Naquag:Wk of 6/8 Learning Links +
Hello Naquag Families!
We made it to the last week of school! THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED HELP AND SUPPORT. We are so grateful to our families for their collaboration and cooperation. Naquag families are the best!
6/8 - 6/12 Learning Links:
Teachers have made "Review and Practice Booklets" that were in your student belongings bags (picked up this week!). You can also print each booklet from the
learning links.
6/8 - 6/12 Kindergarten Learning Links
6/8 - 6/12 First Grade Learning Links
6/8 - 6/12 Second Grade Learning Links
Related Arts (Specials! Art, Music and PE!)
6/8 - 6/12 Mrs. Shepherd's Art Learning Link
6/8 - 6/12 Mrs. Gough's Music Learning Link
6/8 - 6/12 Mr. Barbale's PE Learning Link
SEL (Social Emotional Learning)
6/8 - 6/12 School Psychologist Mrs. Hunt's Learning Link
Report Cards - Quarter 4: Report cards will be accessible on Friday, June 12 through the Power School Parent Portal. Please note the District's Remote Learning Plan for K - 2 for report cards: "Student Grading: For the fourth quarter, students will be graded on a much broader range. Students will be graded using two broad statements: 'progressing towards expectations' (PTE) or 'not progressing towards expectations' (NPE) as opposed to the way we have graded them earlier this year."
Naquag's WAVE Parade on Friday, May 29 was taped by Rutland Cable! Please check Rutland Cable Channels 191 & 192 to see our Naquag WAVE Parade. We hope to share the video with you soon!
Have a safe and relaxing weekend. More pictures to share soon!
Stay well and take care.