Diamond Canyon Coyote Chronicle
Feb. '25 Communication for our Coyote Families
Note from Principal LeCount
Dear Coyotes,
JOIN US TONIGHT! We are celebrating 20 years of excellence at Diamond Canyon.
I am excited to welcome you onto campus this evening to enjoy student performances, check out displayed artwork, visit our grade levels and see what makes Diamond Canyon so special! Be sure to swing by our Photo Booth in Room 606, and see our awards displayed in Room 703. We will provide a map, where you can participate in a self-guided campus tour and enter to win our raffle.
Winners will be announced live on social media tomorrow morning!
Some key words to make this evening a success:
PATIENCE (our parking lot will be full)
SCHOOL PRIDE (awards showcased, student talent, visit awesome classrooms)
MOVE ABOUT (visit the various areas we have open this evening: classroom, art show, photo booth, obstacle course, cake, etc.)
With Coyote Pride,
Mrs. LeCount
You're Invited - Tonight!
Tell Me Something Good!
We know we have the BEST teachers and staff! We love to appreciate what they are doing.
Please share an awesome experience or just a kind note to pass along!
These messages from our DC families mean so much to us.
Save the Date
- Thursday, January 30: Night of Excellence @ 5:00pm
- Friday, January 31: Early Release
- Friday, February 7: Early Release
- Monday, February 10: Kindergarten Field Trip
- Tuesday, February 11: Staff Appreciation Luncheon, PTA General Meeting @ 7pm
- Wednesday, February 12: Restaurant Night at Legend's Bar and Grill
- Thursday, February 13: Picture Day for PreK-4th Grade, Parent-Teacher Conferences, Half Day Release
- Friday, February 14: Picture Day for 5th-8th Grade, Parent-Teacher Conferences, Half Day Release, Valentine's Day and Arizona's Birthday!
- Monday, February 17: No School - President's Day
- Tuesday, February 18: Spirtline Parent Meeting @ 5:30pm
- Friday, February 21: Early Release
- Monday, February 24: 4th Grade Field Trip, Battle of the Books @ 9:00am, Basketball Parent Meeting @ 5:30pm
- Wednesday, February 26: 3rd Grade Field Trip
- Thursday, February 27: 2nd Grade Field Trip
- Friday, February 28: Early Release
Food Drive
National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) will be hosting
a food drive from February 10th - 20th.
If you would like to make a donation, please have your students
bring their food items directly to their classroom.
Items Needed:
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Canned Vegetables and Fruit
Toiletries and Bars of Soap
Pasta Sauce
Sugar, Coffee, Powdered Milk
Canned Tuna, Chicken, Salmon, Spam
Sides: Rice-A-Roni, Pasta-Roni, Potatoes, Etc.
Canned Beans: Refried, Baked, Soup Beans
Thank you!
PLC/PD Early Release Fridays
Dismissal at 2:00pm
January: 31
February: 7, 21, 28
March: 7, 14, 28
April: (none)
May: 2, 9, 16
Spring Pictures
Reminder from Nurse Lisa
All medication to be taken on campus must be brought in by a parent/guardian and signed in through the nurse in their original, labeled bottles. Students may not bring in any medication on their own.
Cold and Flu Season is in Full Swing!
Please remember, if your child's temperature is greater than 100 degrees (without medication) or if they have vomited within the last 24 hours, they need to stay home. They can return to school after 24 hours fever and vomit-free.
Note from Maintenance
We are continuing to see students bring in glass food containers and
glass water bottles. For safety and to avoid broken glass around campus,
please refrain from allowing students bring these to school.
Thank you!
Coyote Code
Our students shine so bright they have to wear shades!
Congratulations to our weekly Coyote Code Winners!
Middle School Athletics
Volleyball Post Season
Mini-Coyotes Camp for Boys & Girls: 1/31
Playoffs: Tuesday 2/4 and Thursday 2/6
Championships: 2/8
Basketball - 7th and 8th Grade!
