Wood End Wildcat News
March 24, 2025
**Please check the dates below and mark your calendars! **
CodeSwitching Screening and Community Discussion
CodeSwitching Screening and Community Discussion: Join RPS and FoRMETCO on April 10th starting at 6:15pm for a screening and community discussion of CodeSwitching - a mashup of personal stories from three generations of students enrolled in METCO. After the screening, there will be a community discussion where participants can share their thoughts and engage in meaningful dialogue. This event is free and open to all families, staff and community members. Click here to check out the flyer and register for the event!
All students in grades 3-5 will participate in two ELA and two Math sessions and students in grade 5 will participate in two Science sessions. Students will be taking this computer-based assessment at school during regular school hours. If a student is absent on a testing day, the student takes the test on the next available testing day. We do our best to limit the number of transitions and decrease disruptions on our MCAS testing days, and the entire school supports this work. Our students not taking MCAS are practicing their core values by being silent in the hallways, being flexible with their schedules, and sending positive messages to our upper grade students throughout the testing window. If you would like to read or learn more about these assessments, please visit the MA Department of Education website: http://www.doe.mass.edu/mcas/
Wear WINTER gear!
Please be sure your child has appropriate clothing to go outside. Our students will go outside for recess on most days even when it's cold. Students will be sent outside in whatever it is that they are sent to school in for outdoor recess. Please have your child wear appropriate winter clothing and not just sweatshirts! Similarly, arrival will be outside, so dress warm!
We will allow children to play in the snow IF they have snow-pants, gloves/mittens, snow-boots and jackets. If your family is in need of any of the above items, please do not hesitate to reach out and let us know.
Safety in the Driveway
SAFETY in the DRIVEWAY: Please adhere to typical traffic patterns in the driveway. We are a one-way in and one-way out access and with students, staff and families trying to get into the building, we need to be safe. We have observed many drivers not stopping at the crosswalk and passing cars quickly while traffic is coming the other direction. To ensure our students are not hurt, we are asking that families adhere to safety regulations as outlined below:
Crosswalk: Please be sure to use the crosswalk when crossing the drive way.
Morning Drop-Off: Staff will be visible beginning at 8:10 a.m. to assist students. All cars will remain in a single-file once they enter Sunset Rock Lane, up the driveway, continuing around the circle at the top of the driveway near the playgrounds, and back down the driveway to exit the school. Drivers will pull into the unloading area along the sidewalk. All students must exit quickly & safely through the passenger side doors closest to the sidewalk. Drivers must stay in cars and remain alert. We will unload several cars at a time, so please pull up and unload as soon as you enter this area. Do not wait to pull up to the front door. Please do not pass cars in the driveway or park in the fire lanes
Afternoon Placard Pickup: All parents or designated adults will place the placard on the right-hand side of their vehicleβs windshield upon entering the Wood End driveway. Cars will line up along the school driveway and onto Sunset Rock Lane (do not park or idle in the rotary at the end of the driveway blocking in our neighbors). As your car reaches the school, a staff member will radio your name to additional staff stationed where your child will be waiting (under the large wooden awning at the front of the building). Staff will direct your child to the right side of your car as you stop. Please remain in your vehicle while your children get into the car. Once your children are seated and buckled in, you will proceed around the traffic circle and exit back onto Sunset Rock Lane.
Idling of Motor Vehicles - For the safety of staff and students, school policies restrict operators of school buses and personal motor vehicles, including students, faculty, staff and visitors, from prolonged idling of such vehicles on school grounds and violators may be subject to a fine.
Attendance Matters!
This year, our goal is 98% attendance with ZERO chronically absent students (18 absences).
- Students are marked tardy after 8:25 and marked absent if they are dismissed prior to 11:00am.
- After 5 absences, families will be contacted and invited in for an attendance support meeting
How Families can help!
Schedule family vacations during school vacation windows. Last year, family vacations were the second leading cause of absences, second to sickness.
Make a consistent routine with your student every morning.
Schedule appointments outside of school hours.
Curriculum Update
Through data analysis, we work to create flexible, differentiated learning groups that allow teachers to meet students where they are, set goals for growth, and provide targeted instruction.
Our tutors, reading specialist and assistant principal will support this work. They will work with small groups of students in classrooms to target student needs in both reading and math. Students may work in their own classroom, in Ms. Foresman's classroom, or they may work in another grade level classroom with grade-level peers. All groups are flexible and will change many times throughout the school year.
We look forward to the year ahead with your children and celebrating their growth along the way. It's one of the best parts of elementary school!
Information about DIBELS
Members of the reading teams from Wakefield and Reading recorded an informational video to share about early literacy screening and how to interpret the DIBELS Home Report that is sent home to families. You can find the recording using this link and password:
- Recording: DIBELS Information for Families
- Passcode: QxDK8E$Y
We respectfully ask you to partner with us by reminding your student that all student smartwatches (GizmoWatch, etc.) & cellphones must be powered off and remain in backpacks or teachers' desks during the entire school day. Students always have access to call home with the permission of their classroom teacher in case of an emergency. We want to help our students learn that we have many caring adults here during the day to help them navigate challenges and solve problems together.
