December 2024
The #YeagerBuzz is sent as a monthly newsletter.
You will continue to receive weekly Friday Flyers as well as updates from your child's teacher.
A Quick Note From Mrs. Dale
Student/Staff Holiday
Just a reminder that Yeager and all CFISD schools will be closed from November 25-29, 2024, for the Thanksgiving Break. Enjoy a safe and restful break! We will see you back on Monday, December 2nd!
November Gold Jackets
Congratulations to this month's GoldJackets!!
What is Gold Jacket?
December to Remember
Join us in our December festive activities!
Car Rider Express- December 20th
Yeager has typically experienced many early student pickups the day before our winter holiday. For the safety of our students and for the convenience of our families, we will be offering a Car Rider Express Pass. If you choose to pick up your child early on Friday, December 20th, we ask that you pick up at 10:15 a.m. through our car rider express line. We will run a car rider line for pre-registered students. You will not need to come in to sign out your child. To register, we must receive the information below no later than December 17th.
Look for a paper copy to go home with your child the week we return from Thanksgiving break. You may download a PDF copy below to send it back to school or via email at yeager@cfisd.net. Please send a picture of your ID with your email.
Yeager Spirit Store- December 13th
The Spirit Cart will be open during lunches on Friday, December 13th this upcoming month. Students will have the opportunity to purchase items from the Spirit Cart during their lunch time. Items include water bottles, fidget toys, stickers, pencils, jump ropes, and much more. Items will range from $1 to $7.
Cart Cash must be purchased online via School Cash by 12:00pm the day before each Spirit Cart Friday; any Cart Cash purchased after that time/date will be eligible for use the next month.
Students cannot bring money to school to be used at the Spirit Cart. Only Cart Cash will be accepted.
Future Spirit Cart dates are scheduled for: January 31st, February 28th, March 28th, April 25th, and May 23rd.
Save the Date
Our student Council is excited to announce our next event. On December 18th we will host a Parent's Night Out. This will be a movie night from 5:30-7 pm for current Yeager students. There will be treats, games, and we will be watching The Grinch. We will selling only a limited number of tickets. So, drop off your student and go do some last-minute Christmas shopping! Look for an email with more information when we return from Thanksgiving break!
Earn CASH for Yeager while you shop
5th grade contribution
Sponsor a 5th grader
Yeager families, if you would like to help sponsor a 5th grade student, you may find a sponsor item under your child's school cash account. Contributions will need to be made through School Cash Online. We appreciate any and all financial help to make this an awesome day for our graduating 5th Graders!
Child's birthday on electronic marquee!
We can announce your child's birthday on our electronic marquee at Yeager Elementary!
The birthday sign will be posted for 3 days (the day before the birthday, the birthday and the day after) for $15!
Birthday signs with your child's FIRST name will be posted UPON PAYMENT and there will be NO REFUNDS. Summer birthdays will still be posted in the summer.
Purchases must be done via SchoolCash.
Mental Health & Wellness Fair - Dec 4th
Progress Reports and Report Card in HAC
Progress Reports, Report Cards, attendance information, and other important information regarding your student are available in the Home Access Center. If you don't know how to log in to HAC, please search your email for "HAC". If you are still having difficulty, you may call our HELP Desk at 281-897-4357. Access to the HAC will be important throughout your child's enrollment in CFISD.
Classroom Readers program for Pre-K, Kg and 1st Grade
Pre-K, Kindergarten and 1st Grade Parents:
Please join us as a Classroom Reader! Come read to your child's class and then join them for lunch as time allows. We are excited about the Classroom Readers' Program to encourage the love of reading for our Primary Students. We welcome grandparents and community members to read as well.
Pre-K - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4DAEAE2CA7F4C43-52382380-classroom
Kindergarten - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4DAEAE2CA7F4C43-52390016-classroom
1st Grade - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4DAEAE2CA7F4C43-50718463-classroom
Label items
Please label all items that come to school with your child's name. Our Lost and Found gets very full multiple times a year and we end up donating lots of items. If your child's name is on their item, it makes it easy for us to return the item.
