Excel Academy Eagle Update
November 1, 2024
Dear Excel Academy Community,
The Excel Academy Board of Directors held its monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 29. We welcomed our newest board member, Becky Parnell. Executive Director, Kresta Vuolo, shared her director's report, found here. Updates included our unofficial October count, which came in at 445.5 students, right on target with what was budgeted! Ms. Vuolo also shared the school's Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) goals focused on improving student growth in math and ELA through strategies such as the use of curriculum maps and pacing guides, implementation of professional learning communities, and the introduction of WIN time. Because Excel is a "Performance" school, the highest ranking given by the state, the school is required to submit a UIP to the state every other year.
View September's Executive Director's Report to see a great overview of Excel Academy's academic data.
A note on enrollment:
While we celebrate meeting our 24/25 enrollment target of 445, 11 students more than our 23-24 October count, Excel Academy has a total capacity of around 500 students. When we fill our remaining 55 seats, Excel Academy can offer more support and a wider range of programs to its students. Many of the schools strategic goals can be best met with a full school.
Public schools are mainly funded through PPR - Per-Pupil Revenue. For every student enrolled, Excel receives an amount set each year by the state, approximately $10,000 per student this year. The majority of our 24-25 school year budget is based on the 445.5 students enrolled at Excel on October 1, 2024. Fifty-five additional students would add approximately half a million dollars to the school's budget. Imagine what we can add to our school with that! However with declining enrollment across the state and in Jeffco, in part due to declining birth rates, remaining full is more challenging each year.
Excel will always remain a small school, by design, with benefits including smaller class sizes and an environment where staff knows all students' strengths and needs. However, when our limited seats are full, all Excel students will benefit even more.
While we are not even halfway through the school year, recruitment for the 25-26 school year has begun. Please help us with recruitment by:
- Telling your friends and neighbors about your positive Excel Academy experience. Word of mouth is the best recruitment tool.
- Writing positive reviews on sites like GreatSchools.org and SchoolDigger.com.
- Posting the info night flyer on your social media or community newsletter.
And finally, student retention is critical. There are many benefits to a consistent K-8 education. Data shows that the longer students are a part of Excel, the more successful they are on academic performance measures. Thank you for being a valuable part of Excel and remaining with the school for years to come.
In Partnership,
The Excel Academy Board of Directors
Dear Excel Families - Please Vote!
One of our most important rights in the United States is the ability to participate in elections. We encourage all eligible citizens to get informed about candidates and ballot measures and exercise their right to vote in the upcoming November 5th General Election.
- In Colorado, eligible citizens can register to vote in person at a voter service and polling center up through Election Day. You can find your polling center by entering your address here.
- If you received a mail-in ballot, it is too late to send it through the postal service. You may drop off your completed ballot at any drop box location or polling center. The ballot drop center closest to Excel Academy is located at the Standley Lake Public Library, 8485 Kipling Street. This location will be open from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm on Monday, November 4th and from 7:00 am - 7:00 pm on Tuesday, November 5th.
- If voting in person, you are eligible to cast your ballot as long as you are in line by 7:00 pm on November 5th.
- Find more information on the Go Vote Colorado website here.
- If you need more information about the measures on the ballot as well as judge retention information, you can find it in the 2024 Blue Book, which was mailed to voters. If you are a resident of Jefferson County, you can also access the information here, noting to click between the tabs for Statewide Measures, Candidate Information, and Local Ballot Measures. The state-wide 2024 Blue Book is also available in audio format from the Colorado Talking Book Library.
As public education professionals, our staff may not share opinions about candidates or ballot measures.
Leadership Coffee Chat Recap
Thank you to those who joined our October Leadership Coffee Chat. The topics discussed include:
- Excel Alum Well-Prepared for High School: During introductions, one guardian shared that her oldest child is a freshman in high school this year and thriving so far. She expressed that he was well-prepared by his Excel Academy experience and that she is willing to provide a testimonial to share with others.
- Colorado Amendment 80: There were some questions about what this means and potential impacts to Excel Academy.
