Gifted and Talented Quarterly
First Quarter
Welcome to the Gifted Education Newsletter for the Estes Park School District.
Meet the District GT Team!
Rachel Graham, Districtwide Gifted Coordinator
Sundee Pietsch, Director of Student Services
What is Gifted and Talented?
The Exceptional Children's Education Act (ECEA) defines "gifted" children as: Those persons between the ages of four and twenty-one whose aptitude or competence in abilities, talents, and potential for accomplishment in one or more domains are so exceptional or developmentally advanced that they require special provisions to meet their educational programming needs.
Each state has its own rules for gifted programming and identification. In Colorado, we look for qualifying scores and a strong, robust body of evidence to support a gifted ID. Qualifying scores are:
95th percentile or higher on a standardized nationally normed test or
95th percentile or above on a nationally normed observation scale or
A rating on a performance assessment that indicates exceptionality/distinguished compared to age mates
How do we know who is gifted? Throughout the school year, we track student scores on various assessments. Our Multi-Tiered System of Supports teams review this data and makes recommendations for further assessing when students reach the 95th percentile in any given area. We also screen all of our 2nd grade students in the spring with a cognitive assessment. Once a student is identified, an Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) is put in place. The ALP includes goals, both academic and affective, along with instructional support. As students move into high school, support for postsecondary plans is included through the Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP).
Advanced Learning Plans
We spend a good portion of the first quarter setting up Advanced Learning Plans. At the elementary and middle school through 7th grade, this takes place as a parent/teacher/student conference. If you have a student at these levels then you have likely been a part of this process already or will be soon.
In 8th grade and at the high school, students use Advisory time to set up their goals in the Xello program as part of their ICAP. If you have a high school student, ask them to share their goals through the Xello app on their school iPad. They started this mid-September. We also have set up Levels of Service to differentiate the support that students at this level need.
Gifted Family Forum
The Gifted Family Forum provides the chance to learn from professionals in the field, exchange experiences and strategies with fellow parents, and gain a deeper understanding of how to best support your gifted child's unique needs. From fostering their talents to navigating challenges, this forum will equip you with practical tools and knowledge.
PLUS, Exciting News! 🎈 Enrichment camps are available for kids in grades K-5! 🎈 These camps provide a unique opportunity for your gifted child to explore and expand their talents.
Register at the link below!
Virtual Parent Nights
It was great to see Estes Park families join us for the first virtual parent night with Brendan Mahan on the 'Wall of Awful' speaking about why it's so hard to do something that should be easy. If you missed it, check out his website below to access a free download, podcast, videos and more.
We will also have a second virtual parent night in January with Emily Kircher-Morris speaking on the topic of a Parent Playbook for Neurodiversity. Stay tuned for more info!