Family Newsletter
February 23, 2022
Dear St. Anne Parents,
If you think we just finished up with Christmas, let me take a minute to tell you that Easter will be here in a little over seven weeks!!!! The official liturgical season of Lent begins next Wednesday, March 2 ... Ash Wednesday. All our students will be attending the 8:45 Mass on Ash Wednesday. They will be receiving ashes that day. Ashes are a simple reminder that we are all human and our lives will end some day. Knowing this fact, we need to remember how important it is that we live a good and holy life each and every day of our lives.
Over the next 40 days of Lent, we should take time at the end of each day to think about what we did to make our life and the lives of our family and those around us.....better. Lent is the time when we need to make a conscious effort to become a better person today than we were yesterday. Christ showed us and told us with his words and actions how each of us can make ourselves and those around us...better. Our challenge is to make time each day to ensure that we are more Christ-like at the end of Lent than we were at the beginning.
Students will be taking home a Lenten calendar which has suggestions as to what can be done each day during Lent. Be sure to ask your child for the calendar....post it on the refrigerator and see what happens.
28 - 12:30 Dismissal; SAPTO Mtg. (7:00 p.m.)
2 - Ash Wednesday; all school Mass 8:45
11 - Teacher Professional In-Service Day (Student Holiday)
18 - Seventh Grade Retreat; MSP Parent Portal closes
24 - 3rd Quarter Ends
25 - Pastor's Holiday (School Closed)
28 - 12:30 Dismissal; SAPTO Mtg. (7:00 p.m.)
30 - First Communion Parent Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
31 - Report Cards Go Home
Please return one form per family with a $350 registration fee per child by March 18.
For questions or concerns, please email Mr. White at White@stanne.com.
Attached is a registration form you may download if you did not get the form from your child.