
I will say to the Lord, my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust. Ps91
Morning Devotion
- Philippians 4:14-23
- 2 Corinthians 2:14-16
- 1 Corinthians 12:17-20
- Ephesians 1:4-5
Safety first!
This week preschool students got to spend some time with our local fire fighters and police officers. Visits like these help students learn more about how to get help and who to trust in an emergency. And... it's also super fun to see all the cool equipment!
Also this week, students participated in school safety drills. Both campuses are now equipped with intercom and classroom phone capabilities that allow for building announcements and notifications. This safety feature, paired with our cameras and parent notification system helps us be safe and ready.
A Look Back at the Week
Production Progress
The drama and music classes are working hard on preparing for the upcoming talent shows and winter production. Students are using their talents in performance and production to make it all possible. We are so very thankful to Desperation Church for allowing us to use sound and light equipment at the student center!
Reading Practice
Reading is so important! Every day in every classroom at CCS you will find students working on their reading skills. From beginning sounds to complex novels, teachers and students are working hard. Learning to read and getting better at it takes a lot of time! Time at school and time at home. Keep up the great work, Lions!
Life Lessons Around the Kitchen
Mrs. Haynes Life Skills/Healthy Living class took some time this week to learn some practical ways to get the most out of citrus fruits by using them to make fresh juice, using them as an aide to preserve other fruits and foods, and how to best cut them for maximum quantity.
Parts of Speech
Mrs. Tucker's 3rd grade students have been working on the parts of speech and declarative, exclamatory, imperative, and interrogative sentences.
College Coursework
The juniors and seniors are participating in multiple dual enrollment courses this year. Some of these courses are face-to-face and a some are accessed online. In either case, students are scheduled for class time with a CCS teacher. This work is challenging, but will be well worth it in the end. These students will finish the year with up to 24 college credit hours while in their high school environment!
Forming Words and Sentences
Kindergarten students in Mrs. Riffe's class have been working on blending sounds to make words and using words to make sentences.
Photo Fun
Photography students are learning tricks and techniques in Mrs. Ayers' Photography/Yearbook class. Many of these students will enter their work in the Cullman County Fair and ACEA Competitions.
Sharing the Gospel
Upper school students heard a great, challenging message from Bro. Kenny Boulahanis about sharing the good news. Using Romans 1:16-17, he challenged students to be bold in sharing. He taught them a simple way to talk to others and they took a little time to practice with each other. If you have a student in the upper school, ask them about their bracelet and see if they remember how to use the pictures to share the gospel message.
Robotics in Full Swing
Thursday afternoon Robotics classes are in full swing! Each Thursday students are learning more about coding and programming. Thank you Mr. DeCicco, Mr. Haynes, and 4H for making this possible for our students!
Hat Day and Dress Down
Students enjoyed the first Dress Down Day of the year on Friday and also had the chance to wear a hat for the United Way. Dress Down charges will appear on your Gradelink account. Hat Day money collected will be donated to the United Way of Cullman.
Tournament Play
The JV Volleyball team played in the Hanceville Tournament on Saturday. The Varsity and Junior High have played in recent weekend tournaments as well. County Tournament play for our Youth teams is just around the corner.
Keep up the great work girls!
See More Photos from September 3-7, 2024
Big to Little, Old to Young.... Reading is for everyone!
Preschool and Kindergarten students spent some time reading this week with high school students in Mrs. Robertson's Book Club/Children's Lit class. The older students have been visiting the library and learning more about children's literature. This week they put their knew knowledge and reading skills to the test by reading to younger classes.
Opportunities like this are so enriching for all of the students! The younger students see their older peers and role models value reading and the older students take time to give back. This experience for older students is also a great opportunity for them to learn how important it will be for them in the future when they have children of their own. They are learning how to find quality books that are interesting, engaging, and that have a good message. Plus... it's just fun to spend time together!
