What's Up at Whittier
Week of September 9
Mr. Krugman's Weekly Message
We finished up MAP testing this week. A special thank you to all our students who took these tests seriously and really tried their best. As mentioned, these assessments assist us with setting academic goals and growth goals for the school year. Students will take these benchmark assessments in the Winter and again in the Spring. The Fall results will be sent to parents via email on September 12.
Our newsletter has a bit of a new look starting this week. All the General Information and Important Reminders articles have been moved to the end of the newsletter. These articles can be referred to and should be reviewed throughout the school year as needed. Be sure to read and review the PTA section each week as this information is updated on a weekly basis.
As always, thank you for sending your children to us each day - ready to take on new adventures and learn all they can! We appreciate all of your support!
Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay strong!
Michael Krugman - Whittier Principal
Monday, September 9 - Happy Orange Day (wear orange every Monday to celebrate happiness and positive psychology); Board of Education Regular Meeting, 7:00pm, DG Village Hall
Wednesday, September 11 - Patriot Day; School Picture Day; PTA Walking Club (Lunch Recess)
Thursday, September 12 - Gr 5 Field Trip - Morton Arboretum; Gr 5 & 6 Gifted Curriculum Night, 6:00-7:00pm, Henry Puffer School
Friday, September 13 - Whittier Spirit Day (wear your favorite Whittier spirit wear or our school colors - blue and gold/yellow); Downers Grove Oktoberfest, Downtown
Saturday, September 14 - Downers Grove Oktoberfest, Downtown
Monday, September 16 - Happy Orange Day (wear orange every Monday to celebrate happiness and positive psychology)
Tuesday, September 17 - Science Club, 3:00-3:40pm
Wednesday, September 18 - PTA Walking Club (Lunch Recess)
Thursday, September 19 - BAM Theater, 3:00-4:10pm
Friday, September 20 - Whittier Spirit Day (wear your favorite Whittier spirit wear or our school colors - blue and gold/yellow)
Kindergarten Half- Day:
8:15-11:20am (Monday-Friday)
Grades K-6:
8:15am-2:00pm (Monday)
8:15am-3:00pm (Tuesday-Friday)
Whittier Office Hours:
Click the link below for the approved District 58 school calendar for 2024-25, which includes all school days off.
September 11 is Patriot Day. On this day, the President requests that the American flag be flown at half-staff and that we observe a moment of silence.
Patriot Day is a day we remember the events of September 11, 2001 and we honor and celebrate the courageous service of our firefighters, police officers, paramedics and military. On this day in our nation’s history, in the face of tragedy, we saw courage: firefighters, police officers, and paramedics rushed to help. We saw selflessness: strangers helped strangers. We saw love: people from around the world sent cards, supplies, and comfort. In honor, respect and remembrance of this important event in our nation’s history, we will observe a moment of silence.
This day is an opportunity to turn something negative into a positive activity by honoring the good work of others and by doing good works ourselves. Look for opportunities to be courageous, selfless, and loving, and if possible, say thank you to those who work so hard to keep us well and safe.
As the year begins, we’ve noticed an increase in students visiting our health offices for insect bites, particularly on the neck, face, and arms. These bites are often red and itchy, and while we can provide Calamine lotion or an ice pack to ease discomfort, other over-the-counter treatments like Benadryl cream or Hydrocortisone require a completed Medication Authorization Form.
Please ensure that these medications are not sent to school with your child unless proper authorization is in place. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact your school’s health office.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students safe and healthy.
Fall Fundraiser - Whittier PTA 80's Color Run - Friday, October 4
Let's keep those registrations rolling in! Registration is quick this year if you want to get your race shirt!
Can't make it to the race? Family member or grandparent looking to support? Anyone can donate to the race on the race website!
Register HERE. - Race Website is HERE. - Additional info is HERE.
If you would like to volunteer for the Color Run, click the volunteer sign-up genius here:
Save the Date!
Walk/Bike/Scoot to School Day!
Wednesday October 9, 2024
More info to come!!
School back in session means it's time to start thinking about EXPERIENCES!!
Those new to Whittier might be wondering, what are Experiences?
Whittier Experiences are a fun way to build community among students and parents while also fundraising for the PTA in support of our Fall / Spring Fundraisers.
