General Smallwood Middle School
Career and Counseling News for September 2024
What is a Career Coach?
What is CTE?
Offers a unique opportunity to engage high school students in a variety of subjects, incorporating academic, creative and technical skills. ​
Explore career paths while in high school. ​
All high schools in Charles County have Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs.​
4 or 5 course sequence that is a graduation pathway. ​
Able to earn college credits or industry certifications.​
Direct connection to further education or the workforce.​
CTE Pathways Available in Charles County
Scan the QR Code to be taken directly to the CTE Website.
Mr. Yake: Career Coach
Holland Code (RIASEC)
The term Holland Code, Holland Codes and abbreviation RIASEC refer to John Holland's six personality types: Realistic (R), Investigative (I), Artistic (A), Social (S), Enterprising (E) and Conventional (C). According to Holland’s Theory of Career Choice, choosing work or an education program environment that matches, or is similar to your personality, will most likely lead to success and satisfaction.
What Personality type are you?
Scan the QR Code below and find out!
Xello is engaging college and career readiness software that unlocks every student's potential by opening their eyes to future possibilities and equipping them with the self-knowledge, skills, and confidence to build actionable plans for future success.
School Counselor Corner
Hazel Health
Our district is offering all students free online counseling services with a licensed therapist, through our partnership with Hazel Health. Services are 100% confidential, and completely free for families. Enroll your student in under 5 minutes at:
Hazel Health Flyer (English)
Hazel Health Flyer (Spanish)
Charles County Hazel Health (Spanish)
PPW Post
I am beyond thrilled to have joined the Bulldogs this year as your Pupil Personnel worker. My primary objective is to keep your student(s) engaged and attending school regularly while providing any needed resources. I have experience at all levels and was a Middle School counselor prior to becoming a Pupil Personnel worker. I truly look forward to getting to know you and your student this year and believe this may be our best year ever. For more information on what a PPW does, please visit the website below. Also please access the Charles County Resource Center for more resources when needed. Thank you and have a great school year!
Pupil Personnel Workers - Charles County Public Schools (
Attendance Awareness Spirit Week!
Help up celebrate the week of September 16th - 20th
💡 Reminders 💡
- September 2nd: Labor Day, schools and offices closed
- September 4th: 8th Grade Career Exploration Presentation
- September 5th: 8th Grade Career Exploration Presentation
- September 6th: 8th Grade Career Exploration Presentation
- September 13th: Fair Day, schools closed for students
- September 16th: Attendance Awareness Week Begins
- September 20th: Attendance Awareness Week Ends
- September 24th: GSMS Open House
Important CTE Links for Charles County Public Schools
1) CTE Overview
Attendance Matters
Students who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at higher levels than students who do not have regular attendance. This relationship between attendance and achievement may appear early in a child's school career.
Ms. Immler: School Counselor
Ms. Porter: 8th Grade Counselor
Mrs. Calacan: School Counseling Secretary
Phone: 301-753-1786
Mr. Yake: Career Coach
Ms. Flournoy: Student Data Technician
Phone: 301-753-1761
Mr. Bankenstein: PPW
Phone: 301-753-1786
Dr. Brewer: School Psychologist
Phone: 301-753-1786