Growing Together @ STL
September 20, 2024

Leadership Message
This week marked many beautiful opportunities to connect with St. Luke students, families and our extended community.
I am so grateful and honoured to celebrate many children who have stepped up to offer their help. They were servant leaders this week, and I am so proud of them.
I am featuring four of them this week as some of our oldest student leaders in the school. They were celebrated at our GIFT assembly for helping me set up the Learning Commons. Without hesitation, they offered their help when they saw I needed some. My heart was bursting!
Thank you so much boys!
It was an exciting time for our PreKinders and Kinders who were able to spend some time in a semi-truck on Big Rig Day!
Thanks to our now-forever-friends at Western Star North and Mr. Corey Bilyk who brought a semi-truck with a sleeper cab! Children were able to climb inside and check it all out. Just look at all the pictures - they are so cute and the truck was huge! The kids were enthralled. I have to say, so was I. And when we honked the horn...So fun!
These are just a few examples of the rich and exciting learning that enhances the in-class learning at St. Luke. Thank you in advance to everyone who blesses our halls to enrichen the learning and growing of our children!
And to wrap up - we need to laugh!
Why did the Cookie go to the doctor?
Because it was feeling crumby. 😀😀😀
Yours in Christ and with much gratitude,
Mme Gravelle
Sunday, Sept. 22 - Hot lunch ordering closes for this week's orders
Sacrament of CONFIRMATION Classes begin this week: Click here to register
Monday, September 23
- First School Council Meeting @ 6:00PM - Come join us @ STL!!!
- Mrs. McCann away this week
Tuesday September 24
- Nature Infused Pre-Kinder & Kinder in class
- Girls Volleyball Practice 2:45pm - 4:00pm
- Deacon Lynn visits our 2/3 and 4 classes
Wednesday, September 25
- Girls Group 12:15PM
- Grade 6 Visit from School Nurse - Immunizations Info
- EICS CEPAC (Catholic Education Parent Advisory Committee) Meeting (Virtual) @ 6:30pm
- Nature Infused Pre-Kinder & Kinder in Class
- GIFT (Growing in Faith Together) Assembly in Library @ 8:15am - All families welcome!
- First Girls Volleyball Game 4:00pm - 5pm - Go Mustangs!
- Hot Lunch for those who ordered
- Terry Fox Run 1:15PM (starting in the gym) - Wear your bright colored clothing or safety vests; Walk/Run begins at approximately 1:15pm
Friday, September 27
- Orange Shirt Day
- Honouring Truth & Reconciliation - Whole School Orange Rock Prayer Activity
- Nature Infused Pre-Kinder & Kinder in Class
- Ethical Indigenous Learning Circle Smudge & Blessing in afternoon (PreK - 4 & 5-8)
Monday, September 30: No School
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Where did this prayer come from?
What does it mean?
Before we receive the Holy Eucharist, we pray this prayer. At our Growing In Faith Together Assembly we learned about where this prayer comes from and what it means. We read and talked through the scripture passage by our Patron Saint, Saint Luke, Chapter 7: Verses 1-10
Sacrament of Confirmation
Classes begin this week.
Click here or on the button below to register. Classes begin this week with lots of flexibility to accommodate families. Additional dates are listed for Semester two as well! Register in advance and reserve your place to celebrate this beautiful sacrament.
The whole school is going to be doing an rock activity next week as a Truth & Reconciliation reflection activity and we need rocks!
Have you Got Rocks?
We are looking for about 125 rocks that are approximately 2-3 inches in diameter. If you have some that you are willing to give to the school (we will display them at school once finished) please send them our way (preferably by end of day Wednesday). We will have a bin in the office for rock drop offs.
Thank you so much!!
Pre K & Kinder BIG RIG DAY!!
Our littlest friends got to take over the BIG RIG this week!
They explored the cab, honked the horn and even got to see how the big engine looks under the hood!
It was a fantastic day with our friends at Western Star North for the students...and even some staff!!
Collaborative Response Model
Our St. Luke Team participate in the the Collaborative Response Model where we gather information (anecdotal, assessment results, observations) about student needs and we respond together working by together to be part of the learning solution! It is a strengths-based approach to supporting all learners at St. Luke!
Please Complete Your Consent Forms
Please log into your Powerschool account and fill out your yearly consent for technology use, communication, fieldtrips and more. Please note that these forms must be completed before your child's first field trip or they may be unable to participate.
If you have not filled out the Demographic form sent out in June please complete it. This gives the school the most current information for your child and family. Alberta Ed requires families to complete this form yearly.
Thank you for taking time to do this. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Bilyk, St. Luke's fantastic secretary. She is delighted to help.
School fees will be added On October 1st. Teachers are still confirming this years fieldtrips.
Swimming Fun!!
Thanks Mrs. McCann!
Laughing Together is Healthy!
Why do eggs not tell each other jokes?
