Cat Tracks
Back to School 2024 - 2025
Principal's Welcome
Welcome Back Students & Families
I hope this letter finds you well and eagerly anticipating the upcoming academic year. As we approach the start of the new school year, I wanted to extend a warm welcome to all of our students and families.
At Chisago Lakes High School, we believe that every student has the potential to achieve great things, and we are committed to providing an environment that fosters learning, growth, and personal development. We are excited to embark on this journey with you, and we have been diligently preparing to ensure that your student's high school experience is both enriching and rewarding.
Our dedicated staff have been working to create a supportive and engaging curriculum that challenges our students academically while also nurturing individual interests and talents. From rigorous academic courses to a wide range of extracurricular activities, there is something for everyone to explore and excel in.
We also encourage families to stay actively involved in their child's education. We believe that a strong partnership between home and school is essential for student success, and we invite you to participate in our parent-teacher conferences, open houses, and other school events throughout the year.
We look forward to seeing all of you on the first day of school, which is scheduled for
Tuesday, September 3, 2024. Please make sure to review the entire Cat Tracks. Continue to scroll down until you reach the bottom as there is a lot of important information here.
If you have any questions or need assistance before the school year begins, please do not hesitate to contact our school office at 651-213-2500.
Here's to a fantastic year filled with learning, growth, and memorable experiences!
Warm regards,
Tammy Yackley
Principal, Chisago Lakes High School
Arrival and Dismissal
School building hours are 7:15 am - 4:00 pm.
Door #1, #17, and #33 open at 7:15 am. Students must be dropped off at the PAC door #33 and are not able to access the building prior to 7:15 am.
Students needing to be picked up at the end of the school day at 2:30 must be picked up at door #33.
No drop off or pick up in the bus lane in the front of the school.
Chisago Lakes High School CELL PHONE POLICY
Cell phones and ear buds may be appropriately used on the school campus before and after school, during passing time, or during their lunch break, provided that such use does not disrupt the education program or school activity. However, during class time, including PAWZ, personal electronic devices (including ear buds) may not be used, should be stowed away, and not visible to staff members. Students with smart watches may wear their watch during class, unless it is being misused. Some classrooms may expect students to stow the phones in a cell phone holder or backpack. School administration reserves the right to confiscate student cell phones throughout the school day as a result of disciplinary issues/concerns.
Permission may be granted to use devices on occasions by staff for educational purposes only.
At no time is Chisago Lakes High School responsible for lost or stolen personal items, earbuds, or cell phones and may not be able to provide staff time to investigate and recover lost or stolen items. All electronic device use is prohibited in all bathroom and locker room areas. Administration has the right to modify the cell phone policy during the school year.
Students are never allowed to record pictures or videos of students or adults without consent. The recording of, distribution or redistribution of unapproved or illicit data or images will result in disciplinary action.
In the case of medical necessity, an IEP, or 504 Plan, students would have a cell phone use plan in place that would be communicated with school staff.
If misuse occurs:
1st Offense – Student earns a referral and is sent to structured study. In structured study, students will be expected to turn in their phone for the remainder of the block.
2nd Offense – Student earns a referral and is sent to structured study. In structured study, students will be expected to turn in their phone for the remainder of the block.
3rd Offense – Student earns a referral and is sent to structured study. In structured study, students will be expected to turn in their phone for the remainder of the block. The tracking form will notify of a third referral. Administration will schedule a parent meeting to discuss repeated violations and determine appropriate consequences at that time.
Meet our New Staff
- Josh DeKam - Special Education & Work-Based Learning Coordinator
- Annie Schmidt - Special Education
- Katie Roche - Business
- Nariah Woodruff-Sims - School Psychologist
- Rita Benjamin - ALP Para
- Jennifer Cook - ALP Para
9th Grade Orientation
Tuesday, August 27th, 2024
- Incoming Freshmen will take part in their Orientation program with Link Crew on Tuesday, August 27th from 1:00 pm - 5:30 pm.
- Students will meet in the PAC to kick off the afternoon at 1pm.
- This is a student-centered function so we encourage you to let your student attend the first part of Orientation on their own. We also realize parental involvement is a key to high school success and would like to invite parents to attend the Orientation presentation at 5:00 pm in the PAC followed by an Open House from 5:30 to 7:00 pm.
- 9th grade students will get their school pictures taken by Jostens during the afternoon.
Open House
- Open House for all grades will be from 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm on the 27th.
- Reminder that student schedules can be found in StudentVue/ParentVue.
- The Brat Feed that supports the senior class will be held on the PAC pavilion during the open house.
Open House Tasks
- School Pics - Grades 9 & 11 will be in our WARD GYM/Grades 10 & 12 will be in the Media Center
- Meet your Teachers - Walk your schedule and meet your teachers during open house
- Parent/StudentVue - Set up your account and/or get your questions answered
- Schoology - Set up - Set up your account and/or get your questions answered
- Lockers - Find & ensure your combination is correct. Staff will be on-site to help with locker combos and other locker issues.
- Parking Permits - Pick up parking permit (for those who purchased by noon on 8/27)
- Senior Priv cards - Eligible seniors may pick up their GOLD senior priv card
- Food Service - Enter money in student accounts & get questions answered by food service staff
School Picture Information
GRADE 9: students will have their picture taken during the Link Crew Orientation.
