Wildcat Tales
You belong here!
Week of September 9-13
Wildcat Families,
Our first pep rally is Monday! Be sure to check out our bell schedule below for the times. We have been talking to our Wildcats about our pep rally expectations. Please go over these expectations with your child. We are very excited to show our school spirit Monday!
Pep Rally Expectations
September 9 is our first Pep Rally-"In Our Wildcats Era" - Show your WGMS Pride! Wear your blue and white Wildcat Gear! Here are our Pep Rally Expectations. Students who fail to honor these expectations may lose their privilege to attend the remaining pep rallies.
Have your backpacks in front, file in and sit in the order that you walk in - backpacks between their legs once seated
No booing, only cheering
National Anthem - every one stands and shows respect by staying quiet, facing the American flag, and being still
Be sure to cheer and support each group that participates in the pep rally
School Song - everyone standing, Wildcat sign in the air, and singing along
We encourage you to keep your phone in your backpack.
Dismissal - wait for your row to be dismissed and exit in an orderly fashion
Walnut Grove Gold Out
Walnut Grove Gold Out is Monday, September 23rd! Gold Out Shirts will be available for purchase during all lunches for ONE DAY ONLY on Thursday September 19th for $10!
8th Grade Parents
8th grade parents met to elect officials for the 8th grade booster. The group of parents have fundraisers planned for this upcoming year.
Nominated officers: President-Jill Matthews, Vice President- Tiffani Langbein, Treasurer- Laura Franklin, Secretary- Ashley Bentley
Next Meeting: September 9- 6pm, Cassaro
If you would like more information and find out how you can sign up, email wgms8thboosters@gmail.com.
More info to come!!!
Check it off your list. Order your Yearbook today!
The yearbook is a record of moments in time for your student. Don’t miss the book that captures them all.
Order by September 13th, for our promotional free icons and starting at just $35.00.
SAVE NOW › Jostens.com/backtoschool or call 1-877-767-5217
Be sure to read through the Wildcat Tales for upcoming events.
Wildcats, remember your 4 P's-Prompt, Prepared, Productive, Polite and know that you belong here. Make it a great day and go Cats! 💙🐾
Carly Woolery
WGMS Principal
Attending a Midlothian ISD Game or Event
If your child attends any Midlothian ISD game or event, they must be picked up immediately after the game or event has concluded. Students that are not picked up within 30 minutes of the game or event's conclusion will be denied entrance to future MISD games or events.
Just a few reminders
- Report to Mrs. Kennedy or Mr. Fontenot - Student resolves the problem -or Mrs. Kennedy resolves the problem or Parent resolves the problem.
- Student returns to class.
*If the violation cannot be resolved, student will sit in ISS for the remainder of the day.
- NEW Treats cannot be brought into the cafeteria during lunch periods.
Important Dates
9-Pep Rally-"In Our Wildcats Era" - Show your WGMS Pride! Wear your blue and white Wildcat Gear!
17-Math Pentathlon first meeting (see below for more info)
19-End of 1st 6 weeks
20-Professional Learning Day - No school for students
21-A Night in the Spotlight (see below for more info)
23-Start of 2nd 6 weeks
23-Pep Rally (more info to come)
10-School Funding Referendum 101 6:30 in WGMS Library (parking available in front)
11-Professional Learning Day - No school for students
14-Student and Staff Holiday
15-Professional Development Day - No school for students
17-Beginning Band Showcase Concert 6:30-7:30
Assessment Calendar
22-RLA District Benchmark Testing 6th-8th grade
23-Science District Benchmark Testing 8th grade
24-Social Studies District Benchmark 8th grade
28-Math District Benchmark Math 6th-8th grade
30-Algebra I District Benchmark
9-11-Middle of the Year MAP (ELA, Math, Science)
17-19 - High School Credit Course Semester Exams
If you plan on attending our September 9 Pep Rally, you must complete the form above. The pep rally begins at 3:45 and parents will be able to enter the gym starting at 3:30.
Parents must have a printed badge to attend, which can be picked up in the front office. Parents will be able to enter the gym beginning at 3:30pm and sit in the designated area located on the left side when you first enter the gym. CLEAR BAG POLICY IS IN EFFECT. Please remember to park in the parking lot-DO NOT block the car lanes.
CKH Newsletter
Connect with Heart - Empathy
This month, we’re focusing on empathy and challenging students to make sure that everyone they interact with feels seen, heard, and valued. We are partnering with you to grow and develop empathy in your student at home. As a family, use these activities to reflect on and better understand the needs of others.
Counselor's Corner
We asked the students ways that they could ripple kindness at WGMS. Here are some of the most popular answers!
Join the Robotics Club
7th and 8th grade only
No engineering experience required
Tuesdays 4:15-5:15, start in library and move to room A209
Bible Study Club
Fridays 8-8:25 Rm B108
Math Pentathlon
Starts September 17 @ 4:15 in room A203
Email Ivy.Beard@midlothianisd.org with questions.
What's your favorite video game?
Lost and Found
Our lost and found is already growing after just 2 1/2 weeks of school! If your child has lost something, remind them to check our lost and found. It is located down the hallway from the cafeteria. 🎒🩳🥤👕
Event Details:
- Date: Saturday, September 28, 2024
- Location: Midlothian ISD Multi-Purpose Stadium
- Packet Pick-Up / Day of Registration: 7:00 a.m.
- Fun Run Start Time: 8:00 a.m.
- 5K Start Time: 8:15 a.m.
Which Grade Level will win the Spirit Stick at the first pep rally????
