KES Newsletter #10
November 12, 2024
November Events
November 13, 6:30 PM: Third Grade Vanaver Caravan Dance Performance at the High School (student performers arrive at 5:45 PM)
November 19, 6:00 PM: Capital Project Public Presentation
To read about the proposal:
November 21: School Picture Retakes
November 27 - 29: Thanksgiving Recess; School is Closed
December 3, 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM: Capital Project Vote
District Office, 122 Kyserike Road, Accord
Save the Date! Hall of Holidays celebration, December 19! Look for details including your grade level time to visit during the school day!
Vanaver Caravan Third Grade Performance
Wednesday, November 13, 6:30 PM, Rodout Valley High School Auditorium
Come out and enjoy a special evening with the Vanaver Caravan and all of our Rondout third graders, performing dances from around the world. This performance is the first time all third graders in the district will be together. We hope to see you there!
Rondout Valley Capital Project
Vote December 3 - No Increase to Tax Levy!
On Tuesday, December 3, the Rondout Valley Central School District community will vote on a Capital Project that focuses on security, safety, and the arts.
The best part? The proposed project would not increase the local tax levy.
The project addresses several high-priority items that were identified in the State-mandated Building Condition Survey, as well as key security and safety enhancements, significant improvements to recreational fields and learning spaces, a complete auditorium and music suite upgrade at the High School, and more.
At KES, we are going to receive many upgrades to security features including enhanced secure vestibule for visitors, a new playground, soccer field, a basketball court, new windows in the wing for grades 1-3, and more!
Check out the link to view the informational flier!
KES PTA Newsletter!
View the KES PTA Newsletter here! Check out information on the recycling program and Skate Time! Clickable blue bar takes you to the newsletter.
PTA Donations for the Food Pantry
Donations this year are for personal care products - see the PTA flier for more information! Each grade level has been assigned a category. We are collecting items in boxes by the main office.
Pre-K and Kindergarten: Deoderant
Grade 1: Shampoo and Conditioner
Grade 2: Body wash or soap
Grade 3:Toothbrushes and toothpaste
Your donations matter - thank you for helping those in need!
Thanksgiving Resources
Looking for a Great Thanksgiving Book?
Here is a great read aloud of an award winning book you are welcome to include as Thanksgiving approaches. It’s also in our library!
We are Grateful - Otsaliheliga! by Traci Sorell
“Cherokee people say otsaliheliga to express gratitude. It is a reminder to celebrate our blessings and reflect on struggles–daily, throughout the year, and across the seasons.”
Read aloud: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1cDcBY1C1Y
Standards Aligned Activities: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/59f23df09f8dce7578c71128/t/
Upcoming Events: Complete list through January 1
Use this link to view a complete list of upcoming events through January 1!
Attendance Matters!
Regular school attendance is crucial for academic success, especially in reading and math.
Thank you so much for sending your children to school each day! Our goal is for students to meet the Federal Benchmark for good school attendance: fewer than 18 absences per year.
Please keep your child home if they are sick. If they attend every day when they are well, they will easily meet the attendance goal.
For more information on school attendance, check out the attached resource from Attendance Works. There’s more on their website:
Ice Cream and Snacks: $1.25
Please send $1.25 with your child when they want to buy ice cream and snacks or add money to your myschoolbucks account (myschoolbucks.org)
Here is the ice cream schedule:
Monday: No ice cream
Tuesday: First Grade
Wednesday: Second grade
Thursday: Third Grade
Friday: Pre-K and Kindergarten
November Theme: Respect!
November's PBIS theme is Respect!
PBIS stands for "Positive Behavior Intervention Supports."
Students are learning that having a growth mindset is a super power! "Yet" is a powerful word. When students are learning new skills, they also learn to say "I can't do that...YET!" That little word changes everything.
Students earn Gander tickets for demonstrating safe, responsible, respectful behavior.
We are working to earn a movie in December! Each grade needs 5 buckets
Grade Pre-K and K: 1 bucket filled
Grade 1: buckets filled
Grade 2: buckets filled
Grade 3: buckets filled
What Does it Mean to be Safe, Respectful, and Responsible?
PBIS programs stress the importance of telling students what safe, respectful, and responsible behavior looks like and sounds like. Each year teachers set these guidelines in their classrooms. We also teach students what is expected in other school locations. We begin with hallway expectations, then cafeteria, bus, and recess.
Currently, we are working on hallway, cafeteria, and recess expectations.
In the hallway:
Safe = Walking in the hall
Respectful = Voice level 0
Responsible = Going directly to your destination
In the cafeteria:
Safe = Walking and not sharing food (some students have allergies, and we do not want to spread germs that make us sick.)
Respectful = Voice level 1-3, or conversation with the people at your table. It also means going to voice level 0 and listening for directions when the teachers give the signal, which is typcally turning down the lights, clap for attention, or call-response.
Responsible = Cleaning up after yourself.
At Recess:
Safe = Safe bodies (Hands and feet to ourselves)
Respectful = Treating others asa you would like to be treated.
Responsible = Following adult directions and managing your belongings.
How can I Help at Home?
Please remind your child of the expectations shown in this newsletter. You can also read or watch a video read-aloud of our books of the month!
Our PBIS Books of the Month and video links can be found using this link: