The Bobcat Roar
December 2nd-6th
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Soma kwa Kiswahili kwa kubofya chaguo la "Translate (Tafsiri)" kwenye ukurasa huuPrincipal Muñoz's Message:
New Month! New Goals!
New Month...New Goals...Set 'em High...Knock 'em Down! This is a brief chant that I say with our leaders at the start of each month. This chant ties into the learner profile that we will focus on this month on being Reflective. defines reflective as "We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development." Leaders have been asked to reflect on their first semester and think about their strengths and weaknesses in their academics. Our leaders will be setting their new goal for the month and creating an action plan to knock their goal down!
Thank you families for sending us your very best and choosing LPLS!
Paws Up!
-Principal Muñoz
Nuevo mes...Nuevas metas...Ponlas en alto...¡Derríbalas! Este es un breve canto que digo con nuestros líderes al comienzo de cada mes. Este canto se relaciona con el perfil del alumno en el que nos centraremos este mes: ser reflexivo. define reflexivo como "Consideramos cuidadosamente el mundo y nuestras propias ideas y experiencias. Trabajamos para comprender nuestras fortalezas y debilidades para apoyar nuestro aprendizaje y desarrollo personal". Se ha pedido a los líderes que reflexionen sobre su primer semestre y piensen en sus fortalezas y debilidades en su ámbito académico. ¡Nuestros líderes establecerán su nueva meta para el mes y crearán un plan de acción para lograr su meta!
¡Gracias familias por enviarnos lo mejor y elegir LPLS!
-Directora Muñoz
Teaching and Learning the IB Way
Let's Work Together!
Our leaders have many opportunities to work collaboratively in small groups and with partners. This provides leaders with the chance to learn what it's like to have to work with a team to accomplish a goal. Sometimes our teachers create challenging activities where working together with peers helps students be Open-Minded and Thinkers to be successful. And, sometimes working together is just fun!
Before we left for the Thanksgiving Break, our middles school students had the opportunity to do just together to be Open-Minded, practice being Communicators, have FUN, and reach a goal. Students were provided with different challenges that ranged from naming a vegetable for every letter of the alphabet and identifying all the states in our country. Our leaders were able to enjoy a well-deserved brain break, learn the rules to new games, and work together as a team. Great job, Bobcat leaders!
What Makes You Say That?
One question that we ask our leaders here at Las Palmas Leadership School for Girls is: What Makes You Say That? When a teacher asks a student that question, it's because we want to know what our leaders are thinking. We are curious about their responses and want them to know that when they provide an answer, they have put a lot of brain work into that answer. What makes you say that? might sound like a simple question but it is actually quite complex. That one simple question requires that our leaders stop and be Reflective of what they are saying. This helps them to process what they're thinking a little better.
This week, I found several examples of how teachers are asking our leaders to really think about their thinking and to provide justification and reasons for their responses. See the examples below of how 4th graders used their Math study sheets to help explain their thinking and how 1st graders used text evidence from the story they were reading to support their thoughts. We hope you also take time to ask your child: What makes you say that?
What's happening around Las Palmas?/¿Qué pasa en Las Palmas?
Thanksgiving Luncheon
Open-Minded Leaders
Spirit Stick Competition
Monthly Perfect Attendance Celebration!
Annie Performance
Parent Portal Sign Up
Please make sure that you have signed up for the Parent Portal. You will have access to your child's daily grades. You will also receive district and campus updates as another form of communication. We currently have 88 out 354 accounts signed up. We are at 25% and our campus goal is 100%. Please don't forget to sign up!
Weekly Principal Communication Video
District Resources
Community Resources/Información
Adult Education Classes
BCFS Family Resource Center
Services include:
Basic Needs (cleaning supplies, hygiene items, diapers, etc.), skills-based workshops, support groups for parents, resource navigation and more. Use this link to register for upcoming events: or call 210-208-5767
BCFS Family Resource Center
Los servicios incluyen:
Necesidades Básicas (artículos de limpieza, artículos de higiene, pañales, etc.) , talleres basados en habilidades , grupos de apoyo para padres de familia , navegación de recursos y más.
SA Hope
Girl Scouts Clothing and Pantry Resource
Community Resource Database
Follow us on social media! ESTAMOS EN LAS REDES SOCIALES
Call us: (210) 898-4210 or visit our website:
Please see the directory linked here for all district numbers.
Llámenos: (210) 898-4210 o visite nuestra página:
Este es el enlace al directorio de números del distrito: linked here
Counseling & Support Services Team
Ms. Nieves, LCSW
Trabajadora Social
Phone: 210-802-5825