Typically twice a year you are invited to host or sign up for Experiences, which are funded and organized by Whittier families and/or staff. The hosts cover the cost of the event and then all registration fees collected from those signing up for the event go to the PTA.
Past experiences have included student focused events (movie night, bounce house party, bingo, bowling, kickball, etc.), while other experiences have been geared towards families or adult only events (train crawl, yoga, volleyball, cooking, adult bingo etc.)
If you are interested in hosting or want to know more, please contact Britta at brittawaszak@gmail.com. We are looking for host volunteers within the next 2-3 weeks so we can open registration sooner than later and take advantage of hosting some events outdoors, but indoor events are approved as well.
If you are in need of some ideas I have created a new list with TONS of fun ideas - we just need you to host.
Form your Reading Games teams and save the date!
Our favorite reading competition is coming on Saturday, February 22, 2025! The Reading Games is a free and fun reading competition for students in grades 3-8. The mission of the Reading Games is to encourage reading in Grades 3-8, expose kids to different genres, series, authors, and topics, as well as to foster teamwork and responsibility. All this occurs as teams of 5 - 8 students, led by a parent or other volunteer community member prepare for a fun competitive day of book trivia!
Students form teams and collaborate to read nine books from one of two book lists.
List 1 is geared for readers in third and fourth grade.
List 2 is geared for readers in fifth and sixth grade.
Students in seventh and eighth grade who want to participate should read from List 2.
Like prior years, The Reading Games hopes to accommodate every team that wants to participate and register during the registration period. Each team will need an adult team leader to register the team for the event, act as a point person for all communications, and help their team prepare for The Games competition day.
In addition, each team will be asked to send a volunteer (aged 16 years or older) to The Games to help run the day.
To see the book lists, get more information about the games, and to register (starting in mid-October), go to the Reading Games Website.
Please check out our website and Facebook page for more information.
Pre-orders for this year's Whittier Yearbook can now be made. Click on the flier below for more information, including a 10% DISCOUNT CODE if you order early - deadline is September 30 for the 10% discount!
★ Parents, Guardians, Teachers and Staff ★
If you haven’t joined the PTA yet, there’s still time. Join HERE.
★ Experiences ★
School is back in session which means it's time to start thinking about EXPERIENCES!! Twice a year you are invited to host or sign up for Experiences, which are funded and organized by Whittier families and/or staff. Additional info is HERE.
★ Engraved Bricks ★
Leave a Legacy! Whittier PTA is offering the opportunity to purchase personalized, engraved bricks that will become a permanent addition to our new intermediate playground. Brick Installation is planned to take place during Spring 2025, so don’t delay! Order HERE. - Additional info is HERE.
★ Fall Fundraiser - Whittier PTA 80's Color Run - Friday, October 4 ★
One more week to sign up in order to get a race shirt! Let's get you registered! You won't want to miss this one!
Register HERE. - Race Website is HERE. - Additional info is HERE.
★ Family Fun Dinner - Thursday, September 19 ★
The first Family Fun Dinner is on Thursday, September 19 from 4pm - 8pm at Culvers of Downers Grove (2500 West Ogden Ave). Additional info HERE.
★ After School Programs - Register Now ★
Additional info is HERE.
BAM Theatre -Thursdays, September 19 - December 5 - Register HERE.
Young Rembrandts - Tuesdays, October 1- December 17- Register HERE.
Language Labs - Wednesdays, October 2 - January 29 - Register HERE.
Chess Scholars - Thursdays, October 10 - December 19 - Register HERE - A Parent/Guardian volunteer is needed.
Student safety is always at the forefront of our mind when planning at school. It is extremely important for all individuals who are driving students to and from school to follow all the rules of the road, along with our Whittier procedures. Please share this information with anyone transporting students.
Students may arrive at Whittier beginning at 8:05am each day when adult supervision begins. In order to assist with a timely and safe arrival process, the school playground will be closed before school. Upon arrival, students should line up by their assigned door. Students will be directed to enter the building beginning at 8:15am. Anyone arriving after 8:15am should enter through Door One for an office tardy pass.