Because they crack each other up!!
Terry Fox Run & Walk - Need More Volunteers!
On Thursday September 26 from 1:30pm to 2:30pm we will participate in a Terry Fox Run, and run/walk through our South Cooking Lake Community. To help keep our St. Luke family safe and visible on the roads, we are calling on parents to walk/run with us or help give directions to those running/walking.
If you are able to help, thank you for taking a moment to let us know by completing this form or clicking the button below.
We will all begin in the gym at 1:15pm and then begin our walk/run at approximately 1:30pm . Children are encouraged to wear running shoes and bright colours. Red and White work great! (And we celebrate our National flag & colours!)
Thank you in advance to ALL of our volunteers! If you have any questions, please email stl@eics.ab.ca.
This Friday, September 27th, we will be honoring Orange Shirt Day. Please remember to wear orange as a symbol of support for Indigenous communities and recognition of the lasting impacts of residential schools. Throughout the week, our students will engage in various Indigenous activities, exploring the theme of reconciliation and learning what it truly means. Stay tuned to see the exciting school-wide activity we have planned!
We are also thrilled to announce that Knowledge Keeper- Rob Davies will be joining us on Friday to bless our new Ethical Indigenous Learning Circle. Rob will share the significance of the circle in Indigenous culture and explain how it can be incorporated into our learning. It will be a meaningful day of reflection and growth for everyone!
Let's celebrate our Grade 5 students!
This past week a few of our students won an Indigenous art contest with Strathcona County and will have their art displayed at the Community Center Agora on September 30th during the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation event with the County. Big congratulations to our talented St. Luke students!!
Parents VS Students Volleyball!!
See you Monday Sept. 23 @ 6:00pm
See you at our First of the Year School Council Meeting
Sept. 23 (Monday) at 6:00pm
In person at the school
If you'd like to join virtually, here is the google meet link:
St. Luke School Council Meeting
Monday, September 23 · 6:00pm
Time zone: Edmonton
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/agj-rbzi-jug
Hot Lunch Info
If your child is sick or there is not enough notice to cancel, you can let the team know via hotlunchstluke@gmail.com or via FB messenger if you'd like to have the hot lunch sent home with a sibling, or given to another student at school.
If you have any questions or require support setting up your account or ordering, please do not hesitate to contact Shelby Mistecki at hotlunchstluke@gmail.com.
You're Invited!
If you haven’t already, please join our School Council and Parent Association Facebook page! We are excited to offer this official space to share news and updates about events, fundraising, and more!
Questions or Want to Volunteer?
If you are interested in helping with the Welcome Back BBQ, get involved in events or have questions for St. Luke's School Council, please email stlukeparentassociation@gmail.com
Mark Your Calendars!
Our first School Council Meeting is in person on Monday, September 23 at 6:00pm. All parents with children at St. Luke are part of School Council and welcome to join each meeting. Together we plan events, discuss topics and support all children in successful learning and growing!
OLPH Parish News!
Family & Community Services: Support for You!
Family Resource Network - So Much to Offer!
Connect with other parents and caregivers, learn new skills, and support your child’s healthy development.
- Drop-in parented programs for kids 0 to 6 years old
- Registered programs for kids in grades 1 to 3 and grades 4 to 6
- Registered parenting skill-building sessions for a variety of age groups
- Special events for families and children of all ages
Check out the Fall FRN schedule here: https://bit.ly/3ySjZeo
Register for programs and learn more about Strathcona County's Family Resource Network at https://bit.ly/3RVAltj
Upcoming Events @ St. Luke
- 2 - Early Dismissal & School Spirit Day (Theme TBD)
- 4 - No School - Staff Learning Day
- 7 - Start of Read-In Week (If you'd like to come and read to students, please email stl@eics.ab.ca)
- 14 - No School - Thanksgiving Monday
- 18 - Prairie Gardens Field Trip K-3
- 20 - Catholic Education Sunday & Beginning of Catholic Education Week
- 21 - Grade 1/2 & Grade 4 Zoo School Begins
Parish Contact Information
OLPH (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish)
Masses at OLPH will be livestreamed. Please join using this link. https://www.facebook.com/olphsherwoodpark/videos/
Visit OLPH Website for more information about the parish and in regards to sacramental preparation.
St. Francis of Assisi Parish is administered by Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Sherwood Park. Please contact the parish for confession times and more information.
Clergy: Reverend Jim Corrigan, Pastor
Mass Time: Sunday 11:00
Email Address: StFrancisAssisi.Tofield(at)caedm.ca
5523 - 50 Street Tofield, AB T0B 4J0
See map: Google Maps
Phone: 780-467-5470School Contact Information
St. Luke Catholic School
Email: Stl@eics.ab.ca
Website: stl.eics.ab.ca
Location: 22139 South Cooking Lake Road, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-922-5920
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stlukeeics
Twitter: @stlcs_EICS