Ralph E. Waite Elementary School
April Parent Newsletter
Happy Spring!
Please take a few minutes to review important information for the month of April.
April marks the start of Ohio State Testing. Please make sure your children get a good night of sleep and a healthy breakfast before coming to school on testing days. Please see the schedule below. We also have a lot of fun events and activities coming up in April and May for students and families! Please read on for more information.
Highlights from March:
-Spring Fundraiser Ended
-5th Grade KidScripts Performances
-Tornado Safety Drill
-Talent Show,
-Spring Pictures
-Pi Day
-Spring Conferences
-St. Patrick's Day
-Father Daughter Dance
-First Day of Spring!
-5th Grade DARE Graduation
-Grade 5 Business Fair-March Madness Staff Challenge
-Spring Break
I hope everyone enjoyed spring break and has a fun long weekend!
Have a great month!
Mr. Mattie
Waite March Madness PBIS Challenge Assembly!
Mark your Calendar!
Important Dates
4/3/23: School Resumes, Welcome Back from Spring Break!
4/4/23: Spring Fundraising Orders - Sent Home
4/5/23-4/6/23: Spring Fundraising Orders Parent Pick-Up - Large Orders
4/5/23: PTO Culver's Share Night
4/6/23: Grade 5 Field Trip to the PAC
4/7/23: No School, Good Friday
4/9/23: Happy Easter!
4/10/23: No School, Easter Monday
4/12/23: PTO Savers Truck for Donations
4/13/23: PTO Marco's Pizza Night and PTO Meeting, 7:00pm
4/16/23: PTO Mother Son Bowling Event 2:00-4:00/4:30-6:30
4/17/23: ELA Testing Begins for Grades 4 and 5
4/25/23: Testing Begins for Grade 5 Science, Grade 3 Math
4/27/23: Field Trip for Grade 5 to Camp Nuhop and Field Trip for Grade 3 Kiwanis Arbor Day Winners Luncheon
4/28/23: Arbor Day and Field Trip for Grade 4 to LCCC and Grade 5 Middle School Scheduling
Spring State Testing Schedule
District News
Medina City Schools Helping Hands Preschool is now enrolling children ages 3-5 for the 2023-2024 school year. Registration will take place electronically by visiting https://forms.gle/fyWRMPojs7pxMqxS6
Helping Hands Preschool is located inside Northrop Elementary School. Class sessions from Monday-Thursday in the morning or afternoon. More information about the Preschool can be found here.
Kindergarten registration for the 2023-24 school year opens January 15, 2023. Students registering for the 2023-24 school year must attain the age of five (5) on or before August 1st of the year in which they apply for entrance. (Must be at least 5 years old on or before August 1, 2023).
To register, please click here.
Early Kindergarten Screenings are held in May. You must be fully registered to attend!
5th Grade Business Fair
Building News
Father Daughter Dance!
Congratulations to our Buckeye Leaders of the Month!
- Shannon Beltowski
- Mia Parsons
- Derrick Gibson
- Jenna Mathlouthi
- Lucas Fisher
- Lucy Stassinis
- Caleb Bonezzi
- Cora Clary
- Maddie Haynes
- Austin Sheetz
- James Chimente
- Katherine Inglis
- Grayson Fuller
- Jonah Kocinski
- Layla Carpenter
- Hayden Donze
- Ashlynn Kupec
- Giovanni Tricomi
- Hailey Angus
- Anna Baddorf
- Lexi Vidikan
- Jillian Lewis
- Maddie Clay
Upcoming Events and Activities
Marco's Pizza Nights are Back!
Are you ready for a pizza night? Marco's Pizza will be donating a percentage of sales from Waite family purchases this Thursday, April 13. Families can order for lunch or dinner.
If ordering online: Use this Link
Under menu select fundraiser and choose Waite.
If ordering by phone: Please mention Waite when calling.
Marcos Pizza
244 N Court St
Marco's Pizza nights are scheduled for the second Thursday of each month.
5th Grade Business Fair
Camp Invention is a nationally acclaimed, weeklong STEM enrichment program for children entering grades K-6.
Science Olympiad
Science Olympiad teams are forming now!