Dismissal/After School
Following daily dismissal at Whittier (2:00 pm on Monday and 3:00 pm Tuesday through Friday), all students who are not scheduled to remain in the building must leave the school grounds and check in at their destination as there is no supervision on school grounds. We want to ensure the safety of all students.
Students may return to the playground after school hours and/or on the weekends. This will be done at family discretion, as our district playgrounds also function as community parks outside of school hours.
Hill Street traffic - travels WEST ONLY from 8:00am-4:00pm (One Way Street)
- Hill Street will be used as a Student DROP OFF ONLY during school hours.
- Hill Street will be used as a Student PICK UP ONLY during school hours.
- Car drivers will need to travel west down Hill Street entering the Drop-off/Pick-up Lane.
- As you enter the Drop-off/Pick-up Lane, please pull all the way up to the white street
markings and drop-off or pick-up. The car does not need to be at the ramp to drop-off
or pick-up students. Driver stays in the car. Students should exit the vehicle from the
passenger side.
- If car drivers want to park and walk their child(ren) to their designated area, they may do so after parking in a designated parking space at the west end of Hill, or on Blodgett or Grand. Parents may walk students to the sidewalk.
Grand Crosswalk at the Intermediate Playground
- Students should cross the street at the Grand crosswalk at the Intermediate Playground.
- Car drivers who travel south on Grand, may drop off intermediate-level students on Grand.
- If car drivers want to park and walk their child(ren) to their designated area, they may do
so after parking in a designated parking space at the west end of Hill, or on Blodgett or
Grand. Parents may walk students to the sidewalk.
Hill & Blodgett Crosswalk
- A crossing guard will be stationed at Hill & Blodgett to assist students in crossing to
Blodgett Street
- We continue to ask parents NOT to drop off students on Blodgett.
- There is no parking on the west side of Blodgett, south of Randall from 2:30-3:30pm. Please follow these parking regulations.
Staff Parking Lot
- Please do NOT use the Staff Parking Lot as a drop-off or pick-up location.
- Students should NOT walk through the parking lot, they should only use the sidewalks.
Student Entrance and Exit
- Each class has been assigned to a specific door for entrance and exit to the building. (See the article below for specifics for each class).
- Please follow these guidelines to assist us in maintaining safety for all.
You may also review this information in the attachment below.
When entering the Drop-Off/Pick-Up Lane, please notice that there is NO PARKING along Hill Street in this area. This lane is strictly drop off and pick up. All drivers need to remain in their vehicles and exit the lane once students have exited or entered the vehicle. Again, please do not allow children to exit the vehicle on the driver's side and into traffic.
Please DO NOT double park on Hill, Grand, or Blodgett in order to avoid traffic and either drop off or pick up students. This is very dangerous.
Together, we can all assist in providing the safest environment for our children. Thank you!
Student Arrival
Parents may not escort their students to entry doors. Parents may walk students to the sidewalk, at which time students will join the line to enter the building.
Students may arrive at Whittier beginning at 8:05am each day when adult supervision begins. In order to assist with a timely and safe arrival process, the school playground will be closed before school. Upon arrival, students should line up by their assigned door. Students will be directed to enter the building beginning at 8:15am. Teachers will direct students to their cubby area. Anyone arriving after 8:15am should enter through Door One for an office tardy pass.
Upon arrival to school, students in these classes will line up at the Main Entrance (Door 1):
KH - Mrs. Hedman
KR - Mrs. Roberts
1Q - Mrs. Quill
1R - Mrs. Richards
Upon arrival to school, students in these classes will line up at the West Entrance (Door 2), off the Staff Parking Lot:
2Su - Ms. Sullivan
2Sw - Mr. Swade
6M - Mrs. Miller
6Z - Mrs. Zagorski
Upon arrival to school, students in these classes will line up at the East Entrance (Door 4), off the Intermediate Playground:
3K - Miss Karius
3M - Mrs. Modine
4M - Mr. Miller
4S - Mrs. Smitley
5H - Mrs. Hodkowski
5L - Mrs. Lyons
Student Dismissal
Following daily dismissal at Whittier (2:00 pm on Monday and 3:00 pm Tuesday through Friday), all students who are not scheduled to remain in the building must leave the school grounds and check in at their dismissal destination as there is no supervision on school grounds. We want to ensure the safety of all students.
