What's Happening this Week...
"IgKnight" the Power, Westview!
Week of 9/2-9/6
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Hello Knight Family!
Thank you for a wonderful week. We are so proud of our students for their enthusiasm, curiosity, and resilience. They are continuing to excel in their learning and growth, and we are enjoying working with them every day.
This week is a four day week with no school on Monday, September 2nd. We hope you have a nice 3 day weekend and enjoy the Labor Day Holiday. Please take this opportunity to relax and spend some quality time with your family and friends.
Once a month, our counselors do a First Friday Coffee Talk to provide targeted information for our Knight parent & guardians. September’s topic is High School Success strategies and is for all grade levels. Come join us to learn about how you can best support your student’s success here at Westview. We have an in-person or virtual option, as well as an in-person Spanish language option. The event will be Friday, Sept 6th from 8:30-9:30a.m. with time to ask questions at the end of the presentation. Coffee and cookies will be offered for in-person participants. Virtual links and more information in the flyer below. We hope to see you there!
Continue to review Parent Vue and look at your student attendance and grades. Let’s keep them moving in the right direction. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your student’s teacher or the school office. We are here to support you and your student's success.
Thank you for your partnership and collaboration. We look forward to another great week of learning and growing together.
Warm Regards,
Westview Administration
This Week...
September 2-
- No School! Labor Day Holiday!
- Campus is closed
September 3
- Advisory Schedule for students
September 4
- Early Release Wednesday
- Volleyball vs Mohave Home game
September 5
- ASVAB Exam day
- JV Football vs Cesar Chavez Home game
September 6
- Regular Schedule
- Coffee Talk with our Counselors- Topic: HS Success Strategies (In-Person (English & Spanish) and Virtual Option) Please see the Flyer below.
Join Coffee Talk Virtually
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Meeting ID: 248 672 083 013
Passcode: 9WZmHu
Dial in by phone
+1 602-704-2455,,813166242# United States, Phoenix
Phone conference ID: 813 166 242#
For organizers: Meeting options | Reset dial-in PIN
Want to Join a Sport?
*Athletes must create and account on Register My Athlete (www.RegisterMyAthlete.com) and upload the necessary documents (including current Sports Physical).
Athletics/Events Reminders
- All tickets are digital via Gofan. There are NO cash/onsite purchasing of game/event tickets at WHS
- iPhone users can download GoFan app
- Android users must use web browser----- Westview High School Events and Tickets by GoFan
- NO coolers/large bags/backpacks permitted in Knights Stadium or gymnasium (subject to search).
- NO pets permitted
- NO outside food/drinks are permitted (only water) inside Knights Stadium or gymnasium
Join us in Beyond The Bell!!!
September 2nd- No School!
September 6th- Counselor Coffee Talk
September 17th- Senior Commitment day
September 25th-No School!
October 4th- End of First Quarter
October 7th-11th- Fall Break- No School!
October 14th- Indigenous People's Day
District Calendar
Please Note- September 18th and 25th are NOT early release Wednesday.