Dixons Kings Academy Appreciations!
Integrity, Diligence, Civility... 14 December 2018
The Climb... Events at DKA this week!
Computing Stars of the Week!
DKA 2018 Christmas Concert
Year 7 Student Appreciations!
Miss Peake
I would like to appreciate Hasan Khan, the new tutee in 7.5 for his positive start to school yesterday.
Also, 7.5 as a whole, for their continued diligence and making Hasan so welcome.
Miss Hickey
Salahuddin in 7.3 and Jamaluddin in 9.5. They solved the brain teaser and gave an excellent explanation. The correct answer was hippopotamus. They will receive 10 positives each.
Mrs Walton
Appreciation to 7.2 for 99.13% attendance this week
Ms Knowles
Please can I appreciate Maariyah Azia in 7BEn1 for always showing diligence and being so friendly, showing civility around school
Mr Rossell
7.2-Laiba Maroof, Faiza Parviaz, Zeenat Yasin + Zoya Minhas 7.3 Amina Ahmed 7.4 Aminah Rehman, Alisha Ali, 7.5 Murtaza Khan, Sana Malik, Hannah Ahmad + Nawal Ahmed 7.6 Zain Ali, Ashhal Siddiqui + Sabbah Ahmed, 7.7 Jaffer Ali + Mumaina Shahfor for their excellent display of musical talent and their impeccable conduct during the Primary Schools' performance on Wednesday.
Mrs Bowley
Well done to all those that took part in the class competition for the Spanish Spelling Bee, in particular my class winners 7Bsp3:, Laiba Shah, Aayat Zafar, Ifra Shakoor and in 7Asp 1 Isha Hussain, Moosa Zafar, Qasim Khan
Year 8 Student Appreciations!
Ms Tariq
Aminah Naieem in 8.1 for her exceptional stretch presentation which she presented with a lot of passion and her artistic poster
Ms Stein
8B3 for meeting my high expectations. I've been blown away by the hard work from all students, especially Haseeb, Muhsin, Bilal, Sonia and Ifrah. Keep going 8B3, you're all very good eggs!
Year 9 Student Appreciations!
Ms Gayle
Y9- Muhammad Sohaib, Janis Ifrahim, Mohammed tayyib, Iqra Mazhar for excellent effort in Seneca.
Ms Stein
9A1 for putting up with all my terrible jokes and always putting a smile on my face. They've been working incredibly hard with intervention and it hasn't gone unnoticed. I'm so proud of their diligence and the efforts made to improve their grades. I always look forward to teaching them and I hope they keep the hard work up.
Ms Hickey
Jamaluddin in 9.5. He solved the brain teaser and gave an excellent explanation.
The correct answer was hippopotamus. He will receive 10 positives.
Yussani and Sofian Adnan for working diligently in Spanish this week.
Ms Knowles
9BEn1 - Mohammed Wadee and Yusuf Patel for showing diligence with his Intervention work.
Ms Gayle
Y10 - all who attended the trip on Wednesday for showing excellent integrity on the trip, especially to Hamza for picking up litter that wasn’t his.
Ms Rafiq
I would like to appreciate both my year 9 IT classes for working diligently on their coursework.
Ms Binnersley
Bilal and Amad Hussain in 9b3 for consistently amazing effort
Year 10 Student Appreciations!
Ms Herbert
Faizan in my 10D photography class for his integrity and civility, I watched him help other students with their photography work this week and his attitude and focus to the subject is fantastic.
10C Art and Design class for their diligence this week in producing some amazing pieces of art work.
Ms Hickey
10ASP4 for working diligently on the present continuous tense yesterday.
Harris Hussain in 10.3 for always showing civility and saying good morning or afternoon.
Ms Rafiq
I would also like to appreciate my Year 8B/IT2 class for always making me laugh in the lessons.
Ms Knowles
10AEn1 - Noor Sharif - always shows diligence with her English work. She has some great ideas which she shares in an articulate way.