Basketball Pre-Season Camps:
Boys are 7:00-8:30am, Girls are 3:30-5:00pm
$40 fee
Basketball Tryouts:
Boys are 6:30-8:30am daily
Girls are 3:30-5:30pm on Thursday, 2:00-4:00pm on Friday
-Click here to register for camp and/or tryouts!-
If your child makes the team there will be a mandatory parent meeting
in the DC Library on 2/24 at 5:30pm.
All athletes must be cleared on Register My Athlete in order to attend pre-season camps or tryouts. www.registermyathlete.com
Spiritline - 7th and 8th Grade!
Spiritline Pre-Season Camp:
$40 fee
Spiritline Tryouts:
-Click here to register for camp and/or tryouts!-
If your child makes the team there will be a mandatory parent meeting
in the DC Library on 2/18 at 5:30pm.
All athletes must be cleared on Register My Athlete in order to attend pre-season camps or tryouts. www.registermyathlete.com
FREE 6th-8th Grade Girls Basketball Camp
Dates: February 8th and 15th
Location: Sandra Day O'Connor High School
Click flyer below for more details, including registration:
DC Coyotes PTA News
General PTA Meeting
We hope you will join us for the February PTA meeting! It will be at 7pm on Tuesday, February 11th in the school library. We will give an update on PTA events, do some planning for teacher appreciation, chat about the positions available for the next school year, AND give an update from the district regarding the budget cuts necessary due to the Bond and Override not passing in November. We would love your presence and input!!! You help us support the teachers, staff, and students at DC!
Please note that we do not hold a general board meeting in March.
The PTA is led by a team of parents (the executive board). The positions on the board are 2-year rotations that begin in July. We have a few team members that will be rolling off the board this year and we are already looking to find the right people to fill those positions so that we can continue to support the DC community. In April we will hold our elections to ensure that the people elected to those positions have plenty of time to learn the ropes before the transition happens over the summer. Please consider joining the board. If you have any interest at all in exploring if it is a possibility for you, reach out to the current board president, Kristin Willett (president@dcpta.net) and she will answer questions, give you some of the basics, and help you know if it is something you want to consider more seriously. Being a part of the board is rewarding and a great service to the DC community! Thank you for considering!!!
February Staff Luncheon
Tuesday, February 11th is our monthly staff appreciation luncheon. This month’s theme is a Potato Bar. We would love your help. Please click on the link to sign up to bring something for our staff to enjoy. Thank you!!! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084FAEAA2FA6FACE9-54679199-februarys
We have some staff to celebrate! The first week of February is “School Counselor Appreciation Week”. Then February 13th is our SRO Appreciation Day. Make sure to give shout outs to our amazing school counselor Blane Weeks and our SRO officer Deputy Harvey. We are so grateful for them!
PTA Daddy Daughter Candyland Dance
Daddy Daughter Dances are a memorable event at DC and this one did not disappoint. A big thank you to the PTA, volunteers and all those who attended our event on January 24th.
PTA Teams
PTA membership is about supporting our students, teachers, and the entire DC Coyotes family.
Joining may be the extent of your involvement -- and that is OKAY! But we can definitely
accomplish more with a little bit of help from anyone who is able. One way to help figure out how
you all want to be involved (if you do!) is through signing up for one of our PTA teams.
Check out the google form and let us know if you want more info on any of the teams.
We are trying hard to create a variety of ways to volunteer, so that teachers & working parents (me!), parents with young kiddos at home, and any parents that want to can be a part of
the action in ways that work with their schedules and talents
PTA Website
If you have not already, visit the PTA website. Check it out! You can see upcoming events, find your "teacher's favorites" pages, see when the next volunteer training is, and even buy spirit wear!
Gifted & Talented Corner
What’s Coming Up?
We are looking forward to conferences on February 13 and 14. Conferences are always a great time to visit and celebrate your child’s accomplishments! If you are interested in meeting with either of us, about your child, please email us and we will reach out to set up an appointment.