Students may return to the playground after school hours and/or on the weekends. This will be done at family discretion, as our district playgrounds also function as community parks outside of school hours.
Students in grades K, 1, 2, and 6 will dismiss from Door 2 (west end of the building near the Staff Parking Lot).
Students in grades 3, 4, and 5 will dismiss from Door 4 (east end of the building off the Intermediate Playground).
Student Arrival Reminders
Please remember to follow these helpful procedures:
As our 2nd and 6th graders arrive at the West Entrance, we ask that parents allow students to line up on the blacktop, and then move to the grass area or sidewalk to wait for the bell to ring. Parents are welcome to drop students off and then head home, as well. Staff supervision and student safety patrols begin at 8:05am and remain with students until they enter the building at 8:15am.
As our Kindergarten and 1st graders arrive at the Main Entrance, we ask that parents line up a step or 2 in front of the sidewalk along Hill Street. Please do not stand and wait on the sidewalk as this blocks students from walking to their assigned line-up spot and blocks students from getting out of a vehicle if they are being dropped off. Please do not wait in the street or too close to the street, as this is our Drop-off Lane. Parents are welcome to drop students off and then head home, as well. Staff supervision and student safety patrols begin at 8:05am and remain with students until they enter the building at 8:15am.
As our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders arrive at the East Entrance, we ask that parents wait on the other side of the fence. Parents are welcome to drop students off and then head home, as well. Staff supervision and student safety patrols begin at 8:05am and remain with students until they enter the building at 8:15am.
While we all love our furry four-legged friends, and many of them are so cute, we do ask that you keep all pets off of school property and any adjacent sidewalks. Some of our students may be allergic or scared of dogs and other pets. You are welcome to walk to school with them, but then please stay on the sidewalks across the road on Hill, Blodgett, and Grand.
Thank you for your cooperation, and for assisting us in maintaining the safety of our students.
We ask that parents report their child(ren)'s absence to the school office.
There are a variety of ways you can now report your child(ren)'s absence from school:
1. Call the school office at (630) 719-5865 (24 hours a day), and leave a message regarding your child's absence from school.
2. Email the Whittier secretaries (ccasella@dg58.org and kpeters@dg58.org) indicating the reason for your child's absence.
3. Report absences electronically. Just click on the link below, complete the information, and submit the form. This form can also be found on the Whittier webpage.
While many parents contact the classroom teacher with absence information, the school office MUST also be notified. Please report student absences using one of the 3 methods above. Thank you for your assistance!
As the school year begins, we want to remind you about wearing appropriate and safe footwear to school. Please review the article below.
It is important for students to be prepared for PE class. In order to participate safely in PE class, we ask that ALL students wear closed-toe gym shoes during each PE class. This allows for maximum safety during PE activities, and does not mark up the gym floor. Students can keep a pair of gym shoes at school to change into, or wear gym shoes on PE days. If a student arrives to PE class without the appropriate shoes, he/she will be given an alternate activity to complete. He/she will not be able to participate in the regular class activity that day, due to safety concerns. Thank you for helping us keep our students safe during PE class.
In addition, we want to maintain safety at recess, too; and having students wear the proper shoes to play outside is very important. Please make sure that your child wears closed-toe shoes for outdoor recess. While sandals and flip-flops are cute and comfortable, they are not always safe for kids when they are playing. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in keeping kids safe!
We want to remind you of the health requirements for your incoming second or sixth-grader. All second and sixth graders will need to have a dental exam completed and turned in no later than May 15, 2025. This form can be dated anytime between November 15, 2023 - May 15, 2025. The form can be downloaded and printed here: Dental Form
All sixth graders are required to have a physical and two additional vaccinations; Meningococcal and Tdap, which are required at the age of 11. If your child is not 11 years old at the start of the year, they still should have their physical completed with a note from their physician stating when they are scheduled to return for their required vaccinations. This physical can be dated as early as August 16, 2023, and must be turned in by October 15, 2024. Prior to turning it in, be sure to complete and sign the top of the backside! The form can be downloaded and printed here: Physical Form
The completed forms can be dropped off to the school office, mailed, or emailed to the school nurse. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out!
