Hive News

Welcome Back to School!
- First Grade Orientation - 9/4 (9:00-9:40)
- First Day of School - 9/5
- Back to School Night - 9/12
- Family Night - 10/15 6:00pm Hess Auditorium
Mascot: Hess Hornets (Buzz)
School colors: Red, White, and Black
Hamilton Township Parent Teacher Association (HTPTA) meetings and events are a great way to meet other preschool parents and become involved in the community. Meetings typically take place in the Davies School Cafeteria and are also offered virtually. Families can join PTA using this link: https://hamiltontownshippta.memberhub.com/store
The Hess School uses the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports framework. We work daily to help our young children learn how to live by our four Buzzworthy Habits found on the front cover of this folder. We ask that you talk with your child at home about these Buzzworthy Habits. Rules exist for the purpose of maintaining a safe and orderly environment. Students will be taught the expectations of the Hess School and of their teachers within the school. Failure to adhere to the expectations will result in consequences in accordance with our district discipline policy. Parents will be notified when teachers or the administration assign consequences.
Exercise is an integral part of a child’s overall health and well-being. The American Council on Exercise lists a variety of physical, social, and health benefits for exercise and physical activity. These include maintaining a healthy body weight and healthy muscles, bones, and joints, improved interpersonal skills, higher self-esteem and better sleep patterns. Children will engage in movement activities on the playground and in the classroom. When there is inclement weather, children will participate in indoor gross motor activities, such as jogging, jumping, and rolling. Children will go outside almost every day of the year.
Suggestions for home:
Research shows a link between exercise and improved attendance/academic success. Please encourage movement activities such as jumping, running, climbing, throwing, catching, and/or riding a bike. Visiting local parks is a great way to bond with your child and get them the exercise they need.
Sleep is the cornerstone of wellness. Adequate sleep on a regular basis leads to improved attention, behavior, learning, memory, emotional self-regulation, as well as quality of mental and physical health. Nap time is provided within our pre-school program for up to an hour. At this time, children may either rest or do a quiet activity in the classroom.
Suggestions for home:
Have a consistent bedtime routine
Ensure your child is getting adequate sleep. The following guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics promote optimal health;
Children 3 to 5 years of age should sleep 10 to 13 hours per day.
Children 6 to 12 years of age should sleep 9 to 12 hours per day.
Teens 13 – 18 years of age should sleep 8 to 10 hours per day.
The Hess School has a number of means of communication for school-related matters, events, and information. Most class level and grade level events are communicated directly through your child’s teacher through Remind. School level events and information will be communicated through the monthly newsletter, email, and text messages. We encourage you to opt-in to the school’s text messaging service so that you can receive important announcements and reminders. Late buses are communicated directly to the parents/guardians of the affected buses through text messaging by the district transportation office.
If you should have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the following:
Hess School Office: 609-625-6600 (follow the prompts for the grade level office)
Transportation: 609-476-6318
Kids Corner: 609-476-6266, 609-476-6269
Food Service: 609-476-6134