Principal Message
September 8th, 2024

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Welcome to September
Dear Runkle Community,
We hope you all had a wonderful summer. It was a pleasure to welcome back both new and returning students to our Runkle family. We're thrilled to have 475 students from Pre-K to 8th grade joining us this year, and we're still accepting new registrations.
As we begin this new school year, it's important to review our pick-up and drop-off procedures to ensure a safe and smooth start. Please refer to the communication I sent earlier this week for detailed instructions.
Remember, when dropping off your child, please do so at the designated doors and refrain from entering the building. Our top priority is the safety of our students and staff. The doors lock at 8:05 am, so please ensure your child arrives on time. If your child is late (even kindergarteners), they can enter the main lobby doors to sign-in with Ms. Linda. Our staff will then escort them to their classrooms.
If you need to drop off forgotten items or lunches, please ring the bell. You can leave the items on the sign-in table and let our secretary, Tracey LeGendre, know. We will notify the student that they have an item to retrieve in the lobby.
Thank you for your cooperation as we work together to create a positive and safe learning environment for all.
~ Donna and Chad
Literacy Assessments
Our literacy specialists (Melissa Harris, Andreá O'Donnell and Jan Nagler) will begin assessing all K-5 students this month. This is a general education practice that all PSB schools engage in to determine which students may require additional support in the fall. Once all the assessments are completed, each grade level team meets with our literacy specialists to determine which students qualify for general education literacy intervention. The assessments are repeated in the winter and spring to collect date on student progress and the effectiveness of our instruction. The assessments we are administrating are:
Kindergarten- Letter/Sound ID
Gr. 1-3 - MCLASS
Gr. 4-6 STAR (ELA and Math)*
Parents will be notified if their child is included in an intervention prior the start of instruction.
* The STAR assessment is a Universal Screener, which is a norm-referenced assessment that allows us to monitor student progress and growth over time. This computer-adaptive assessment is designed to identify students who might be at risk of not meeting grade level standards. The data from this assessment will inform instructional decisions to improve student performance and reduce achievement gaps.
Open House Dates
K - Friday, 9/27 from 8:15-9:00 am
1 - Friday, 9/27 from 8:00-8:30 am
2 - Thursday, 10/17 from 7:50-8:40 am
3 - Wednesday, 10/2 from 7:50-8:40 am
4 - Friday, 10/18 from 1-2 pm
5 - Tuesday, 10/1 from 7:45-8:30 am
Middle School - Wednesday, 10/9, from 5-6:30 pm (time may change)
Upcoming Events
Thursday, September 12th - Runkle PTO Meeting at 8:05 am in Caf
Thursday, September 12th - Back to School Picnic on Playground/Field from 5-7 pm
Thursday, October 3rd - School Closed – Rosh Hashanah
Tuesday, October 8th - Picture Day!!!