Bethel the Beautiful โ
Week of January 13
Snow Day Remindersโ๐
We never know here in our beautiful mountains when we may have a snow day! Just a reminder that a Remind message will be sent home to families as soon as I get word so you can make arrangements as soon as possible. Also, Haywood County Schools will sent out a telephone call. Your child's teacher should let you know of what is expected for their Remote Learning Day work. If we are on a two hour delay, students may arrive at 7:15, but school does not officially begin until 9:50 am. Buses will run exactly two hours after their original time. If you have any questions, just let us know!
Afterschool Closed Tuesday, 1/14
Due the mandatory staff training being rescheduled due to the snow last week, afterschool workers will not be available on Tuesday, January 14th and afterschool will be closed this day only. Thanks for your understanding!
Upcoming Guidance Lessons ๐
Throughout the weeks of January 13-17 and 27-31 Ms. Davis will be working with Officer Jenn to provide guidance lessons around such topics as personal safety, citizenship, and handling conflicts. If you have questions or concerns about these lessons please feel free to reach out to Ms. Davis at
We LOVE Math!!๐
February Parent Engagement Days
This February, each grade level will be having a Math Parent Engagement Session. Your child's teacher will be letting you know when their event will be! Our students have been working hard on their math this year and we want to share with you some games, tips and strategies to help them continue to be successful. Be on the lookout for dates and times!!
Reading Challenge ๐๐
January 21-31
We are going to end our first month of 2025 with a reading challenge that will get our students excited about reading!! Your child's teacher will be in touch this week about how that is going to work for their grade level. Any time we can read with our children and encourage them to read only makes them better at reading!! Thanks for all you do to help encourage a love for reading!!
Reading for Education Fundraiser ๐
Begins on 2/3
This annual fundraiser is one of our easiest to complete and allows us to purchase technology and materials for our school. More information will be sent home in the next couple of weeks. Thanks!
Menus for this Week ๐๐ฎ๐ฅ
January 14- End of the 2nd 9 weeks
January 20- No School- Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
January 21- Reading Challenge Begins
January 21- Report Cards Go Home
January 26- Jack the Dipper BES Day
Month of February- We LOVE math- grade level parent engagement activities
February 3- Reading for Education Fundraiser begins
February 10- 27 week Test Window begins
February 14- 12:30 Dismissal
February 17- Remote Learning Optional Workday- President's Day
February 20- PTO meeting - all are welcome-- Time TBD
February 23- Jack the Dipper BES Day