Principal's Update Trial
June 18th, 2024
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A Message From the Principal
Follow Dr. Kuykendall on Instagram @pvphsprincipal for his weekly messages about what's happening on campus.
In this video, Dr. K talks about some important summer updates at PVPHS including important dates for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.
Important Upcoming Dates for the 2024-2025 School Year
For the full 2024-2025 calendar, check out the District website HERE.
Registration information will be emailed to parents the first week of August.
August 14 - Registration (textbook pickup, locker selection, ID pictures)
August 15 - Freshmen Orientation
August 21 - First day of school (minimum day schedule)
Summer Reading Assignments
A Message from the School Nurse
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Per California Education Code, Section 49423, our school has a written policy to assure the safe administration of medication to students during the school day. If your child must have medication of any type, including over-the-counter drugs, given during school hours, you have the following choices:
1) You may come to school and give the medication to your child at the appropriate time(s).
2) You may obtain a copy of the medication form from the school nurse/health clerk, or the Palos Verdes Peninsula District website . Take the form to your child’s doctor and have him/her complete the form by listing the medication(s) needed, dosage, and number of times per day the medication is to be administered. This form must be completed by the physician for both prescription and over-the-counter drugs. The form must be signed by the doctor and by you, the parent or guardian. Prescription medicines must be brought to school in a pharmacy-labeled bottle which contains instructions on how and when the medication is to be given. Over-the-counter drugs must be received in the original container and will be administered according to the doctor’s written instructions.
3) You may discuss with your doctor an alternative schedule for administering the medication (i.e. outside of school hours).
4) Self-medication: In accordance with Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 5, § 605, students requiring medication for asthma, anaphylactic reactions (or both), and diabetes may self-medicate with physician authorization, parent permission, and a student agreement for self-carried medication.
5) Please have the physician fill out an emergency action plan for students needing an epi-pen, asthma medications, or seizure medications. We also need a plan of care for students with diabetes or seizures signed by the physician.
School personnel cannot administer any medication to students unless they have received a medication form properly completed and signed by both doctor and parent/guardian, and the medication has been received in an appropriately labeled container. If you have any questions about the policy, or other issues related to the administration of mediation in the schools, please contact the school nurse at 310-377-4888 ext. 42290.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Jinnie Song
School Nurse
Palos Verdes Peninsula High School
310-377-4888 ext 42290
Follow me on instagram @pvphsprincipal
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