Gullett Gazette - Dec. 2, 2024
Principal's Post
Dear Gullett Caregivers,
I cannot believe I am writing this letter to close the first part of our school year and the end of 2024! We loved ending November with our Thanksgiving luncheon and welcomed over 500 visitors that day. I am so thankful to be a part of a community that shows up for children. The next few weeks of December will be fast and furious. Teachers will be keeping things as normal as possible, while still providing fun and engaging activities alongside completing mid-year MapGrowth testing and teaching our Human Sexuality and Responsibility curriculum.
As a school, we will be having spirit days beginning on Friday, December 13th through the last day on December 20th (each one will be listed separately on Konstella) all related to our overarching theme: “Holiday Stories from Around the Globe.” We are thrilled for our third year of Geckos Around the Globe on December 13th and our second annual sing along. To kick off our spirit days and celebrate Geckos Around the Globe, we are encouraging everyone to wear something that represents their culture to school on that day. Perhaps you have a hat or t-shirt that represents something special about your culture or your family origins? Do you know the colors of a flag you have family from? Maybe you have traditional clothing or a folk costume such as lederhosen, a kimono, a sari, a kilt, a dashiki, a beret or even a sombrero? If it represents your culture (and is school appropriate), we can’t wait to see you in it! We have expanded the times for viewing and will even have a schoolwide sing along/dance party at the end of the day followed by a school wide potluck right afterwards. If you would like to join us on the 13th, please RSVP to this google form so we can preprint a badge. This will also be the same system we use for field day so we are doing a dry run now! Hopefully this will allow for a smoother check in process. There are other spirit days for the holidays happening as well and each one will be posted on the Konstella calendar along with the class holiday party schedule.
I know the changes in daylight hours and the chillier mornings can make it hard to get moving. We are so happy to see your children every morning no matter what time they arrive, however, it is always easiest for your student to be here on time at 7:30 to start their day with their classroom routines. Children should be in their classrooms ready to learn by 7:40 or they are considered tardy. Please allot plenty of time as I know that trek across campus can be lengthy! On a similar note, please do not arrive to check students out for the day after 2:45. The end of the day can be hectic, and we want to make sure all students get where they need to be safely.
A few AISD reminders! As you know the district is facing several budgetary issues and are hosting a series of community conversations to gather input on the district’s 3-year Budget Reduction Plan. I have attached the Budget Meeting Flier with the meeting dates and information.
Don’t forget registration is happening for the next school year now through February 4th! You can get started with our Enroll Austin Webpage or your Parent Portal. Please note that there is no pre-k registration at this time. Pre-k enrollment will take place in April 2025. Attached is a linked a flier with more information here. Your commitment to timely registration is invaluable and much appreciated!
I hope that each of you enjoy the extra time we are getting with families as we close out December and start the New Year. We look forward to welcoming all you back on Tuesday, January 7th!
Tammy Thompson
Proud Principal, Gullett Elementary
Counselor Spotlight
Have you ever gazed at the clouds with a loved one, searching for animal shapes? It's fascinating how two people can look at the same thing but interpret it differently. This month, our counseling lessons focused on perspective-taking, helping students practice understanding and appreciating others' points of view. Some of us read the book Duck! Rabbit! by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Tom Lichtenheld, a delightful and clever picture book, to present a humorous debate between two characters over whether the creature they see is a duck or a rabbit. Our older students practiced sharing their perspectives about abstract pictures, and they participated in a listening activity where one student had a picture and was tasked with giving understandable instructions for their table partners to draw the picture. It was a great activity to practice communicating clearly and calmly and listening intently while following directions.
To make this skill practical, we turned to Kid President’s insightful tips on handling disagreements with kindness and respect:
Treat people like people – Remember, you’re talking to a fellow human with feelings and a heartbeat.
Listen, listen, listen – Even if their perspective seems confusing, give it your attention.
Pause, breathe, love – It’s okay to disagree, but express your thoughts with kindness.
Distract – If you’re stuck in a heated moment, a little distraction can lighten the mood.