- Enrollment Night for 2025-26 School Year: Believe it or not, enrollment confirmation for the 2025-26 school year begins in December. As an existing family, your student is guaranteed to retain their space at our school, and any siblings receive priority for enrollment. Excel Academy's Enrollment Night will be held on Tuesday, November 12th from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Based on feedback from last year's attendees, we've updated the experience to allow families to see classrooms, meet teachers, peruse curriculum resources, and learn about Field Study (Kdg - 8th Grade) and Extended Field Study (4th - 8th Grade) opportunities. We strongly encourage guardians of our current 5th grade scholars to join us to learn more about how Excel's middle school program builds upon the foundation developed during the elementary years.
- How are volunteers selected for Field Studies and Extended Field Studies? If I volunteer for a school-day Field Study, does it reduce or eliminate my chances for attending an overnight Extended Field Study? Mrs. Shelley Smith shared that there are a number of factors that go into volunteer selection. For the first field study of each school year, she generally looks at the date/time stamp in Operoo. She also keeps a list of those who were interested but not selected in an effort to spread the opportunity if those same guardians indicate interest in future trips. Each venue has requirements for minimum AND maximum numbers of adults, and we calculate the overall per student fee based on this number and cannot exceed. Some grade levels have fewer guardians who are able to attend due to work schedules, so there might be some volunteers selected to attend more than one event per year. There are also students with various plans that ensure that their guardian may attend all Field Studies to support their student's specific medical or other need, but are not "counted" as chaperones. Questions about Field Study chaperones can be directed to Mrs. Shelley Smith.
- 5th Grade Extended Field Study to Mountain Lab School: Some of those in attendance shared positive feedback about the shifts made to the 5th grade extended field study. This year's trip took place in October instead of May, allowing students to build camaraderie and positive relationships. They also expressed satisfaction with our new venue, YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park. A parent who attended as a chaperone shared about her experience and that Mrs. Shelley Smith took notes to support making next year's trip even better.
- Love for Fall Break: Guardians and staff alike expressed how much they enjoy and appreciate Excel Academy's full week off for Fall Break. Several suggested promoting this in our enrollment recruitment efforts as a time for families to take vacations during nice weather and off-peak pricing.
Our next Leadership Coffee Chat will be held on Wednesday, November 20th from 8:25 - 9:10 am. We serve light breakfast refreshments and provide an open-forum opportunity for those in attendance to provide feedback, ask questions, and share ideas to support our students, school, and community. We hope you will join us!
Join Us: 2025-26 Enrollment Information Night
Join us for an engaging evening at Excel Academy to explore our Kindergarten through 8th Grade program! This event is for current Excel families to learn more about the next grade and prospective families to learn about our amazing school community.
Date: Tuesday, November 12th
Time: 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Location: Excel Academy, 11500 W. 84th Avenue
Details: Meet our dedicated teachers, discover our exciting curriculum, learn about our enriching field studies, and hear firsthand from our students about their experiences.
RSVP: HERE to help us ensure we have the appropriate materials ready, however, we welcome all to attend!
Please share this information and this INFORMATION FLYER with anyone whose children would benefit from our Excel Experience.
We look forward to welcoming your family to an interactive night of learning and connection!
You're Invited! - Veterans Day Celebration, Nov. 11
Excel Academy invites you and your veteran family member, friend, or neighbor to our Veterans Day Celebration being held on Monday, November 11 from 8:30 - 9:30 AM. We would like to honor veterans and their family members on this day. Please join us for a tour of the school, light refreshments in the cafeteria, and an optional visit as a guest speaker in the classroom. All visitors, please bring your driver's license or state issued ID and check-in at the front office for a visitor's badge. Only students who have invited a guest, will be excused from class. Your RSVP here by Wednesday, November 6 is much appreciated. Thank you.
We’re excited to partner with Original Works, the original art-based fundraising company! Students will create artwork at school and then you can have your child’s art reproduced onto a variety of keepsake products ranging from Mugs to Magnets.
- Ordering is done online and will take place in November.