Talent Show
5th Grade Camp
We will be heading to Camp Nuhop on April 27 for an extended (10:00-7:00) school day experience. Camp information was presented today to students and paper copies of the parent information letter and parent permission/payment forms were sent home with students as well.
Those documents and more are linked below.
Please take a moment to review this information and make sure that the permission form and payment form are sent back to school by Wednesday April 5, 2023.
- Parent Information Letter
- Payment Form
- Parent Permission Form
- Camp Nuhop Information Flyer
- Medication Forms
*Please print and send back to school medication forms with the payment/permission forms on 4/5/23 for any new or non-prescription medications that should be sent with your student to camp and are not already on file with the school.
School Updates and Reminders
Absence/Tardy Procedure
If your child is going to be absent/tardy, please call the Attendance/Clinic Line at 330-636-4504 before 9:00am and any time after 4:00pm.
COVID Update
Covid- Frequently Asked Questions
Do kids have to stay home if someone in the family has COVID?
In general kids can come to school as long as they are feeling well
unless they have tested positive for COVID. If a student tests
positive for COVID, they have to stay home 5 days from symptom
onset (symptom onset is day 0). On Day 6, as long as the student is feeling well, and has been fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication, they may return to school.
Are masks required days 6-10?
No, they are recommended and encouraged. Per the CDC, individuals should wear a well-fitting
mask if they have symptoms of COVID-19, if they had a positive SARS-CoV-2 test in the past 10
days, or if they had recent exposure to someone with SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Student Sign-In
If a student is returning to school from an appointment or arriving late to the building:
The parent and student will enter the vestibule together.
The parent signs the student in on the attendance log which will be located in the office vestibule.
After signing the student in, ring the buzzer & the office staff will unlock the door for the student to enter the office.
Student Sign-Out
If a student needs to leave school early:
The parent will enter and remain in the office vestibule.
The parent will call the office phone number (330-636-4500) and provide the name of the student they are picking up. The parent/guardian will be required to show ID through the office window.
The office staff will call the student down to the office.
The parent will sign the student out on the attendance log.
The parent waits in the vestibule for their student.
Electronic Devices - Student Code of Conduct
As cell phones and smart watches continue to grow in popularity, we like to remind parents of the expectations for these devices during the school day. From the student discipline code:
● Electronic devices such as (laser pointers, video cameras, cameras, etc.) are prohibited in
● Cell phones, smartwatches, electronic devices such as (Ipods, MP3 players, Ipads, Nooks,
Kindles, Gizmos, etc) and any video game devices must be turned off and in the student’s book bag during school hours.
Please make sure to have a conversation with your child about this expectation so that
everyone is on the same page in regards to these devices!
In order to access streaming:
Parents/Guardians whose child tested positive for COVID-19 should have their child contact their teacher. Streaming will be offered and should begin within one day of their first absence or when they are physically able to attend due to illness
Parents/Guardians whose child is quarantined for COVID-19 close contact should have their child contact their teacher and streaming should begin within one day of their first absence
Parents/Guardians whose child is absent or is going to be absent for greater than 5 school days due to a medical issue should provide documentation of that to the building principal. The principal will then contact the teachers to discuss and provide the approval to the parents/guardians. After this approval process, the student should contact their teachers who would already be alerted to the student's approval of streaming. Students that will be absent 15 days or more may qualify for home instruction.
Weekender Bags
Waite Elementary School is excited to participate in the 2022-2023 Weekenders program! The Weekenders for Children program is made possible through a partnership with Feeding Medina County. The purpose of this program is to support elementary children who qualify by providing a bag of food to eat over the weekend. Weekender Bags will be given to your child to take home every week during the school year, except during breaks.
If you are interested in your child/children participating in the Weekenders program, please fill out this form as soon as possible. Please call the office with any questions. Thank you!
We are excited to be able to welcome our volunteers back into our school buildings this school year. If you are considering becoming a volunteer at any point during the year, including chaperoning or attending a field trip, please complete the volunteer application and background check.
Click here to view the information on completing the necessary paperwork.
Portrait of a Bee
Have a Great Month!
Ralph E. Waite Elementary School
Email: mattiem@medinabees.org
Website: www.medinabees.org
Location: 4765 Cobblestone Dr, Medina, OH 44256
Phone: 330-636-4500