McPherson News for June 2, 2024
Principal's Message
Hello McPherson Families,
Happy last week of school! It has been an incredible school year - full of so much learning and fun memories! Thursday is our last day of school, and it is a minimum day for all students. See the newsletter for details for 8th grade year end activities, Wild Rivers tickets, and important dates for next school year.
Have a great last week Meteors,
Dr. Godsey
8th Grade Promotion
8th Grade promotion will be held outside on the back concrete playground area on June 6 at 8:30 am. Attendance will be limited to 8th-grade students and 4 adults per family. (No children or infants may attend). Admission will be by ticket only. TICKETS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR PICKUP FROM THE FRONT OFFICE. Parents must sign for tickets when picking them up. Tickets will be collected at the entrance gate. (No balloons, umbrellas or personal chairs are allowed.) ADULTS ONLY EVENT PLEASE.
Library Check in Information
Kindergarten through 5th grade
Wednesday, May 29 - All library books must be turned in to the library.
6th and 7th grade
Monday, June 3 - All Textbooks and library books must be turned in
8th grade
Monday June 3 - All textbooks, library books, and devices must be turned in. School laptops must be turned in. 8th grade students will be given a form and time to return materials during PE. This form will need to be signed by the librarian and our health clerk for material check-in and absences to be cleared. This form must be turned in to the front office for the 8th grade student to be able to promote.
If you have questions, contact the librarian, Lucy Verduzco, at lverduzco@orangeusd.org or our attendance/health clerk, Jackie Skarsten at jackies@orangeusd.org.
End of the Year Used Uniform Donations
McPherson Magnet will gladly take any gently used school uniforms off your hands! The end of the school year is a great time to clean out your children's closets. We ask that you consider donating any clean, gently used uniform items for our used uniform sale. Funds will be used to buy McPherson supplies. Clean and gently used uniforms donations can be left at the front office at any time. We will also be collecting used uniforms on Registration Day, August 14, 2024. We will have a used uniform sale on registration day, August 14. Thank you in advance for your donations.
McPherson Wild River Tickets Now Available for Summer Fun
Come join McPherson at the water park! McPherson will be kicking off the summer with a day at Wild Rivers on Wednesday, June 12, 2024.
We have secured discounted tickets, the price is only $35 per person (3 years and older) and family & friends are welcome!
This IS NOT a drop off event. All children must be supervised. Parking is an additional fee.
Sunday, 6/2, is the last day to buy tickets!
You can purchase your tickets here: https://wild-rivers-waterpark-day.cheddarup.com/
All families will be completing their McPherson registration materials and turning in their McPherson documents on Wednesday, August 14. Times for Registration are listed below. ALL MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS MUST ATTEND TO TAKE THEIR PICTURES, GET ID CARDS, PURCHASE AGENDAS AND PICK UP TEXTBOOKS
Last Name Begins With:
A-J: 8:00am-9:00am
K-P: 9:00am-10:00am
Q-Z: 10:00am-11:00am
Campus Beautification @ McPherson - Saturday - August 17TH , 7:30am to 10:0am
Mark Your Calendar for BEAUTIFICATION DAY
All FAMILIES - McPherson Beautification Day is scheduled for Saturday, August 17th, to help us spruce up our campus. Many hands make the load light. We have a lot of small projects that can be done by all members of the family - i.e…..painting, planting new bushes in quad, refinishing benches, working in Earth Lab, working in California garden, hanging new backpack hooks, washing windows, cleaning - and much more. A Google Doc will be coming home in July to sign up for Beautification Day, so we will know how many volunteers will be coming to help.
T-Dap Required for all Students Entering 7th Grade in 24/25
REMINDER - If your 6th-grade student has not turned in proof of the T-Dap vaccination before they enter 7th grade next year, they will not be able to register nor attend school until their T-Dap proof is turned in. Please make sure you turn in your T-Dap vaccination record before your student enters 7th grade for the 24/25 school year.
McPherson Wellness Center
We are developing the McPherson Wellness Center for the support and well-being of all students on our campus. If you would like to support us with purchasing any of the items on the Amazon Wish List or Target Wish List. The Links are listed below, we would appreciate your kindness and assistance.
Amazon Wish List Link: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2Q0D5VI9UVBOC?ref_=wl_share
Target Wish List: https://www.target.com/gift-registry/gift/mcphersonwellnesswishlist
It is always fun to post a special message for your child's birthday. You can purchase Birthday Marquee messages now at - https://my.cheddarup.com/c/map-birthday?cart=558b524f-dfb5-4dff-b5ee-620c1d38e040%21%2159728133
All birthday marquee messages must be purchased by the Wednesday prior to the week you are requesting.
Hello McPherson Families! My name is Trinh and I'm your school Box Top for Education Coordinator.
Our school is participating in Box Tops, which means that you can earn cash with the products you already buy to help our school earn money for classroom supplies. We need your help, collecting Box Tops to earn cash for McPherson. Each one is worth 10¢! Everyone’s participation is helpful. Let's work together to give our students what they need to succeed — and see how much we can earn this year!
Here's how you can help:
If you haven't done so already, download the Box Tops app on your smartphone.
Buy Box Tops products, scan your receipt with the Box Tops app within 14 days of purchase and earn for McPherson with every Box Tops product you buy. The earnings through the application are recognized immediately. Our school will get a check to spend on classroom supplies. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE STUDENT & TEACHER’S NAME UNDER “GIVE CREDIT MEMO.”
Refer your friends, family and other parents in the school to sign up for Box Tops. You'll earn Bonus Box Tops for our school when your referral scans their first receipt! Turn on notifications in your Box Tops app to get scan reminders and stay updated on special offers, new products and opportunities to earn for our school. Go to your Communications Settings by tapping on the person icon in the upper-right corner of the app. · If you shop online, you can earn with your digital or email receipt, too. MCPHERSON MAGNET SCHOOL | School ID: 227368. If you have trouble scanning your receipts, please email Trinh a copy of the receipts immediately. Thank you for your support of the Box Tops Program and McPherson! We couldn’t do it without you!
Trinh Guevara
Box Tops Coordinator
Mark your calendars:
June 5 - High School Spirit Shirt Day for 8th Grade Students
June 6 - 8th Grade Promotion, 8:30 am
June 6 - Last Day of School
August 14 - McPherson Registration - All Families Attend
August 17 - Beautification Day - 7:30am to 10:30am
8th grade
June 3 - All textbooks, library books, and devices must be turned in. School laptops must be turned in. 8th grade students will be given a form and time to return materials during PE. This form will need to be signed by the librarian and our health clerk for material check-in and absences to be cleared. This form must be turned in to the front office for the 8th grade student to be able to promote.
6th and 7th grade
June 5 - All Textbooks and library books must be turned in