Herrera Husky Hub
April 13, 2024
Quarter 3 Title 1 Newsletter
What is Title I and How Does it Help?
Title I FACTS:
Nation's oldest and largest federally funded program
Provides over $14 billion to school systems
Schools with large concentrations of low-income students will receive supplemental funds to assist in meeting students' educational goals
Low-income students are determined by the number of students enrolled in the free and reduced lunch program
Title I Funding at Herrera for the 2023-2024 school year supported:
Our STEM program
Our full time Assistant Principal
Student access to literacy services
Attendance incentive prizes for parents and students
Student planners to improve home-school communication
Resources to improve parent access and involvement at school
Parent workshops and training
Title I Funding at Herrera has been reduced for the 2024-2025 school year. A significant change to the funding will increase our counselor support from part time to full time, but we will no longer have an Assistant Principal supporting our site. If you'd like more information and/or would like to give input on Title I funds, please attend an ELAC or SSC meeting, all parents and caregivers are invited! We welcome and encourage parent involvement!
Our next School Site Council Meeting: April 17th, 2024 at 3:30pm
Our next ELAC Meeting: May 22nd, 2024 at 9:15am
Color Run was a Success!
2024 Color Run Prizes!
Individual Prize Distribution Dates:
$10 Popsicle Party: Thursday, April 18th
$25 Movie Event: Friday, April 26th
$50 DJ Dance Party: Tuesday, April 30th
$75 Silly String the Staff: Thursday, May 2nd
$100 Video Game Truck: TBD
Thank you again to all of our students who raised money and to our parent and community supporters!
We raised over $12,000 for the new outdoor sound system!!
5th Grade Camp Hi Hill Information
Our 5th Grade students will be attending Camp Hi Hill May 13th through 17th. We are so excited for them to participate in this incredible week in the outdoors.
Mandatory Parent Meetings: Tuesday, April 23rd at 3:30 and 6:00
Parent Involvement Opportunities:
SBAC Training
Join us 4/17 at 9:15 in Room 31!
Parents- Join us to learn more about the SBAC, the California State Standardized test that will begin in May for grades 3-5!
We will meet in Room 31 at 9:15am on April 17th
Padres: ¡Únase a nosotros para aprender más sobre el SBAC, el examen estandarizado del estado de California que comenzará en mayo para los grados 3-5!
Nos reuniremos en la Sala 31 a las 9:15 am el 17 de abril
School Site Council Meeting
Wednesday, April 17th at 3:30 in Room 31!
All school community members are invited to join us for our April School Site Council Meeting on Wednesday, April 17th. We will be discussing ELAC recommendations, Title I Parent Involvement funding requests, and end of year activities.
Husky Spirit Wear for Sale!
Our PTO is selling Husky T-shirts and sweatshirts and our sweatshirts are back in stock! If you would like to purchase a sweatshirt or T-shirt, please complete the order form in the Front Office.
Our LIMITED EDITION Vision 2029 T-shirts are available to purchase for $20. Don't miss your opportunity for this special teal edition of Vision 2029!
Donate to a Teacher's Classroom Wishlist!
Follow Our New Instagram Account: @herrerahuskieslbusd
Please follow our new Herrera Huskies Instagram page for photos, stories, and reminders about events at Herrera Elementary! We recently posted pictures from our Halloween parade and the 2nd Grade Sound of Music field trip. Help us reach 100 followers by the end of the weekend!
VIPS: Parent Volunteers
Do you want to help out in the classroom or on campus? Do you like going on field trips? Apply to become a parent volunteer, and become a "VIP" by completing the application below. You will need a TB test and a form of ID.
School Information
Morning Drop Off and Valet Procedures
Please do not leave any valuables in your car when dropping your children off or picking them up.
We are utilizing our Valet Drop Off procedure this year. All students in grades 1-5 arriving via car must exit their vehicles in the Valet Drop Off zone. The only gate that will be opened along 17th St. is the Valet Drop Off gate. Students will all enter through the 17th St. Valet gate and will walk to the cafeteria or enter the playground area.
- 8:30-9:00 Valet Drop Off/Gate on 17th Street Opens
- 8:45-9:00 Kinder/TK Playground Gate on Temple Ave Opens
Valet Procedures
Please pull forward in the valet
Please be prepared to drop off students
Please avoid having students exit the car on the street side.
Please do not block school or neighborhood driveways.
Please do not park or drop off in marked no parking areas.
Please be respectful of our neighbors, staff, families, and most of all our Husky Students.
Please do not double park.
Please avoid dropping students off so they have to run across the street.
Afternoon Dimissal
Plan to pick up your child at their designated gate. Please arrive early, especially if you are driving, our parking is very limited. We recommend walking if you can! Remember that every Thursday is an early out 2:30 dismissal.
Kindergarten and TK will dismiss from the Kinder playground.
Grade 1 will dismiss through the Garden Gate on 16th St.
Grades 2-4 will dismiss through 17th St. Gate.
Grade 5 will dismiss through Orizaba Ave Gate.
*Older siblings may go to the gates of their younger siblings*
- Do NOT Double Park or Wait In the Street
- Find a curbside and park safely
- Do NOT Honk your car horn (we need to respect our neighborhood)
- Let your child know who is picking up them up
- Inform the teacher if your child has permission to walk home alone
Before and After School Care
Herrera Elementary is proud to partner with the Los Altos YMCA as well as Long Beach Parks and Rec WRAP program to offer before and after school care to our students. There is still time to enroll if you are interested in care for your student. Please click on the pictures below to be taken to the registration links.
Family Resource Center
Herrera Elementary students and parents will be able to access support through the LBUSD Family Resource Center (FRC) this year. The purpose of the FRC is to provide social, emotional, and behavioral health-related support to students enrolled at Herrera. Support services may include short-term individual/ group counseling, parent education workshops, and/or linking families to community/ school-based services. The services provided by FRC staff will be at no cost to students and families at Herrera. Medi-Cal or insurance is not required to receive services. Our FRC counselor is Teresa Mora.
Parents are invited to join our on-site parenting workshops. See the flyer below for more information!
👩⚕️ A Note from Nurse Theresa
Hello! My name is Theresa Fanene and I am the school nurse for Herrera and MacArthur Elementary. Please take a moment to explore my website regarding any questions in regards to LBUSD's policy for immunizations, medical forms and more. If you have health-related questions or concerns?
Please contact me via email: tfanene@lbschools.net