GRADES 10- 12: students will have the opportunity to have their pictures taken during the open house from 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
- Pictures for grades 9 & 11 will be in the WARD GYM
- Pictures for grades 10 & 12 will be in the MEDIA CENTER
- Students will pick up a card with their name and present that to the photographer. Families will receive information directly from Josten's on the ordering process for their students photos.
- A few days after picture day, images can be viewed online using the event code: FE16424
Click the attachment below for picture day details and information
School Supply Information
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Chisago Lakes High School continues to participate in the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program. Chromebooks or basic laptops are the preferred devices and Chrome is our preferred browser as many of our programs are integrated with the Chrome Google platform. Personal devices should be charged each evening to ensure they are ready for the school day. Students are encouraged to carry a charger with them during the school day to ensure their devices can be charged if needed.
Class Fees: Certain elective courses that your student chooses to register for may include a fee to help offset the cost of materials associated with those selected courses. Those classes and their respective fees can be seen in the school supply list. A link to make a payment for a class with a fee is included on the school supply list.
Parent/StudentVue accounts
Student Schedules - Parent/StudentVue
- Amy Malloy - Students with last names A - G
- Carter Vogt - Students with the last names H - N
- Alyssa Chowdhury - Students with the last name O - Z
Other Information Found on StudentVue
Bussing - Bus Letter/route information can be found the week before school starts. Contact the bus garage with any questions regarding busing. 651-213-2020
Transporation Information
Busing Information:
Route information can be viewed on Student/ParentVue beginning Monday, August 28th. It is requested that students who will use school transportation ride their assigned bus route on the first days of school to ensure they become familiar with their bus letter and route.
Transportation Requests/Contact Us:
Any families that have had an address change, did not use bussing last school year, and would like to this school year, or families that need any help with routes should complete the transportation request/Contact Us form found on the Transportation web page.
Student Parking/Permits
Students Driving/Parking Highlights
- Students MUST purchase a 2024-25 Parking pass before parking in the student lot. Permits must be in the rearview mirror by Friday, September 6th. Cars not displaying a permit will be given a written warning.
- Parking permits may be purchased ONLINE using CLePay - cost of the permit is $125.00
- Families with multiple drivers: first student is $125.00, additional student(s) are $65.00
- Students may ONLY park in designated student parking (see parking agreement online for details)
- Parking permits purchased by noon on August 27th may pick their pass up at Open House. For purchases made after that time, students can pick up their parking permit from the front office during school hours.
Visit our activities webpage for Wildcat Apparel through our sideline store and for a schedule of events.
There will not be a cash option for events. All tickets and passes may be purchased by clicking on this link, scanning a QR code (located around the school and at events), or by downloading the GOFAN app. Many of the schools we participate with and/or compete against are using this same platform or something similar. The GOFAN App allows you to purchase and store tickets on your smartphone or other mobile device. Simply search for events by school name. You can also pick favorite schools to quickly find upcoming events, purchase tickets, and present your digital tickets on your way into the event!
Event Ticket Prices: $5 students, $7 adults, senior citizens (age 60 & over) and children under 5 are FREE
Student Passes: $40, available for purchase for students in grades K-12. There is an option to print the pass if your student does not have a device.
Adult Passes: Adult 10 punch passes are $50. Paper punch passes purchased last year are still valid! Remaining adult punch passes in Hometown Ticketing were mailed home or given directly to your student prior to the end of the 2023-24 school year.
Join us for HOMECOMING festivities the week of September 16th. Our Wildcat Football team will take on the Big Lake Hornets at 6:00pm on September 20th, gates will open at 4:00pm. There will be approximately 8 food trucks on site for your enjoyment and our traditional fireworks display will follow the game. We hope you can join us!
2025 Yearbook Highlights!
Purchase your yearbook early BY SEPTEMBER 20, 2024 at a discounted price of $75.00
Contact Heather Turner with any questions regarding the yearbook
Class 2025 Information
Food Service
Student Meal program continued for the 2024-25 School Year
Each student is eligible for a single free breakfast and lunch each school day. Any additional items students would like will be at cost. Students must have a positive balance in their account or cash to purchase additional/ala-carte items.Mega Meal Cost: $2.00
Health Office/School Nurse
CLHS Health Office
Students feeling ill during the school day should obtain a pass from the teacher/staff prior to going to the health room. Students should not contact parents/guardians to be picked up because of illness prior to visiting the health office.
Click on the "Health Services" button to access forms that your student may require.
Calendar Markings
Calendar Markings Term 1
- Monday, September 2nd - LABOR DAY - No School
- Tuesday, September 3rd- Frist Day of School
- Friday, September 5th - Fall Musical Auditions (Freaky Friday) 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm
- Week of September 16th - CLHS Homecoming week
- Friday, September 20th - Homecoming Game VS Big Lake game starting at 6:00 pm
- Tuesday, September 24th - Marching Band Concert 7:00 pm
- Monday, October 7th - NO SCHOOL (Staff Development Day)
- Thursday, October 10th - Term 1 Conferences
- Monday, October 10th - Picture Retake Day (During School hours)
- Thursday - Friday, October 17-18, MEA Break NO SCHOOL
- Wednesday, October 23rd - Winter Activity Registration
- Friday, November 1st - End of Term 1
- Monday, November 4th - NO SCHOOL (Staff Development Day)
- Tuesday, November 5th - First Day Term 2
Connect with us
Website: https://www.isd2144.org/
Location: 29400 Olinda Trail, Lindstrom, MN, USA
Phone: 651-213-2500