"The Health Office is running low on our supply of spare clothing. I am reaching out to our community to request donations of gently used clothing that your kids have outgrown. Students are occasionally in need of extra clothing after falls at recess, spills, etc. Our greatest need is for sweatpants or jogger type pants for boys, sizes 4t-10. If you have any items you'd like to donate, please feel free to drop them off at the Health Office. Your kindness and support are deeply appreciated by our students, staff, and families!"
School Medical Policies below!
Introducing Our Wood End PTO Board
We have some amazing parents who have taken on leadership roles to keep our very active PTO up & running. We are so grateful for their willingness to provide our community with many opportunities to volunteer and support our students and families. Our PTO has been involved in coordinating fundraising events, book fairs, enrichment programs, school supplies, teacher appreciation events, flamingo flocking, and restaurant nights, just to name a few, to make Wood End the special community it is today. If you are interested in becoming more involved in our PTO, please reach out to any of our board members.
- Lauren Brandt - President
- Dave Scannell, Cristina Naranjo Ortiz, Shana Lyons - Events and Fundraising Coordinators
- Steff Keilty - Room Parent Coordinator
- Sarah Henic - Enrichment Coordinator
- Linda Liang - Treasurer
- Lindsay Baker - Secretary
PTO General Meeting Schedule
- March 12 @ 7pm: LINK HERE
- May 14 @ 7pm: LINK HERE
- June 4 @ 8:15 (In Person)
Last updated 2/27/25
To learn more about Reading SEPAC, please visit our website: Reading SEPAC Website
Should you wish to receive our monthly newsletter, please send an email to SEPACReading@gmail.com
Please note that Reading SEPAC IS OPEN TO ALL parents/caregivers and not only families who have a child with special needs as we offer various opportunities to connect with other families and provide learning experiences.
Special Education Budget Review and SEPAC Business Meeting:
Wed, March 19th, 7pm (Online)
Philip Littlehale, Interim Director of Finance and Operations, will be presenting the Special Education Budget at the next SEPAC business meeting.
Changes between the 2024/25 and 2025/26 Special Education Budget
Special Education Budget funding priorities for the next school year
Opportunity for parents to ask questions
If you attend only one SEPAC business meeting this year, this would be the one!
Additionally, Student Services will be available to answer your questions regarding the changes in Special Education or other special education related questions you may have.
Registration will be required to receive the zoom link for the business meeting and to submit questions anonymously to both Student Services and Phil Littlehale in advance.
Register for the Reading SEPAC Business meeting and Special Education Budget Review.
Social Emotional Learning:
Wed, March 26th, 7pm (Online)
Social-emotional learning is the process of developing the self awareness, self control, and interpersonal skills that are vital for school, work, and life success.
Registration Link: https://fcsn.org/event/reading-social-emotional-learning/
Reading Public Schools is a METCO District
"Since its founding during the peak of the Civil Rights Movement, the METCO program has enrolled tens of thousands of Boston students of color in predominately white school districts, creating the opportunity for those districts to experience the advantages of learning and working in a racially and ethnically diverse setting."
Cocktails/Mocktails and apps in Roxbury
Friends of Reading METCO invites you to join us for cocktails/mocktails and apps in Roxbury on Sunday 5/4/25. Our socials are always a lot of fun and a great way to connect with other parents outside of school πThis is an adults-only event, further details and a registration link will be shared closer to the event. Please e-mail ilka@ilkawalkley.com with any questions.
- 4/10/25: Code Switching Screening and Conversation, RMHS in partnership with RPS (flyer already shared)
- 5/4/25: Parent and Caregiver Social, Roxbury
- 5/12/25: Reading School Committee meeting in Boston - details to come soon
Screening and Community discussion
Friends of Reading METCO and RPS is hosting a screening and community discussion.
Join us for a screening and community discussion of Code-Switching, a powerful documentary exploring the experiences of students in the METCO program as they navigate racial and cultural identity in their pursuit of education.
Date: Thursday, April 10
β° Time: 6:15 PM β 8:00 PM
π Location: Reading Memorial High School Library
Upcoming Events:
26: SEPAC sponsored event
April 4: PTO Movie Night
April 7: Grade 3/4 MCAS
April 8: Grade 3/4 MCAS
April 9: Grade 5 MCAS, Grade 4 Field trip
April 10: Grade 5 MCAS
May 7: Grade 5 Math MCAS
May 8: Grade 5 Math MCAS
May 12: Grade 3 & 4 Math MCAS
May 13: Grade 3 & 4 Math MCAS
May14: Grade 5 STE MCAS
May 15: Grade 5 STE MCAS
At the Reading Public Library, there are 10 different kits that address different needs that people in the community may experience (e.g. Grief, anxiety, trauma, etc.). You can request a kit through the online library catalog or check it out in person. Kits contain a variety of materials that are accessible to kids, teens, and/or adults, as well as a resource packet with lists of community resources and activities. Each kit also contains a notebook where others who have used the kit can leave words of support.
Principal Schwartz
Email: nicole.schwartz@reading.k12.ma.us
Website: http://www.reading.k12.ma.us/woodend/
Location: 85 Sunset Rock Lane, Reading, MA, United States
Phone: 781-942-5420