Ms Binnersley
Ihtisham Kayani and Hadiyah Boota year 10 for getting positives for great answers linked to the ghosts in A Christmas Carol
Mr Clarke
Hafsah Nissar
Burhaan Saghir
Imran Abbas
Areeg Naseem
Samah Rauf
Ibraheem Afzal
Year 11 Student Appreciations!
Miss Gayle
Y11 - everyone in Y11 for their hard work and dedication to revision and homework. Also to Ramisha for a real improvement in the quality of her explanations and interpretations. Keep it up.
Mr Smith
The students in 11E/En1 who have made a concerted effort to utilise Seneca learning, especially Walter, Ramiz and Danyal. Excellent diligence!
Also, everyone in 11E/En1 who passed their poetry form and structure test! Great effort, especially Danyal who was worried about it but worked hard and passed!
Miss Peake
I would like to appreciate my Y11 Drama class for their conscientious and diligent attitude in preparation for their practical exam next month.
Mr Rossell
Particular thanks to Shuaib Bhatti, Danyal Nazam & Hamza Shaukat for organising the event, and to Faizaan Salim & Hanna el Sayed for their help with setting everything up
Haseeb Ahmed 11CAM3
Shuaib Bhatti 11CAM2
Wajid Hussain 11CAM2
Danyal Nazam 11CAM2
Hamza Shaukat 11OX4
Rose Patel 11OX1
Faizaan Salim 11OX2
Hamza Shaukat 11OX4
Ms Knowles
All of 11OxEn1 who are working really hard at the moment and are showing a keenness to achieve highly in their exams in January. Keep up the good work!
Please can I appreciate the following students who make some fantastic contributions during our poetry lessons in our new game "I think..."
Fahima Data, Elaine Hagan, Awais Aslam, Maaria Iqbal, Melika Youseffi, Sara Zamir, Faizaan Salim, Usman Akhtar, Ashhab Imran.
Miss Khan
Alishah Ahmed- staying behind to complete work and DIRT ahead of her class
Zaina Raja- fantastic book presentation and brilliant effort with DIRT. Also, for being a happy and giggly person (wink, wink)
Elaine, Zahra and Juwairiah- for their gymnastics in my classroom
Shuaib Bhatti- for implementing the thought of the day as soon as he read it
Daanish Bukhari- for being so interested in lesson
Hadiqa Nasar- catching up with missed work and helping another student do the same
Aaiza Minhas- catching up with missed work out of her own accord
Adam Amjid- fab effort in after school intervention
Dawood Hussain- excellent formative result showing very good understanding of euthanasia
Rose Patel and Aleeza Riaz- excellent literacy shown when articulating ideas in formative assessments
Miss Hickey
11OSP3 for working diligently on their role play and photo card skills this week
Mr Clarke
Aaliyah in 11ox3 for consistently being diligent and a welcome addition to the form
Staff Appreciations!
A huge thank you to Miss Z Ahmed for allowing me to use the meeting room; even though she had booked it for her own session. She very kindly accommodated to make it easier for me. Thank you!
A massive THANKS to Ms Sutton for always helping me out when I ask; she does this with a smile on her face and is always very jolly, which becomes contagious! (much needed) Thank you.
All staff for helping with cover this week.
Ms Brindle, Mrs S Hussain & Miss F Hafesji for helping with putting up the Christmas tree.
Mr Horrocks always going out of his way to help with anything that is needed.
Ms Bowley, Miss Stephens, Miss Lawrence and Mr Harrap for all their diligence and hard work in supporting year 9 in Miss Labella absence. You have all gone above and beyond and done this without anyone asking you to do so, showing great teamwork and integrity.
Parent Notices
Please note that it is parental responsibility to inform the Academy of changes to addresses or telephone numbers so that we can keep our records up to date, however the Academy cannot put any of the changes onto your Parent Pay accounts, this has to be done by you as the account holder. It is important that you do this immediately as your details change so that you can receive important text messages and letters sent to you via Parent Pay.
Family Dining
Two Claps on Three!
Dixons Kings Academy
Email: info@dixonska.com
Website: http://www.dixonska.com
Location: Northside Road, Bradford, United Kingdom
Phone: 01274 449706
Twitter: @DixonsKings