Dates to Remember
Praying Parents
Tuesday, Sep 17, 2024, 08:00 AM
1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Upcoming Items on the Calendar
- September 16 - Volleyball at JB Pennington (JH, V)
- September 17 - Volleyball at Parkside (JH)
- September 19 - Upper School Talent Show
- September 19 - 4H Robotics after School
- September 19 - Volleyball vs Addison (JV,V)
- September 20 - Spirit Shirt Orders Due
- September 21 - XC at Harmony's Two Pine Invitational
- September 21 - Youth Volleyball Playdate
- September 23 - Youth Volleyball County Tournament Begins
- September 24 - Volleyball at Cold Springs (V)
- September 26 - PK-K Johnny Appleseed Day
- September 26 - Photography Class Field Trip
- September 27 -$1 Dress Down Day
- September 27 - Gullion Farm Field Trip (1st & 2nd Grade)
- September 28 - Fair Parade
Spirit Shirts
Orders for the 2024 CCS Spirit Shirt that can be worn on spirit days to school or on field trip days are now being taken. The shirt is Bella Canvas navy with white and Carolina blue lettering. The cost of the shirt is $13. Please fill out the form that was sent home with your student and return it to the school by Friday, September 20th. All shirt orders will be billed to Gradelink.
If your child did not receive an order form, click on the file below to download and print one.
Talent Show
Mrs. Warden and Mrs. Griffin will be hosting a Talent Show for CCS students in grades 4-12.
- Thursday, September 19 will be the Upper School Talent Show.
- Thursday, September 26 will be the Lower School Talent Show. Lower school students (4th-6th grades) will be transported to the DC campus auditorium for this event. Only upper school drama and chorus students will be in the audience for this show. All other upper school students will be in their regular classes.
*We're so sorry, but this event will be for students only for a couple of reasons. One, our space is limited, so we will not have sufficient space for guests. Two, the talents that the students will be showcasing will also potentially be part of our Christmas Show. The December show will be our event open to guests.
For questions: Email kristi.warden@cullmanchristian.com or marisa.griffin@cullmanchristian.com .
Tell Your Friends
We’ve had lots of phone calls and questions about future year waitlists at Cullman Christian School. If you know someone who would like to receive notification of when lists open, they can sign up to receive information. This will help us plan space for the growth we are experiencing.
A few more items...
Visitors & Volunteers
We love having visitors and volunteers on campus!
If you are visiting, please be sure to check in at the main desk.
If you would like to volunteer, applications are available.
Church Network Addition
THANK YOU, Mt. Olive Baptist Church for your generous donation to CCS! We are so excited to have you as a prayer partner, financial supporter, and member of our church network as we work together to grow God's Kingdom!
Proud Coach
Mr. Yearwood always loves seeing his former players and learning about the exceptional men and women they have become. Pictured here is one of his former basketball players, Cody Thompson, who is now serving with the Cullman Fire Department.
Did someone say donuts?
Security guard, Ms. Annadeidra, loves a good pastry! Thank you Ms. Annadeidra for all you do to keep us safe at CCS!
Senior Muscle
Thank you, Andrew Jones (CCS Senior), for moving the hydrangea bushes to allow for a walkway under the new awning! Students coming in and out from the basement area can now stay dry as they walk!
Taking the Lead
Students in the upper school are doing a fantastic job stepping up to share during morning devotion! Thank you to all who have volunteered! Sign up with Mr. Roy if you would like to participate.
Teaching More than Academics
At CCS we are so incredibly blessed to have teachers that pour into our students not only academically, but spiritually. God is using them to show His love, His mercy, and sow seeds in the hearts of students. We are thankful for each of our teachers and their willingness to share examples of God's goodness!
Cullman Christian School
AdvancED Accredited
Email: office@cullmanchristian.com
Website: https://www.cullmanchristian.org/
Location: 1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Phone: (256)734-0734
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ccsedu