- The products make great holiday gifts for family members as well as wonderful keepsakes for the students.
- Orders will arrive at school before winter break.
- Our school earns a profit from every order placed!
- Complete details on how to order will be sent home soon. Flyer
YMCA CLOSED: November 4th and 22nd
Reminder: NO YMCA
There will be no YMCA Before or After Care on Monday, November 4th. The YMCA staff will be attending required professional development. They are also closed on November 22nd, which is an Excel Professional Development Day, so no school for students.
Shout Outs for Staff
We have incredible staff members doing exceptional work throughout the building. We want to hear about the gratitude you have for our staff and hear about all the ways that you see them going above and beyond. We will include shout outs in our Weekly Staff Huddle so that they can be recognized in front of colleagues. Look around and you will surely be amazed! Shout Out Here!
Looking for Donations for the Staff Lounge
Do you have extra reusable cups, flatware, serving dishes/utensils, large salad bowl, microwave safe mugs, plates, and bowls? We would love to add items that you are no longing using to our lounge for our staff to use! Please bring items you have to donate to the office - and remember to log your donation in Track it Forward! Thank you!
Brr, it is getting chilly outside!
Now that the temperature is changing, please make sure to send your child to school with the appropriate outer wear. Before school it is chilly and then during the day students will be outside for recess unless it is below 20 degrees.
Advanced Learning Plan Goals
If your student is on an Advanced Learning Plan, their goals are available for you to review via Student Insights.
Click this Student Insights link and you will be taken to the family portal.
The username and password are the same as all other Jeffco Systems which you use.
If you need support with Student Insights login information, click here.
Once you are logged into the Student Insights portal, click on the tab that says “ALP” to review your student's goals.
Your support of your student in achieving their goals is welcomed. Elementary families, please reach out to your child's teacher if you have questions about their goals. For middle school families, please discuss your child's goals with them first, and then reach out to your child's homeroom teacher if needed.
Candy for the Troops!
So, your family has more Halloween candy than you know what to do with? Our NJHS members have set up a candy collection bin for our troops at the entrance of the school. Our collection will run from Nov. 4-15 to benefit America's troops. We will then deliver the candy to the USO (United Service Organizations) whose mission is to strengthen the well-being of the people serving in America's military and their families. The candy will be included in care packages sent to our troops.
Pumpkin Book Character Contest Entries & Winners
Thank you, Eagle families, for participating in the Pumpkin Book Character Contest this year. We had 14 students participate. The students did an amazing job with their design and final products. We are so proud of you and the hard work you put into your project. The grade level winners for 2024 are listed here: Pumpkin Book Character Contest 2024. All students who won for their grade level need to stop by the Library to pick up their $20 Book Fair Gift Certificate from Mrs. Black. Thanks again and you can look forward to more literary fun in the spring for March is Reading month!
We love our lunch volunteers!
Especially those that dress up for Halloween! So fun!
In the picture with Ms. Sharon, Mr. Vince, and Ms. Jess are Lola on the left and Liz on the right.
Are you interested in helping support our students during lunch? Check out these and other volunteer opportunities in Track It Forward to sign up!
Kindergarten - 1st grade Music Performance
Kindergarten - 1st grade Music Program is Thursday, November 7th at 6:00 p.m.
- Students will report to homeroom teacher between 5:45 and 5:55
- Doors to the gym will open at 5:40
- Students will be picked up outside their classroom door after the program. Please wait to leave the gym until the students have left.
- I am asking students to dress up in nice fall/winter clothes. Dresses, skirts, jackets, ties, vests, and sweaters, button-up shirts would all be appropriate.
- Please use good audience etiquette while enjoying the program.
- Siblings need to sit with parents at all times.
- Do not leave during a number; wait until in between songs if you have an emergency.
- Turn off all pagers and phones while in the gym as to not interrupt the wifi connection.
- I love pictures and videos too, but please be thoughtful of those around you.
- And most importantly enjoy the program and clap loudly for your awesome performers.
Many students will be assigned parts. If your child is assigned a speaking part, please assist them in practicing so they are confident for our program.