Scoliosis Screening
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The State of Texas mandates scoliosis screening (for sideways curvature of the spine) for 5th grade girls, 7th grade girls, and 8th grade boys.
We will be conducting scoliosis screenings on the following dates:
- September 5, 2024: 7th Grade Girls
- October 4, 2024: 8th Grade Boys
If a referral is needed, a letter will be sent home for further assessment by a physician.
If you would like your child to be excluded from this screening, please sign, date, and return the attached form to your school nurse by September 3, 2024.
Name of student: ______________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian signature for exclusion from screening: ____________________________
Date: ______________________________
Thank you for your cooperation.
Mandy Berry, BSN, RN, CPN
School Nurse
September CKH Champion
🌟 Our CKH Champion for September is Mrs. McLemore! 🌟
Mrs. McLemore was chosen by fellow staff members for exemplifying Capturing Kids' Hearts values. She consistently greets students at her door with a smile and ensures her classroom ambassadors make every visitor feel welcome. When asked about her, Mrs. McLemore's students shared that she is both kind and funny.
Thank you, Mrs. McLemore, for Capturing our Wildcats' Hearts! 💙🐾
#MISDProud #WGMS #wgmswildcats #capturingkidshearts Capturing Kids' Hearts
HS Robotics and MS Robotics Club
6th Grade Art Class
Athletic News
Gold Out Spirit Wear
Gold Out is coming up soon! GET YOUR GOLD OUT SHIRTS NOW!!
Family Athletic Passes
Back by popular demand!! Once again, the Midlothian ISD Athletic Department is pleased to offer a solution to help ease the household financial hardship. The MISD Family Athletic Passes are now available for purchase on our website: https://bit.ly/midlothianisdathletics Our first home athletic event is NEXT WEEK! If you have any questions please contact our office at 469-856-5090.
Wildcat Parent Volunteer Sign-Up Form
What is a Wildcat Parent Volunteer?
We are a group of Wildcat parents who donate goodies to the Walnut Grove staff once a month. This is usually in the form of breakfast, lunch, and snacks for all staff on campus.
How can you help?
There are a few ways you can help.
1) You can sign up to be a donation supporter. A donation supporter is for our families who cannot necessarily be away from their home or office during the school day but want to be part of the WPV group. Monthly, we would send out a request for donations. This is usually sent via Venmo and the funds are used to purchase meals and snacks for that month's event.
2)If you have free time and like to be more hands on, you can sign up to help us decorate the designated area for that month. This is usually done in the front office conference room. We arrive on campus around 10:30 AM and are typically wrapping up around 1:10 PM. You would not have to commit to the whole time slot. We decorate and then help serve the food, restock between lunches, etc. Any amount of time you are able to give is greatly appreciated.
3) Do you own a business and want to get your name out to Walnut Grove teachers and staff? We would love to partner with you and have you sponsor a meal for us that month or even sponsor only the drinks or a dessert option for the month.
We have lots of ways for you to be involved. If this sounds like something you would like to participate in, please complete this Google Form and we will add you to our group communication.
Thank you so much for your interest in joining the Wildcat Parent Volunteers.
WGMS Personal Electronic Devices Information
Traffic Drop-off and Pick-up
Watch this 1 minute video about our drop off and pick up line at the front of the school. Both lanes are available for drop off and pick up. You must pull into the parking spots to drop off or pick up. Students MUST use the crosswalk if they are dropped off in the farthest lane from the building. Pull as far up as you can to allow for more cars to drop off/pick up. There is no drop off or pick up in the back or south parking lot. Our south parking lot is reserved for ILS students only.
Important Links
2024-2025 Medication Forms
Medication forms must be updated every school year. Please download forms here and submit to your campus nurse before the first day of school August 14. You can email Nurse Berry at Mandy.Berry@midlothianisd.org.
Attendance Info
Quickstart Guide for Skyward Family Access and Canvas Parent Observer Account
Smart Tag Info
Who Should I Contact?
Vape Sensors
Dear MISD Parents,
Safety and security are a top priority in MISD. As an added layer of student safety, vape sensors have been installed throughout all MISD secondary campuses serving grades six and above. The installation of the sensors supports legislative requirements set forth by House Bill 114 that went into effect with the start of the 2023-24 school year. The new law takes a strong stance on prohibiting the possession and use of vape devices at school. Any student who possesses or uses a vape device of any kind on school grounds is subject to disciplinary placement in DAEP and the student's ability to participate in extracurricular activities could be impacted. The law also requires the district to notify School Resource Officers (SROs) about violations. Vape device use of THC is subject to felony drug charges. Parents may reference Texas Health and Safety Penal Code 481.002(26) for more information. Installed sensors are equipped with tamper detection software and should not be touched. This includes throwing anything at the sensors. Students will be held accountable and subject to disciplinary consequences in accordance with the district’s Student Code of Conduct policy if they tamper with a detection device. Thank you for your partnership and support as we work together to keep our students safe. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s school. Sincerely, Midlothian ISD
School Info
Walnut Grove Middle School
4 P's: Prompt, Prepared, Productive, Polite
Character Traits: Respect, Integrity, Pride
Carly Woolery, Principal
M'kale Kennedy, Assistant Principal
David Fontenot, Assistant Principal
Email: carly.woolery@midlothianisd.org
Website: https://wgms.midlothianisd.org/
Location: 990 N Walnut Grove Rd, Midlothian, TX, USA
Phone: (469)856-5700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WalnutGroveMS
Instagram: @wgmswildcats
Twitter: @WGMSWildcats