Chios, Greece 27.03.2019
The Stakeholder Workshop: A Collaboration Forum
The discussion at the Stakeholder Workshop in Chios/GR on the 27th of March 2019 is connected to INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT 01, namely the Stakeholders' Skills Needs Survey. Major topics include:
1. Who are the stakeholders in tourism?
2. What are the skills needed to meet the trends and challenges in the tourism market?
3. What could be an innovative product in heritage tourism?
15 Stakeholder Interviews have been completed right after the Workshop. The results indicate that new product and services are on the rise, thanks to the TOURiBOOST innovation.
The Location
The Invitation
The Agenda
The Agenda
Last Check
The Chios Pilot Project (the locations)
Stakeholders believe:
It is about the part of Chios that is more touristically developed and closer connected to mastiha, inserted in the UNESCO list for intangible cultural heritage. Also the Castle of Chios, as in its today form is derives from the Genoese and Venetian occupation of the island. Meaning that the whole makes a unique medieval ensemble in the Mediterranean, connected to the global commerce of Mastiha as practiced by the Genoese. Nea Moni in Chios makes the preceding Byzantine period visible and thus it makes the connection between the two worlds.
The Problem
Stakeholders believe:
The problem is how to ensure visitor flows to the island as there are no charter flights in the summer and the refugee influx has worsened the situation, thus less tourists than before are visiting the island.
In regards to the cognitive-emotional aspect of the visit there is a lot to be done from the part of the authorities and there are many authorities involved with this task with somehow overlapping responsibilities. This makes the task more complicated.
The Solution
Stakeholders evaluate: Up to now, isolated assets were put together because of natural beauty; landscape values and aesthetics; proximity to other more famous assets; gastronomy, events and activities. However this fragmented approach has disabled visitors understand, value and appreciate the island’s history and culture. Stakeholders find this attempt, to let via multimedia storytelling the past emerge very compelling and promising.
MASTIHA (Pistacea Lentiscus)
Invaluable gift of nature.
The TOURiBOOST Approach
The TOURiBOOST eBOOK: an accessible gem
The TOURiBOOST eBOOK: sound research
The TOURiBOOST eBOOK: coming to life
Joint Efforts to conclude the Pilot Project
1. Which assets to include?
2. What is their value(s)
3. How to communicate the values (which skills are required?
4. How to draw up a compelling story for the 5 assets?
5. Let us play the game!
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"Funded by the ERASMUS + Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."