I need a couple of parents to decorate for the program, and a parent to design the program cover. Please e-mail Lori.Boyd@jeffco.k12.co.us if you would be willing to help.
SOAR Winners
Congratulations to this week's SOAR drawing winners!
Outstanding Effort
Acceptance of Others
K- Mira G., 1st- Maya F., 2nd- Adam T., 3rd- MC D., 4th- Crosby B.,
5th- Margaret T., 6th- Audrey B., 7th- Emma C., & 8th- Alex L.
Classroom Winner: Mrs. Dexter 5th grade
Modeling Clay, Poster Board & Shoeboxes Needed for Explorations
Exploration classes are underway! Thank you to all of the families who already provided materials to support our scholars in creating their artifacts of learning. We are still in need of modeling clay, poster board, and shoe boxes. If you are able to supply any of these items, please complete this sign-up genius and help out if you are able. Mark your calendar for December 13 when the Explorations Expo will take place. More info to come!
Join Us: Adult's Night Out
Come join the PTO for a fun kid-free night at Secret Level in Olde Town Arvada. Enjoy pinball, arcade games, or just hang out and meet some other great Excel guardians! Snacks will be provided and drinks will be available for purchase.
November 13th from 7-9 PM for Adults Night out. Flyer
Winter Carnival: Saturday December 7th
Save the date for our annual Winter Carnival!
Excel Academy Charter School
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Support our Middle School Entrepreneurs .
Holiday Arts & Crafts and so much more!
More info is coming soon! FLYER
Join: The Excel Outreach Committee
Are you looking for more volunteer opportunities but just don't have the time to commit? The PTO's Outreach Committee is in need of some new members! Joining the Committee is a great way to help fellow Excel Academy teachers, students, and families in a time of need. We assist with rides, meals, gift cards, etc. when an Eagle family has a life altering event. As a Committee member you can expect to be emailed as specific needs arise and that's it! You can decide if you are able to help. Click HERE to sign -up. Thank you
*Please reach out if your family would benefit from our care. Email Tara Schirner at exceloutreachcommittee@gmail.com
**I (Tara) am discreet in my communications and respect the confidentiality of the families we support.
As a reminder time and money counts towards your volunteer hours!
PTO Links
Track it Forward Volunteer Opportunities & Hours Tracking Site
RaiseRight online gift card fundraising site and How It Works
Join Us: The Little Mermaid
Mrs. Boyd and Rising Star Performing Arts Academy Presents: The Little Mermaid!
Wednesday, November 20th at 6:00 pm at Excel Academy
Suggested Donation of $5.00 Per Seat. FLYER
2nd Saturdays at CSU Spur
2nd Saturdays at CSU Spur (held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.) are free and open to the public for lots of family-friendly programming, including cooking activities in the CSU Spur kitchen, opportunities to watch veterinarians perform surgery on dogs and cats, see horses assisting with human therapies, engage with scientists at work, and play in a kid’s kitchen and kid’s vet clinic – allowing kids to become a veterinarian for the day and fix up stuffed animals.
Upcoming Themes:
- Nov. 9: Made in Colorado
- Dec. 14: Give Back Day
Check out the CSU Spur Flyer Here
Helpful Links & Resources
Order Breakfast or Lunch: (due a week before the week of meals)
Excel Academy Standards-Based Grading Scale
Infinite Campus Parent Portal (Check grades, missing assignments, attendance, pay fees)Infinite Campus Parent Directions
Jeffco Student Insights (CMAS, ACCESS, MAP, DIBELS, READ Plan, ALP Goals, etc.)
Log Volunteer Hours and sign-up for volunteer opportunities
2024-25 Excel Academy School Year Calendar
Ideas for thanking a staff member: Treats and Deets
Excel Academy K-8 Charter School
Email: Julie.Smith@jeffco.k12.co.us
Website: https://excel-academy.jeffcopublicschools.org/
Location: 11500 West 84th Avenue, Arvada, CO, USA
Phone: 303-467-2295
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ExcelAcademyK8