Tustin High School News
Week of April 29-May 3, 2024
Tillers Tour CSU San Bernardino
CSUSB is one of 23 Cal State campuses and only one hour away from Tustin. Popular majors include Business, Nursing, Criminal Justice and Psychology, but there are many more to choose from. There are dedicated services and programs to support first generation college students since 81% of CSUSB students are first gen. To learn more, take a virtual tour at https://www.csusb.edu/the-college-tour.
Improv Show
Mrs. Sarah Hughes' Advanced Theatre Arts class put a lively and interactive improv show last Thursday and Friday. Students performed humorous on-the-spot scenes and games based on audience participation and suggestions. It was a great time for all who attended!
THS Middle School Soccer Tournament
For the second year in a row, THS Boys Soccer hosted a Middle School Soccer Tournament with our feeder middle schools: Columbus Tustin, Sycamore Magnet Academy and Utt. Each school sent two teams who faced off on Friday and Saturday at the Annex and Stadium. Championship games will be held on Friday, May 3 at 4:00 and 5:00 pm in the Stadium: CT vs Utt in the Varsity Final and SMA vs Utt in the JV Final.
The soccer tournament has provided middle school students an opportunity to experience high school athletics, build community across TUSD schools and keep middle school students engaged in the last quarter of the school year. Connecting and supporting other schools in the district is part of our work as a community school. Thank you to our Boys Soccer Coaches, especially Head Coach Hector Najera, for coordinating this opportunity!
TUSD Teachers of the Year!
Tiller News Today - April 24, 2024
Monday 4/29
- Var Boy's Golf @ Empire League Prelims @ Costa Mesa Country Club-1:00pm
- Swim Banquet-6:00pm-Cafeteria
Tuesday 4/30
- Var Boy's Golf to Empire League Finals @Costa Mesa Country Club-12:39pm
- AVID Field Trip to University of LaVerne
- Academic Department Awards- 3:45pm in the Little Theater
- Baseball Banquet-6:00pm in the Cafeteria
- Family Art Night-Room 600/232-5:30pm-7:00pm
- College Decision Day, THS Plaza, 10:24-11:05 AM
- Track Banquet-6:00pm in the Cafeteria
Thursday, 5/2
- Dance Team Mtg-5:45pm-Library
- Instrumental Music Banquet-6:00pm-Sports Pavilion
- Choir Banquet-6:00pm-Harbor Grace Church
- Saturday School- 8:00am-12:00pm
- THS Dance Team Spring Kids Camp-Cafeteria
- Track CIF -SS Division Prelims (Ontario HS)-Time TBD
May 1- Special Bell Schedule -College Decision Day
All seniors are invited to our annual College Decision Day Celebration to be held in the Tiller Plaza at 10:24 AM on Wednesday, May 1st! Join us for cupcakes, goodies, music, and pictures. Don’t forget to wear your #accepted or #enlisted shirts! We’re looking forward to celebrating our Class of 2024. Let’s finish strong and go Tillers!
Period 1 8:30-9:21
Period 2 9:27-10:18
CCR 10:24-11:05 (College Decision Day @ Plaza)
Snack 11:05-11:20
Period 3 11:26-12:17
Period 4 12:23-1:14
Lunch 1:14-1:44
Period 5 1:50-2:41
Period 6 2:47-3:35
Prom Shop
Students, if you are looking for something to wear to Prom, Reflections or graduation, stop by the Community Center in Room 805 during Snack or Lunch. There are dresses, shirts, blazers, pants, shoes and accessories! Everything is FREE!
Survey for Parents of English Learners
The Tustin Unified School District would like your assistance in meeting the needs of our Title I families and English Learner Students by sharing your input about the educational programs and services offered at your school. Thinking of your child’s school, please rate your level of agreement with the statements below for the 2023-2024 school year to date. If you have children at more than one school, you may take this survey once for each child. Your responses will be anonymous. The survey link can be found below but is also available at www.tustin.k12.ca.us. Hard copies are available in the Front Office. Thank you for your time in completing this survey and sharing your thoughts with us. Please return your completed survey to the school office no later than April 30, 2024.
Community Art Exhibition & Empty Bowls Fundraiser on May 8
The Tiller community is invited to the Community Art Exhibition and Empty Bowls Fundraiser on May 8 from 5:30-8:00 pm! The Community Art Exhibition, formerly known as Senior Visual Arts Night, will feature artwork created by Class of 2024 Seniors. This event will be held in conjunction with an Empty Bowls fundraiser for our community schools initiative. Food will be sold out of ceramic bowls and proceeds will go towards programs that support student physical, social-emotional and academic development.
E-Vehicle Safety Presentation-Wed. May 8
Tutoring Updates
Tutoring assistance will continue to be available Tuesday-Friday during Lunch from now through May 28, as well as during 6th period on Monday 4/29 and 5/6. Come to 805 on these dates and times for homework assistance!
UCI Future Leaders Initiative
UCI's Future Leaders Initiative (FLI) program application deadline has been extended to May 10.
The Merage School Future Leaders Initiative (FLI) guides, inspires, and empowers high school and community college students interested in pursuing business careers. A community outreach and certificate program consisting of remote and in person courses, FLI focuses on delivering a tailored business education, providing access to financial literacy courses, with the goal of encouraging university enrollment, increasing college readiness and preparing students for careers at the intersection of business, technology and entrepreneurship. The Future Leaders Initiative leverages UCI’s state-of-the-art educational resources, the expertise of globally renowned faculty and leading-edge curricula to offer hands-on mentorship and professional training in these crucial academic areas.
Sessions are held virtually on July 8 and in person from July 22-26 on the UCI campus. More info is available on the FLI webpage. To apply, please see the flier below or CLICK HERE.
Coastline ROP Classes
Coastline ROP
Coastline ROP is pleased to offer multiple (CTE) courses this summer! Their programs not only prepare students for college but also guide you in exploring and shaping your career path through hands-on training and industry connections. All courses are asynchronous – so no need to worry about attending a scheduled class meeting, transportation, or missing a planned trip.
Orange Coast College
Attention Seniors!!
Orange Coast College will be on campus this Monday, April 29th to help with the NEXT steps after orientation
WHEN: Monday 4/29
WHERE: College & Career Center Rm. 806
ROP courses are 10 elective credits, and some are UC-F approved – knock out your UC/CSU fine arts requirement!
- Media courses will have equipment available for your use.
- Complete a pathway over multiple summers and earn a CTE Pathway chord at graduation!
IVC Orientation
Attention Seniors! You applied to IVC and need to complete the Orientation? The Orientation will provide you with important information about your math and English/ESL placements, college policies, available services and resources, and IVC’s expectations of
you as a student.
Registration Workshops at THS
Need help to register for IVC classes? Attend this workshop! At the Registration Workshop, IVC counselors and staff will assist Tustin High students as they register for Fall 2024 classes.
TUSD Food Distribution Dates in May & June
Parent Presentation on Fetanyl
Tustin Family Resource Center is holding a parent workshop on the dangers of fetanyl on Thursday, May 2, from 6:30-7:30 pm at the Boys & Girls Club of Tustin (580 W. 6th St, Tustin CA 92780). The workshop is open to anyone in the community.
Instrumental Music Fundraiser at Handel's
Attendance Office (leave a message anytime day or night) - ext 87175
Counseling Office - ext 87160
College & Career Center - ext 87806
Discipline Office - ext 87155
Community Liaison - ext 87159
Library - ext 87103
Student Store - ext 87104