Clyde Erwin Elementary School
Dr. Patterson's Weekly Update
Eagle Pride: Video by Dr. Patterson
April 19, 2020
Happy Sunday Eagles!
We hope you are all continuing to stay safe and well! We miss our students and parents terribly, and we miss being together as a staff. I realize it is a difficult time for families because suddenly all education is taking place at home. We also know there is a lot of information coming at you at once. Please do not hesitate to send an email message or DoJo message to your child's teacher, Dr. Patterson, or Mrs. Gualtieri if you need assistance. Additionally, we are available via phone in the office Monday through Friday, 8:00am - 12:00pm. Please call us at 910-347-1261.
As we continue virtual instruction, please focus on the following:
- Although there is a lot of information, we have streamlined everything on the school webpage (, Class DoJo, and Microsoft Teams (grades 3-5).
- Students in grades 3-5 should log on to Microsoft Teams Monday through Friday at 10:00am for math and 1:00pm for ELA whenever possible. Classes are recorded for students to watch at a later time if students are unavailable for class at these times. We encourage our students to attend live classes when possible because it provides opportunities for interaction with peers and teachers.
- K-2 students are provided paper packets every other week. K-2 students should complete the work in the packets and return completed work on the date of the next packet pick-up. Our next pick-up is April 27. Reminders will be sent out prior to that date.
- K-2 teachers are recording lessons, read alouds, and additional activities to share on the web page and Class DoJo because we believe it is important to provide instruction beyond packets. We encourage parents and students to use these resources as much as possible and be engaged in learning; however, students will not be penalized for the inability to access online content. We are providing paper packets for this purpose.
- P.E., music, art, and media teachers are providing content on the web page and Class DoJo as well. Additionally some paper assignments have been included in K-2 packets. These lessons are being organized because we believe strongly in Arts Education. Many of our students love participating in the arts and engaging in physical activity, and we want them to continue to have these opportunities during the school closure.
- Teacher office hours are 9:00-10:00am and 2:00-3:00pm Monday through Friday. Communicate with teachers through Class DoJo or email, and they will respond to you within 24 hours.
A Message from Ms. Nathan, School Counselor
There is website called for parents and teachers to join. It has content in every subject, as well as social emotional learning (a great way to have conversations with your children) and movement. The website advertises its own premium content, but there are lots of free lessons, also. It is unnecessary to pay to use the free parts. They also have sponsored content from companies for limited times, so free content is being added continuously. There are options for all ages, especially the call and response and dance activities. Here you will find some exercise options for your children. Join them and learn some dances together.
I would also like to share an article with some ideas on supporting students through difficult times. Changes as big as we are adapting to are challenging for us all. As always, take the ideas that work for you. Having strategies in mind can be very helpful. A new strategy doesn't always work, but we keep learning and trying just like we want our students to do! Be kind to yourself. The link is as follows:
Miss Corie
As most of you know, our special receptionist Miss Corie has been battling cancer throughout this school year. Miss Corie has surgery on Wednesday, April 22. Please keep her in your thoughts. She loves pictures and cards from our students. Any of our students who would like to make cards or draw pictures for Miss Corie are encouraged to do so. They can be mailed to Clyde Erwin at 323 New River Drive, Jacksonville, NC 28540, or they can be dropped in the box during our next packet pick-up on April 27 with returned work packets. Thank you for your support of Miss Corie this year!
Web Page
Check out our web page at
Coca-Cola Give Program
Our school is part of the Coca-Cola Give program. When you make Coca-Cola purchases, you can support us in one of two ways:
(1) Scan or enter product codes here: select Clyde Erwin Elementary Magnet School; or
(2) Drop off product caps to the school receptionist.
Thank you for your support!
Upcoming Events
March 30 - May 15: Schools closed for face-to-face instruction
April 22, 2020: Earth Day - Do something positive for our environment
April 24, 2020: Virtual Pajama Day
April 27, 2020: K-2 Packet Pick-Up
May 4-8, 2020: Educator Appreciation Week
Technology Assistance - Our Closest Drop-Off is Jacksonville High School
Positive Behavior Expectations
We review our behavior expectations with students regularly so they can show school pride at CEES and earn Class DoJo points. Students must earn 100 Class DoJo points during the month to participate in the schoolwide PBIS celebrations. Please review our CEES acronym with students at home to help support our program:
Clyde Erwin Eagles SOAR!
Staying safe
Owning your actions
Acting responsibly
Respecting everyone and everything
About Us
Mission: To provide and prepare students through innovative, cutting-edge, problem based, cultural and social academic opportunities
Location: 323 New River Drive, Jacksonville, NC 28540, United States
Phone: (910)347-1261
Twitter: @CEEMEagles