The District will continue to use the RAPTOR security system as part of our safe school program, which requires ALL visitors to show a state-issued ID, have it scanned, and then the visitor receives a name badge to wear during their entire stay in the building. Please be prepared to show your ID upon arrival at Whittier.
The District and School Emergency Management Plans are reviewed with all staff at the start of the school year, as well as re-visited throughout the school year.
Safety Drills are held throughout the school year.
- Intruder/ALICE Drills are practiced in coordination with the DG Police Department.
- Fire Drills are practiced in coordination with the DG Fire Department.
- Tornado/Take Cover Drills are practiced.
A Parent Guide, developed in conjunction with MAVinS (Mothers Against Violence in Schools), on talking to children about safety drills is sent home in early fall.
We do our best each and every day to maintain the safety of all who are in our school.
As everyone knows, safety is always at the forefront of our mind, especially when students are in the building. Many safety protocols have been established and are followed on a daily basis by both staff and students.
One of these safety measures is that no staff member or student should allow a visitor into the building at any time. Even if the visitor is recognized, they still need to enter the building at the main entrance and be buzzed in after identifying themselves to an office staff member.
We would ask that parents and other visitors to our building during the school day, be aware of this procedure and follow this protocol when already authorized to be in the building. Please do not allow entry to anyone - even if you know them. This is the responsibility of our office staff. If you are waiting or walking in the hallway and you see someone at the door, please allow them to be recognized and acknowledged by our office staff. This is the only way we can maintain who is in the building at any given time. We appreciate your assistance and follow through with this very important safety protocol.
We wanted to share with you how we handle homework and classwork when a student is absent. If you have any specific questions, please contact your child's teacher; otherwise, we ask that parents honor the homework request process that is followed by teachers at Whittier.
If a student is absent 3 or more days, on the third day, homework can be requested if they are feeling well enough to complete it. Otherwise, the teacher will touch base with the student upon his/her return to school and work on what needs to be made up.
If a student is going to be absent due to a vacation or other out-of-town obligation, daily homework will not be provided. Upon return to school, the teacher and student will touch base to discuss what was missed and what needs to be made up. During their time out of school, we recommend that students read, keep a journal of experiences on the trip, and practice math facts or current concepts.
If you have not yet opted into the District’s text messaging service, please text “Y” or “yes” to 67587 to ensure that you will receive text messages from District 58. Text messages will only be sent rarely and only for critical information such as a school closing.
Now that the school year has begun, there are many more school buses out on the road. School bus safety is a huge challenge, as sometimes vehicle drivers do not understand when they need to stop for a school bus.
This article supports the reason for the rule and the image below can be used to help guide drivers. Please take the time to review when and how to stop for a school bus. Thank you for helping keep all school bus riders and drivers safe!
Mental Health Resources Info -
District 58 strives to create a culture of well-being for students, parents, staff and community. To further support this endeavor, the District has invested in an additional support service through ReferralGPS.
ReferralGPS is a service providing assistance to our community in finding local mental health and substance use-related treatment resources. The service compliments the District’s existing systems of support as a tool for student service teams and families to connect with treatment. Along with a searchable database of treatment options, ReferralGPS assists families in triage and appointment setting.
School district staff and families may access ReferralGPS in two ways:
Contact Student Services (social workers, psychologists, counselors) to seek out treatment options
Visit this link at https://referralgps.com/find-help/DG58 to search for treatment resources or connect with a Care Navigator anonymously
The platform has the ability to filter by mental health concern, clinician gender/specialty, location, and insurance acceptance. The service is available for all types of private and public insurance options including PPO, HMO, Medicaid, and families that are uninsured or underinsured.
ReferralGPS is available for use by district students, staff, and families at no cost. All information entered on the ReferralGPS tool is completely confidential and securely stored.
Whittier Vision Statement
Whittier strives to develop lifelong learners within a caring, safe, and healthy learning environment. Our staff will be responsive to each student and collaborate with families and community. Our students will solve problems with perseverance, and develop a social conscience which enables them to contribute to their school, family, and community. Together we will be respectful of diversity and inclusivity, and we will positively impact the world.
Whittier School
Email: mkrugman@dg58.org
Website: www.dg58.org/wh
Location: 536 Hill Street, Downers Grove, IL, USA
Phone: 6307195865
Twitter: @MKrugmanDG58