Anna Kramer: anna.kramer@dvusd.org Sherri Shereshovech: sherri.shereshovech@dvusd.org
We have completed the ‘Gifted Universal Testing’ for 2nd Grade! Results will be emailed home by the end of the month from Gifted Services. Please check your SPAM folder, since the results may land there!
After results are available any student that qualifies for services will receive a letter, ‘Permission to Place’ by the end of the school year with services beginning during the 2025-2026 school year. The ‘Permission to Place’ will be sent home with your child from Diamond Canyon’s gifted specialists, Mrs. Kramer and Mrs. Shereshovech. Any student that qualifies for Walk Up Math will also need to sign a contract before walking next school year.
We will be conducting our final testing for the school year beginning on February 3rd and ending on February 20th. Thank you to the families that signed up your child for testing. PLEASE look for information coming home from your child’s teacher about specific testing days so your child is prepared and can do their very best! Your child already brought home a letter with their testing days and times.
If your child missed the testing in February, there will be testing administered by the district this summer. Information will be posted on the DVUSD website under ‘Gifted Services’.
If your child is testing in February, at Diamond Canyon, results will be emailed home from Gifted Services. Please check your SPAM folder, since the results may land there! We are not sure when results will be available at this time.
Thank you,
Anna Kramer & Sherri Shereshovech
Gifted Specialists
Note From Our Office
If your student is going to absent, please call our attendance line at 623-445-8090
Early Pick-Up & Late Drop-Off
Need to pick your student up from school early, or dropping them off late?
If you will need to pick up your child for a doctor/dentist appointment, are picking them up from the nurse, or even signing them in late, please remember to come into the office and bring your phone with you. DC uses a QR code for signing in and signing out. It is a super easy process once you put our guest WIFI into your phone and we will even help you with the learning curve should you need it! Simply scan the QR code with your camera or QR Code app and fill out the Google Form in its entirety. These sign in forms are important for tracking who is and is not on campus and at what time. The awesome office staff has access to the responses, however, they are not "notified" that you have filled it out so please make sure someone knows you are here before taking a seat in the lobby. We ask that you arrive 10 minutes prior to when you actually have to be on your way due to the fact that your child may be in a different classroom or at lunch/recess when you arrive. Be prepared to show your ID in the event that the staff does not recognize you. Please note that parents must accompany students into the office when late to school.
Diamond Canyon does not dismiss students after 3:10 pm on full days, 1:40 pm on Early Release Fridays.
Forgotten Item Policy
As we move into the second quarter of the 24-25 school year, we feel a reminder regarding forgotten items may be helpful. In an effort to reduce interruptions to instructional time, as well as promote responsibility and accountability with our students, Diamond Canyon only allows chrome books, glasses, medically required items, and lunches to be dropped off for students.
Forgotten homework assignments, backpacks, PE uniforms, projects, and musical instruments will not be accepted or held for students.
Thank you for helping us to educate your children more effectively.
AZ Tax Credits
School tax credits are a win-win for students and taxpayers! Making a donation is easy: Donate using the link below, keep your receipt and claim your tax credit when you file! Every dollar reduces your tax liability dollar for dollar. Taxpayers can donate up to $200 for an individual and $400 for a married couple.
Diamond Canyon students are blessed to participate in a few out of state field trips in 2024-2025. This year our 6th grade students are heading to Camp Surf in California for science learning and our Choir is heading to Disneyland to compete in a national competition. Your tax credit donations help make the trip more affordable for all and also help our school offer scholarships for those that need it to attend.
https://az-deervalley.intouchreceipting.com/ Please choose: Diamond Canyon School. If you would like to fund a student scholarship for out of state travel please choose either Choir, Camp Surf or General Tax Credit. We also have athletics, leadership groups, etc. you can donate to as well.
Thank you for donating to Diamond Canyon! We greatly appreciate your support!