Lost and Found Items
Important Dates
4th -VIPS Board Meeting; 2:30pm
13th - Yeager Spirit Cart open during lunches
- Yeager Spelling Bee
17th - 4th grade Science Museum Field Trip
- Yeager Spirit Day at Campioni
- Yeager Honor Choir Program; 6pm
18th - 5th grade Science Museum Field Trip
19th- Big Event Day with PBIS points
20th - Class Holiday Parties
- Car Rider Express Day; 10:15am
December 23rd- January 3rd Student/Staff Holiday
6th - Student Holiday/Staff Development Day
New home address?
If you have moved or your lease expired, please provide new proof of residency to the registrar's office. You may email a copy of the current lease, HCAD, mortgage statement or closing documents along with a current light, gas or water bill to yeager@cfisd.net. Please make sure to include your child's name and grade level.
Transportation Changes
- Transportation changes must be made in writing by sending in a signed note with your child. You may also send a scanned note via email or an email with a copy of your ID to yeager@cfisd.net.
- For your child's safety, we cannot make transportation changes over the phone.
- Transportation changes must be received no later than 3:15 p.m.
- The latest time to pick up students from the front office, with a note, is 3:45pm.
Front Desk Procedures
- Always be prepared to present your photo ID when visiting Yeager for any reason.
- When at the front door please remember to: 1) Ring the door bell 2) Look at the camera and listen for the receptionist 3) State the purpose of your visit 4) Wait to be buzzed in.
- We ask that lunch drop offs should only be for forgotten lunch boxes and students have a lunch visitor no more than one day per week (any day).
- Items forgotten at home (homework, books, folders etc) delivered to the front office will be placed in teacher's box.
- The car line runs 8:20a.m. - 8:45 a.m. For your child's safety, do not drop-off before this time or anywhere other than the car line, unless if enrolled in Club Rewind.
- The school day begins at 8:45am. If your child arrives after 8:45 a.m., please walk in with your child and sign them in.
- Breakfast lines close at 8:50am. If your child is running late to school, please make sure they eat breakfast before arriving at school. Exception will be made for students on a school bus that is late.
Tardy- don't be late!
Students may come inside the building beginning at 8:20AM from the car rider line. We recommend students be dropped off no later than 8:40am so they have time to make it to class before the tardy bell at 8:45am.
At 8:45am we begin our morning announcements and our staff members on car rider duty need to go inside to report to their first-period classes. After this time, the adult will need to park their car and come inside to sign in their child.
Breakfast lines close at 8:50am. If your child is running late to school, please make sure they eat breakfast before arriving at school. Exception will be made for students on a school bus that is late.
Parents of students who walk to or from school: please make a note of rainy day dismissal routines.
Our walking pathway holds a lot of water and gets very muddy. Your child will get wet and muddy if dismissed as a walker.
If it has been raining and you prefer that your child not walk home, you should submit a change of transportation BEFORE 3:15 pm. This can be a signed note or, if the day has already begun and you cannot get a signed note to us; you can attach your ID to an email to yeager@cfisd.net. Please note that the message must be received no later than 3:15pm of the same day that you are making the change of transportation for your child to be a car rider.
If it is actively raining, we will make a decision at 3:15 pm to cancel walkers and automatically change all our walkers to car riders. Once we make the decision at 3:15 pm, we will not be able to change it back, even if it stops raining. In the event that walkers are canceled, a School Messenger notification will be sent so you will be aware of the change.
We appreciate your cooperation on this matter.
School Messenger
SchoolMessenger is CFISD's emergency notification system. Stay informed with important school messages in the palm of your hand! Opt in today for SMS notifications. Text "Y" to 67587
Title I School
Club Rewind
Club Rewind is the before/after-school care program designed by CFISD and located at each elementary campus for eligible Pre-K through 5th grade students.
The program is fee-based and offers morning care, afternoon care and a combination of both. Click here for more information.
Social Media
Please make sure you follow us on all our social media sites! We like keeping you all in the loop with all the fun things going on at Yeager Elementary!
2024/2025 CFISD Calendar
Yeager Elementary School
School Hours 8:45am-4:10pm
Email: yeager@cfisd.net
Website: www.yeager.cfisd.net
Location: 13615 Champion Forest Drive, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: 281-440-4914