Your Daily Break
A dash of Mindfulness-based SEL for everyone!
Embrace Each Other
Connection is needed now more than ever. Tend to yourself so you are able to tend to others and nurture the needed connections for well-being.
Be well & breathe,
Liane Benedict & Kate Ginney
K-5 Mindfulness Breathing Techniques from Sanford Fit
10-Minute Guided Meditation for Self-Compassion
50 Ways to Take a Break
Click this button for a printable version!
Article with Embedded Resources: How to Maslow before Bloom's All Day Long
Child psychiatrist Pamela Cantor told Edutopia in 2019 that “when we’re able to combine social, emotional, affective, and cognitive development together, we are creating many, many more interconnections in the developing brain that enable children to accelerate learning and development.” Making time to integrate social and emotional learning into academics, in other words, is a better way for schools to achieve their goals than a focus on academics alone. Did you know A 2018 study showed that positive greetings at the door increased academic engagement by 20 percentage points, and decreased disruptive behavior by 9 percentage points—adding as much as “an additional hour of engagement over the course of a five-hour instructional day,” the researchers said.
Podcast Alert! A Cure for Loneliness
Feeling lonely? Former U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy learns why focusing on the quality of our relationships, not the quantity, can be an antidote.