East Ward Cougar News
Summer Update #2 Standards Based Grading, and Lunch Info
Standards-based grading/Report Card Information
Good afternoon Cougars!
Tonight (6-7 PM) is our 1st Back to School Night Open House for K-2 families! I hope to see you all there!
Below is a letter from last Spring to families in grades 3-5 about Standards Based Grading and Report Cards. Please review the letter below as we prepare for the start of the school year!
Hello DASD Third, Fourth and Fifth Grade Families,
DASD elementary schools use a standards-based grading system on our K-5 report cards to communicate student progress towards the mastery of the PA Core Standards. The primary reason for this approach is to better communicate student performance and progress. There are several advantages of standards-based reporting including:
● Ensuring consistent expectations across grade levels
● Focusing teachers and students on the standards in their learning activities
● Providing feedback on the student's performance level which allows teachers to better target individual needs
● Providing parents with valuable information about their child's progress on critical concepts, skills and standards of the grade level
While we have historically provided a standards-based performance measure on our elementary report cards, in grades 3, 4 and 5, we have also provided a letter grade. This current school year, elementary curriculum updates were implemented for English Language Arts (ELA) and as a result, we have moved to exclusively standards-based reporting. On the upcoming report card, your child will only receive a standards-based performance score, and not a traditional letter grade for ELA.
Communication about how your child is doing will be provided by sending assessments home so parents can review them, rather than as a score in the gradebook in Infinite Campus. As you see your child’s ELA assessments come home, you will notice that you are receiving both performance levels (4, 3, 2, or 1) for each of the standards assessed as well as teacher feedback. The performance levels for ELA indicate how your child is doing in the following manner:
4 Exceeding grade level standards
3 Meeting grade level standards
2 Approaching grade level standards
1 Limited progress to grade level standards
Beginning next school year, Math, Science, and Social Studies will also be exclusively standards-based. For the 2023-24 school year, students will continue to receive both a letter grade and a standards-based performance level for Math, Science and Social Studies. The performance levels indicate how your child is doing in Math, Science, and Social Studies in the following manner:
4 Advanced - Exceptional / Distinguished Performance
3 Proficient - Mastery / Expected Performance
2 Basic - Approaching / Marginal Performance
1 Below Basic - Struggling / Inadequate Performance
When you receive your child’s report card in the coming weeks, for ELA it will be important to keep in mind that students are expected to progress towards the end-of-grade-level standards expectations over the course of the full year. Students receiving 3’s and 2’s are working within the expectations of their grade level. The distinction lies in the amount of independence or support the student needs. It would not be uncommon for your child to receive 2’s on the standards assessed this early in the year as these standards are just being introduced and taught. Students achieving 4’s indicate demonstration of learning that goes above and beyond grade level standards. While there may be some students exceeding grade level standards, it is not as common, therefore there is no need to worry if you don’t see 4’s on your child’s report card.
Our goal is to provide you with a more comprehensive understanding of how your child is doing on acquiring and demonstrating essential grade level learning targets. We apologize for any confusion, but believe this change to the report card will, when completed for all subjects, provide a much clearer picture of your child’s learning. We will provide additional communication and support for parents at the start of next school year to ensure a complete understanding of our K-5 standards-based report card. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out by phone (610-269-8460) or email (lchance@dasd.org).
Louis M. Chance, Ed.D., BCBA
Assistant Superintendent
More Detail on Proficiency Scale for Report Cards
4-Point Proficiency Scale
We use a 4-point proficiency scale to assess student work. Each standard will be assessed using a 4, 3, 2, or 1, indicating the level of mastery:
4- Exceeds Standard
In addition to meeting the standard, the student demonstrates in-depth inferences and applications that go beyond the grade-level standards
3- Meeting the Standard
Consistently demonstrates mastery of the standard, requires minimal teacher support
2- Approaching the Standard
Demonstrates progress to mastering the standard, requires some teacher assistance
1- Limited Progress to the Standard
Demonstrates limited progress to mastering the standard, requires constant teacher support
Parent Portal
ClassLink for Parents/Guardians
There are many sites in DASD that parents frequent. However, ClassLink is a place where all of the sites caregivers need are located. Simply click on this link (ClassLink Parent Portal) to log in. Once there, you will see all the sites needed each year. You do have to log in the first time, but after that, it will open when you select an icon.
East Ward Backpack- Summer packets, Teacher welcome letters, and Supplies
There are many links to visit in the EW Backpack. Under Supply Lists and Teacher Letters, caregivers will find Optional School Supply lists, welcome letters from each of our homeroom teachers, AND summer math and/or reading assignments by grade. To access this page, click here. If you need assistance with school supplies, please call us in the main office.
Back to School Night Videos & Open House Schedule
This year, our teachers will share video presentations (by way of email) introducing themselves and their curriculum. This enables all caregivers the opportunity to see what your students will learn during the 2024-2025 school year. Additionally, we will hold an Open House for all grades from 6-7 PM in order for students and children and their caregivers to meet teachers and tour East Ward Classrooms and spaces.
Our Open House is a time for you to ask general questions about the school year. If you have specific questions about your child, contact the teacher at another time to arrange a meeting. Please be reminded that teachers will be reaching out prior to Open House to share all information to prepare you and your child for a successful school year.
Tuesday, 8/20 6-7PM- K-2 Open House
Wednesday, 8/21 6-7 PM- 3-5 Open House
Elementary Meal Program Info
Free/Reduced Meal Benefits in DASD
The cost for breakfast will be free for all students again this year, and lunch will be $2.50. Every year, families need to apply to receive free/reduced meal benefits. If you need assistance with school meals, field trips, activity fees, and insurance for student devices, you can apply here: https://www.schoolcafe.com/DASD for our Free or Reduced Meal Program. This application is confidential.
Support Beyond Meals Program
If you are in need of assistance/support for subsidized childcare, Medical Assistance, Cash Assistance, SNAP, LIHEAP, CHIP, and school meal benefits apply through COMPASS by clicking here: https://www.compass.state.pa.us/compass.web/Public/CMPHome.
East Ward Elementary
Email: ewinfo@dasd.org
Website: https://ew.dasd.org/
Location: 435 Washington Ave, Downingtown, PA 19335, USA
Phone: 610-269-8282
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dasdew
Twitter: @dasd_ew