the harp, to the melody of the lyre. For you, O Lord, have made me glad by your work; at the works of your hands I sing for joy. How great are your works, O Lord! Your thoughts are very deep!
Our hearts become glad when we offer continual thanksgiving. Five minutes of thanksgiving and praise has the power to change the direction of each day. It has the power to stir our hearts and make us open to and aware of God’s will for us in every situation. It fills us with an atmosphere of joy and of the Spirit. And it can greatly assist us in choosing the life of communion with the Father over the pursuits of the world as temptations and situations arise. May you be empowered and filled with transcendent joy as you engage in continual thanksgiving.
** Please remember that these numbers are for the income and expenses for May 2024 only. To see the actual accrued balances in these funds, please pick up a copy of the Balance Sheet from the kiosk in the lobby. May Financial Reports can be obtained from the Kiosk in the Church Lobby. For questions contact Sue Knopf, Finance Chair, or Sandy Nixon, Treasurer.
Spiritual Growth Opportunities
Sunday School Classes & Bible Studies
For High school and Middles School - 1Sunday School Classes for all ages are available on Sunday Mornings at 10 a.m.
M&M Class, RM6
New Beginnings, RM5
Son Seekers, RM4
Middle/High School, Upstairs
Children (4-5th Grade) - Preschool Room next to nursery.
Bible Study Opportunities
Monday Night Bible Study - On Hiatus until August
It will soon be time for Apple Pies!!!!!
Mark your Calendars for these important dates
The date for picking apples has been set for September 13th.
The dates for preparing and baking have been set for September 17, 18, 19.
We will have a complete list and quantity of supplies needed in the August Newsletter. However, if there is a sale or special on sugar, gold medal flour or Crisco feel free to purchase. Thanks for everyone's willingness to make this happen.
From Wilma Richardson – Wilma would like to thank the church Family for your cards, food, phone calls, transportation, prayers and kind words as she has been dealing with Randall’s health issues. Thank you for being the hands and feet and hugs and smiles of Jesus to both Wilma and Randall.
Judy & David Rawls – Judy and David would like to thank the church family for all of their prayers, cards, acts of kindness and the fellowship meal after Dick’s passing.
VBS – A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helped out with VBS!!! What an awesome time was had by all, the kids had a blast. And it would not have been possible without all of our wonderful volunteers.
2nd Monday Meal – BIG THANK YOU to all who helped with 2nd Monday Meal. Thank you for truly going above and beyond to provide the meal to the community.
Pics from VBS decorating
Pics from VBS decorating
Pics from VBS decorating
2nd Monday Meal
The 2nd Monday meal for July & August:
Menu for July 8th – Stuffed Baked Potatoes, Green Beans, Roll and Dessert.
Menu for August 12th – Hot Dogs, Baked Beans, Chips, Dessert.
If you would like a meal, you can call in your reservation for both or each month. To reserve meals for July and August, please call by 3 p.m., July 3rd. If you want to call in for each meal separately, please call July by 3 p.m., July 3rd and for August, by 3 p.m. August 8th. You may opt to dine at the church, pickup up your meal, or ask for delivery (for homebound; those with no transportation or don’t drive). Deliveries for the meals will begin at 3:45 p.m., day of the meal.; the Pickup Window (door #1) will be open from 4 – 6 p.m. day of the meal; and if you want to dine at the church, serving will be from 4-6, day of the meal.
As always volunteers are needed. The 2nd Monday meal would not be possible without all of those who come and help, we need volunteers in the kitchen, helping cut and box up desserts, help distributing pickup meals at the front door, and drivers to deliver. If you would like to help deliver meals, please be at the church by 3 p.m. day of. If you would like to help at the pickup door, be at the church by 3:34 p.m., day of. If you would like to donate a dessert, please have it to the church by 9 a.m. day of. Those helping with desserts or carryout, meal prep, cleanup, or getting everything ready to go out, please contact Gail Miller for time you need to be at church.
Family Builders Night
Family Builders Night
The 3rd Wednesday of Each Month
Will Resume in September
Baptism- Confirmation - Membership
On Sunday, June 9th, we celebrated with Lyric Johnson and her family as she was baptized, confirmed and received into membership at Hillside UMC.
Children's Sunday School Class
Children's Sunday School
Through your support of the church and its ministries we are able to help our children know and love Jesus and be excited by their faith.
Administrative Assistant Position
We are looking for a qualified individual to fill our Administrative Assistant Position. This is a part time position, 6 hours a day, Mon-Thu. (8:30-3 p.m.)
Interested individuals should contact the church office for more details or to fill out an application.
There are many ways to serve in the church – many ways for us to be the hands and feet, hugs and smiles of Jesus to those outside our doors and to one another. Please prayerfully consider where God might be asking you to use your spiritual gifts and talents to advance the Kingdom.
2nd Monday Volunteers needed
Our 2nd Monday Meal team delivers around 300+ meals each month. This meal would not be possible without our many volunteers. The 2nd Monday Meal team needs workers to help prepare the meals, box up the meals, box up the desserts, make desserts, cleanup, hand out meals at pickup door, and they are always in need of drivers to help deliver the meals. If you can help deliver meals, contact Gail Miller or the church office. Without volunteers we cannot be the hands and feet, hugs and smiles of Jesus to the world around us. Delivery drivers usually begin their routes around 3 - 3:30. Dessert donations should be to the church by 9 a.m. day of.
Prayer Tree
The Choir would Love to Have you sing with them!
The Choir would love to have you share your gift of music by joining them. The Choir practices on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the Worship Center. See Sandy Nixon with questions. The Choir will be on summer hiatus from May 27th - September.
There are many ways to serve within the church. We have openings on:
- Staff Parish
- Trustees (Technology sub-team; Columbarium sub-team)
- Finance
- Nominations
- Church Council
- NOW (especially with Hospitality)
- Choir
- Sunday School leaders & helpers (especially with children)
Without our various ministry teams, we cannot function as a
church. There are just a few folks carrying the load. Please consider being a part of one of our ministry teams. In your prayer time ask God where he can best use your gifts and talents. If you have questions contact, Pastor Mindy, Dick Blackburn or Sandy Nixon. Thanks to all who have already said, "Here I am Lord."
Sunday School Leaders for our Children
We are in need of folks who would be willing to lead Sunday School, with our kids. We need someone for either our 2nd-5th graders or our preschool-1st graders. Please prayerfully consider this vital ministry. If we want our young people to grow in discipleship and faith we have to be willing to help them. Contact Susan Woods or Pastor Mindy if you are interested.