August 20, 2024
North Brandywine Middle School
Greetings Parents and Guardians,
We are excited to meet your student next week. Yes, school starts next Monday, August 26, at 7:00 a.m. We know there is excitement in the air, and we are ready to receive your student and make sure that they feel comfortable and want to come to school every day.
Schedules were released last Friday via Home Access. Thank you for your e-mails and I hope everyone was able to receive what they requested. The only thing your student needs to know is the name of their 1st period teacher.
Upon entry into NBMS, all students will enter through the auditorium lobby doors. The auditorium is located on your right and there are 3 doors to enter.
The first door is for students on Team 6A (Teachers: Carpia, Engelberger, Kreger, & Olson).
The middle door is for 7th grade students (Teachers: Berish, Canning, Crouse, Mangi., Nichols, Phelan, and Pierce).
The third door is for students in on Team 6B (Teachers: Gluck, Holyoke, Nagy, Vogt)
* The back of the seats will have the advisory teacher’s name.
Bus Schedules: Transportation will send you an e-mail when bus schedules are loaded into Home Access. Good News: NBMS students will be the only students on the bus; the bus will not be shared with Scott Middle School.
School Day: The school day starts at 7:00 a.m. and ends at 2:10 p.m. Parent pick-up is at 2:05 p.m. When picking up students, please produce your driver’s license. If you grant permission for someone other than yourself to pick up your student, please contact the main office by calling 610-383-3745 or e-mail NBATTENDANCE@CASDSCHOOLS.ORG in advance.
Supply List Update: TEXAS INSTRUMENTS TI-30XS CALCULATOR (recommended)
Monday, August 6 and Tuesday August 27
This year, NBMS is doing a non-traditional opening. Monday and Tuesday we will focus on Team Building and professional development (workshops). We will also have an American Heart Association assembly on Monday.
The agenda for Monday, August 26 is as follows:
6th Grade students will participate in workshops (PBIS, Restorative Practice, Student Code of Conduct, Career Exploration & Clubs, how to be a successful 6th grade student & Attendance)
7th Grade students will participate in team building activities. Please do not wear your best clothes.
The agenda for Tuesday, August 27 is as follows:
6th Grade students will participate in team building activities. Please do not wear your best clothes.
7th Grade students will participate in workshops (PBIS, Restorative Practice, Student Code of Conduct, Sports & clubs, how to be a successful 7th grade student & Attendance)
The faculty and staff at NBMS are excited this year and we are eager to get to know and work with your student. We believe in equity! Our goal is to welcome every student and hope they feel welcomed. We will show respect and hope that we will receive respect. We are excited to work with EVERY STUDENT and encourage EVERY STUDENT to reach their potential.
Kind Regards,
Dr. Eugenia Roberts, Principal
E-Mail Address: robertse@casdschools.org
Phone Number: 610-383-3745
Back to School Night - Thursday, September 12, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Summer Reading Grade 6th and 7th
Students entering grade 6 and grade 7 in the fall will choose a book to read from the lists below. Students should complete a graphic organizer for their book and turn it into their English teacher upon return to school. The organizer will be graded as a homework assignment for the first marking period. The due date is 9/23/24. Use the links below to access your grade’s reading list and assignment.
GRADE 6/ Summer Reading 2024 Assignment Entering 6th Grade.pdf https://padlet.com/nafen1/summer-reading-for-students-entering-6th-grade-themeresilie-2gn2wlnrbthoo5kc
GRADE 7/ Summer Reading Assignment 7 Final (1).pdf https://padlet.com/nafen1/summer-reading-for-students-entering-7th-grade-themeidentit-ge5dy4gnig22g8kh
English Learners grades 6-8 / SPANISH Summer Reading Assignments 6-8 Regular PDF Final.pdf
American Heart Association Assembly and Activity We are ready!
NBMS is partnering with the American Heart Association, and we are dedicated to educating our faculty and staff to healthier, happier students and families. By participating in the American Heart Association's Kids Heart Challenge, our school will join a nationwide movement dedicated to improving the health and well-being of our youth. The Program provides resources to students, families, and faculty about how to live an active, heart healthy lifestyle, and to perform Hands Only CPR and detect the warning signs of heart attack and strokes.
We will have an assembly on Monday, August 26 and more information will be discussed. Information will also be sent home with your student. We believe that education is the key to success and saving lives.
Technology Information
Annual Technology Insurance Fee (TIF): Taking care of a computer can be a big responsibility. Safeguards are in place to protect the district’s investment and to reassure parents/guardians and students. Parents/guardians will be responsible to pay an annual $40 technology insurance fee, per student, with a cap of $100 for three or more students. The TIF provides an inexpensive solution for parents/guardians to lessen the financial burden if an accident or theft occurs. Parents or guardians with an unpaid TIF will be liable for the full cost of the repair or replacement of the Chromebook, or cost for repairs resulting from accidental damage. Payment can be made on RevTrak at this link https://coatesvillearea.revtrak.net/casd- technology/ or by cash, check or money order. If you do not have the finances to pay the TIF, you can apply for a fee waiver by clicking this link compass benefits. Once approved, you must go into RevTrak and if eligible, your payment will state zero; however, you must complete the additional information.
Save the Date- Student Pictures - September 17, 2024
Do you want to know how to Access Home Access?
The Home Access online registration is is open. This feature allows new families in our district to register for Home Access and create their own username, password, and security questions. Attached, please find the instructions in both English and Spanish. The only change to these instructions is that you will need to select our district from the drop-down menu on the initial registration screen.
Contact Information
Website: www.casdschools.org/north
Location: 256 Reeceville Road, Coateille, Pa. 19320
Phone Number: 610-383-3745
Additional Contact Information
Dr. Eugenia Roberts, Principal. E-mail Address: robertse@casdschools.org
Ms. Kathy Kadel, Principal's Secretary. E-Mail Address: kadelk@casdschools.org
Dr. Wilson Lambert, Assistant Principal. E-Mail Address: lambertw@casdschools.org
Ms. Gail Dadd, Assistant Principal's Secretary. E-Mail Address: daddg@casdschools.org
Ms. Jaclyn Dzedzy, Guidance Counselor. E-Mail Address: dzedzyj@casdschools.org
Ms. Patty Nelms, School Nurse. E-mail Address: nelms@casdschools.org