Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 15th March 2024
Comic Relief
Red Nose Day 2024
We have had a fun Red Nose Day! The children came in bright whacky clothes. In the morning we had a design a new red nose competition and the children came up with some colourful and unique designs. The Ambassadors had the difficult task of choosing the winners in each year group. They presented the winners with a special Easter egg as a prize. The children enjoyed sharing their jokes which made everyone laugh. Well done to our Ambassadors for putting together such a fun event.
Reception and Year 1 and Year 2 winners
Year 3 and Year 4 winners
Year 5 and Year 6 winners
A Day In the Roman Army
Living as a Roman Soldier
Year 3 have really delved into Roman history this week with a trip to Murton Park on Monday and an interactive session all about Roman archaeology in York on Friday.
On Monday, the children signed up for 25 years service in the Roman army and they were provided with military uniform. They then made their own Roman oil lamps and in the afternoon it was time for weapons training! The children thoroughly enjoyed their day, learned so much about the Romans and even got paid!
"I loved being a Roman, especially when we used the swords and shields." Isabella
"Our trip to Murton Park was amazing. The best part was when we learned to throw javelins like Roman soldiers." Lottie
"Did you know that 'dex' means right and 'sin' means left when you are marching like a Roman soldier?" Hugo
"My favourite part of the day was being a Roman donkey and pulling the wagon." Harvey
"Did you know that many Roman artefacts have been found in York, which was called Eboracum by the Romans. Archaeologists excavated places in York to find them." Gabby
Key Stage 2 Music Concert/Superstars
Our Key Stage 2 Music Concert and Celebration Worship will be at 2pm on Friday 22nd March. The children will be sharing musical items that they have been working on in their classes, peripatetic lessons and as part of the Young Voices experience. At the end of the concert we will be presenting our superstars of the term awards. We do hope that parents and carers are available to come along to enjoy an afternoon of wonderful music!
Reception and Key Stage 1 Celebration Worship
On Thursday 21st March at 9am we will be having our end of term Celebration Worship for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Children will share some of their learning and we will also be awarding out superstar of the term awards. As always parents and carers are very welcome to join us for this special worship.
Year 3 Courageous Advocacy
Year 3 put together a wonderful worship all about guide dogs for the blind and how we can effectively look after our pets. The children modelled how guide dogs can make a difference to people who cannot see and they talked about some of the ways that they will be supporting a guide dogs charity. They put together a fabulous video which included guidance on how to look after and show love to our pets and shared lots of pictures of the pets that children have at home. Well done Year 3, another super worship!
Reflections on London
Reflections on our visit to London
'London provided so many opportunities. We had a tour of St Paul's Cathedral and we all ate at nice restaurants for dinner. I went to see the crown jewels for the first time at the Tower of London. In the evening, we travelled back to the YHA London Lee Valley Hostel which was a really lovely place to stay.' Ariana.
'We all had an amazing time in London. On the first day, we had a tour of Leicester Square and looked around the National Art Gallery. In the afternoon, we went to the theatre to see 'Wicked' - it was wicked! For dinner, we all went to Giraffe and had some amazing food. When we arrived in Cheshunt, we all had hot chocolate and cakes. The Science museum was great as we went to the Wonderlab and there were so many cool things to do. It was a fab trip.' Isla
'London was spectacular!! My personal favourite was the way there on the train and thinking about what was to come. London also gave us the freedom to try new activities. If you want a calm setting, visit St Paul's Cathedral to enjoy the whispering gallery (shhhhhh) and the dome at the top. If you ever visit the London Eye, you'll want to return and experience it all again - you will never forget it.' Ellie-Rose
Open the Book
We always love welcoming the Open the Book team into school. This week the team, with the support of Year 6, told the story of Jesus riding into Jerusalem. The children joined in with the worship singing Hosanna.
Stars of the Week
Our Stars
Every week we enjoy hearing about the wonderful work in each class in our Celebration Worship. Well done to all our Stars of the Week.
Millie for settling in really well and being a busy learner.
Violet for the help and care she shows her friends. She sets a wonderful example to others.
Year 1
Beatrix for working really hard to improve her letter formation this week. Keep up the good work.
Year 2
Maxwell for contributing to class discussions and being a very enthusiastic learner. Well done.
Year 3
The whole class for their amazing behaviour at Murton Park.
Year 4
Olivia for her effort and enthusiasm with topic work on Vikings.
Year 5
Amelia for her positive attitude to her learning this week. Amelia has listened carefully in English when writing her biography! Well done.
Year 6
Noah for showing fantastic progress in all areas of the curriculum and challenging himself and asking questions in lessons.
The Friends
The Friends are kindly organising an Easter Egg competition again this year. Children may decorate hard boiled eggs or create a design on paper. All entries should be brought to the school hall between 8.30 and 8.45am on Wednesday 20th March. The theme is 'Superheroes'. Please make sure you name all entries, thank you.
Dates for Diaries
Wednesday 20th March - Friends' Easter Egg Competition
Thursday 21st March - Reception and Key Stage 1 Celebration Worship at 9.00am
Friday 22nd March - Key Stage 2 Music Concert and Celebration Worship 2pm
Friday 22nd March - School closes for Easter break
Monday 8th April - Staff training day - Oscar's open (booking essential)
Tuesday 9th April - School reopens for pupils for the Summer Term
Wednesday 10th April - Year 5 'Hands on History' workshop (in school)
Our dates for diaries includes events that we currently have planned. We will add more dates over the term so please do check each week for new events.
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Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
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