Acceptance – Embrace that not everyone thinks the same way—and that’s what makes the world interesting!
These lessons reminded us how valuable it is to approach disagreements with understanding, compassion, and a sense of humor.
As a family, you can find ways to create opportunities to engage in meaningful conversations and activities that build empathy and understanding:
"Walk in Their Shoes" Conversations
Ask open-ended questions like, "How do you think they felt?" after watching movies, reading books, or hearing stories.
Volunteer Together
Activities like helping at a shelter or participating in community service foster empathy and broaden perspectives
~ Ms. Mahan
Fundraiser: Support families at Gullett’s peer schools with MACares
Did you know? Gullett is one of 10 elementary schools that feed into McCallum High School. The zoning stretches from E. 12th St./Airport to west of Mopac and includes 8,300 students, 25% of whom are economically disadvantaged.
What is MACares? A program of the McCallum HS PTSA, MACares works with counseling staff to support students and families in need across these schools, providing emergency financial assistance, grocery gift cards, bus passes, and more.
Support MACares by shopping unique gifts at Parker + Scott General Store on Thursday, December 5. 20% of sales all day go to MACares, with snacks, drinks, and music 5-8pm. 2113 W. Anderson Lane
Questions? Contact macares@mccallumptsa.org.
Library Letter
Music Note
Hello, Gullett Musicians!
What a November! On 11/9 we were represented so well by 7 of our fifth graders at the Austin All-City Choir (here for pictures). A few days later our entire school turned out in a big way for the annual Veterans Day Assembly. In spite of a few technical difficulties, the students did a fantastic job, and we could not be more proud of all 500+ of them! Looking forward, we only have a few more events to close out 2024, as well as progress on recorders for the upper grades and our TEKS-based curriculum for all.
Here is what the next month looks like:
12/12: 3rd Grade to Nutcracker
12/13, 2:30pm (all): Geckos Around the Globe, outdoor stage
12/19-20 (all): Share Day
Let us know if you have any questions!
Will Jurgens and Marc Sustaita
Gullett Music Staff
The "Art"icle
Kinder and 1st grade students are exploring winter art, warm and cool colors, pattern and repetition, and collage techniques this month.
2nd grade is continuing to learn about the art of two indigenous artists-- Amado Pena and Roberto Mamani Mamani, and making colorful oil pastel landscapes based on their art.
3rd through 5th grade are finally starting their choice project based on fairy tales! We are still collecting artists that use fairytales/ fantasy as subject matter, if you have any favorites you would like to suggest please let me know at nicki.leatherwood-schoolar@austinisd.org
Just a heads up, the last week before break, we will be learning how to make snowflakes, we apologize in advance for the mess that will probably happen afterword in your homes!
We hope you have an amazing art filled Holiday season!
~Ms. Leatherwood & Ms. Luecke
P.E. Press
What we are learning
We are wrapping up our basketball unit and beginning our jump rope unit before heading into winter break. Students will build strength, endurance and coordination through the practice of various short rope skills, and there will be a strong emphasis on the cooperation and teamwork needed for long jump rope. Jump rope is a wonderful way to exercise and there are countless jump rope tricks and skills that can challenge students at every level. It requires very little equipment or space and would be a fun activity to encourage your student(s) to do at home!
Friendly reminder - for your child’s safety and comfort, please make sure they are wearing athletic shoes EVERY DAY!
~ Coach Rose, Ms. Garcia, and Coach Victor
Upcoming Dates
12/13 - Geckos Around the Globe & Sing Along
12/16-20 - Winter Dress Up Days
12/16 - 5th Grade Farm Stand
12/20 - Winter Parties
12/21 - 1/5 Winter Break!
1/7 - Welcome Back!
1/9 - PTA Soiree
Thomas A. Gullett Elementary
Samantha Greenleaf, Assistant Principal
Email: gullett@austinisd.org
Website: www.gullettgeckos.com
Location: 6310 Treadwell Boulevard, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-414-2082
Facebook: facebook.com/gullettgeckos
Twitter: @GullettElem