Cougar Community Connection
Principal, Shannon McPherson
Dear CRUNFamily,
Things are buzzing at Cougar Run as we are full speed ahead into second semester and about to jump in to February. We are looking forward to seeing you all at Parent/Teacher conferences in a few weeks. Make sure you have popped on to your teacher's sign ups for conferences in their weekly communication they send out to you. Valentine's Day is also upon us and you know Cougar Run, we are FULL OF LOVE so we love us some Valentine's Day celebrations. ROCKS Council kicks off Valentine Grams for our kids to "share the love" with each other, sending these love grams around to each other and room parents are busy planning fun Valentine classroom celebrations. Be on the look out for ways that you can help contribute to those fun parties in your teacher's newsletters. It is also open enrollment season so if you have friends who were wanting their kiddos to come to school at Cougar Run, please let them know that we have limited spots in most of our classrooms, so they need to apply quickly as many are already being placed on waiting lists. Kindergarten is the main grade level where we have more openings for open enrollment, so spread the word. Have a great weekend and stay warm.
A Note From PTA
Our next event is MUFFINS WITH MENTORS Jan 31st from 7:30-8:30am! We are excited to see you all there! If you are able to help us out with set up and serving - follow this link to sign up! https://signup.com/go/WgkvySy
As a reminder, we do not have a PTA meeting this month, Please feel free to join our next PTA meeting in February 7th ay 8:45 in person or join on Zoom. We always love seeing new and returning faces! Join the Zoom: HERE
Don’t forget to check out the PTA website for all things PTA, reserve the Rock, and keep up to date on School happenings!
As always, THANK YOU to our business sponsors this year!!! We are so grateful for the community support you provide:
Wanderlust with Laura
AGG Law Firm
Math Tutoring
Dr. Holt Orthodontics
Sunny Party Rentals
School of Rock
Bad Boy Boards
Children's Wellness Center of Colorado
Andy's Frozen Custard
McMannis Wealth
Aaron Lebovic, Realtor
Playwell Group
Strive Learning
Master Je Taekwondo
Spotlight On~4th Grade Team
Our 4th Grade Team is small but fierce!! Mrs. Benge, Mrs. Rodriguez and Mrs. Steinagel are at the helm of the 4th grade ship teaching and growing our busy 4th graders. The curriculum and standards are very rigorous at this grade, but these ladies are experts at knowing what these kids need to be prepared for 5th grade. They focus a great deal on higher level thinking skills in reading comprehension and they write like crazy ensuring that their kids have the literacy skills needed to be successful as they embark on the middle school grades. Math is no joke in 4th grade either. There is a major focus on long division, fractions and lots and lots of word problems that focus on algebraic reasoning. Critical thinking is at it's best in 4th grade and this team stops at nothing to make sure that the rigor is strong but the fun is even stronger. They are teaching independence rooted in love and responsibility with accountability. All of these are skills that all kids need to learn to be successful as they grow. Benge and Rodriguez run stellar classrooms that are well balanced with academics and fun and Steinagel helps to fill in the gaps when kiddos struggle, having their backs as the interventionist at this grade level. You couldn't ask for a better team to support and prepare our kids for what's to come in 5th grade.
We are excited to partner with Highlands Ranch High School for their Wish Week. We will be helping to raise money for their Wish Kid, Regina, to help make her wish of meeting her favorite youtuber and painting with them. Our biggest form of donations will be through dress up days. We are asking for $1 or more to participate in the fun dress up days below.
HRHS Wish Week Spirit Days
Let's help Regina's wish come true!!
Tuesday 1/28: Purple Day
Wednesday 1/29: Country Day (wear your boots, hats and cowboy gear)
Thursday 1/30: Neon Day
Friday 1/31: Mario Kart Day (wear anything Mario themed)
Monday 2/3: PJ Day
Tuesday 2/4: Wish Week Shirts or Cougar Run Shirts
Valentine's Grams
ROCKS Council is selling Valentine's Grams for 50 cents each. An order form went home in Friday folders. Anyone can give these out, students to parents, parents to students, students to friends, teachers, etc. Extra gram forms are in the office and will sent out electronically next week!
Volunteer Coordinator, Katie Busch
Please be on the lookout for SignUps for the following events:
January 31st: Muffins with Mentors https://signup.com/go/WgkvySy
February - Help with Little Cougar & Kindy Graduation Photos
March - Spring Photos & Family Glow Dance
May - Field Day, Staff Appreciation, & End-of-the-Year CarnivalYearbook Info
It's time to order your Cougar Run Yearbook! Savor the memories of your child's time at Cougar Run! Place your order by February 28 to get the discounted pricing of $23. After February 28, the price is $28.
Order online at www.dr-photo.com
Select "Order Your Yearbook"
Search for your school
Universal Screening CogAT 2nd Grade
Dear Parents/Guardians,
DCSD is committed to implementing equitable practices to increase access to advanced/gifted learning opportunities. Based on state and national recommendations and requirements, we implement Universal Screening for students in 2nd grade (February).
2nd Grade Universal Screen
As part of this process, ALL students in 2nd grade not identified for gifted programming will take the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) February 4, 5, & 6. This assessment indicates the level and pattern of cognitive development of a student in comparison to grade and age mates. These general reasoning abilities, which start developing at birth and continue through early adulthood, are influenced by experiences gained both in and out of school.
If your child is already identified for gifted programming, they will not participate in this universal screen testing. Your Gifted Education Facilitator will contact you directly with information about this process.
Kindergarten/ 1st Grade Gifted Identification Referral Testing
If your child is in K or 1st grade and you believe he/she needs evaluation for Gifted Identification and Services, you may refer your child for testing by initiating the Gifted Identification Process.
NOTE: Requesting this assessment automatically initiates the process to evaluate for Gifted Identification.
Please request CogAT testing for your child by completing the Referral for Gifted Identification linked HERE
Upon receipt of this form the Gifted Education Facilitator will connect with you to discuss next steps in the gifted identification process.
Upcoming Dates to Remember
January 31-7:30 Muffins with Mentors
February 7 8:45 PTA Meeting in the LC (Also Virtual Option)
February 10-13- Parent/Teacher Conference Week (See your teacher's schedule for sign ups)
February 19-9:00 CRUN SAC Meeting
March 14- 8:45 PTA Meeting
March 14-PTA Family Glow Dance
March 17-21-Spring Break No School
April 7-11- CMAS Testing Grades 3-6
April 11-8:45 PTA Meeting
April 25- No School- Staff Compensation Day
April 28-No School For Students DCSD Professional Development Day
May 2- Field Day
May 5-9- Staff Appreciation Week
May 15- Kindy Graduation
May 23- Last Day Of School/PTA Sponsored Cougar Run Carnival