Fayette Central Week at a Glance
Week of September 23-27
Fayette Central Elementary School Mission:
The staff of Fayette Central believes that all students can learn given quality educational programs and a desire to learn. Through a cooperative effort that involves the family, school, and community, Fayette Central will provide a safe, educational environment which promotes learning. We will prepare students academically and socially to function as independent, productive citizens and life-long learners.
Dates to Remember
College Go Week- Jeans with College Shirts- Support your Favorite Colleges
Bus Duty: Fee/Shepherd-Hale/Pfeiffer
Pledge: Miller
Richer Principle-Respect
Robotics Club Build- Nightly- This Week- 2:20-3:30
7:45- All Teachers Welcome Students
7:55- Tardy
9:00- Attendance due in PowerSchool
2:00- 6th Grade Band
2:20- Dismissal Begins
Tuesday Sept. 24:
7:45- All Teachers Welcome Students-
7:55- Tardy
9:00- Attendance due in Power School
2:20- Dismissal Begins
2:30- Cross Country Practice
Wednesday Sept. 25:
Treat Day- First and Second Grade and Mrs. Mitchell
7:45- All Teachers Welcome Students-
7:55- Tardy
9:00- Attendance due in Power School
2:00- 6th Grade Band
2:20- Dismissal Begins
2:30- Hornet News
4:00- Drama Showcase at Public Library K-6
Thursday Sept. 26:
POPCORN Sale at Lunch
Kdg Field Trip
7:45- All Teachers Welcome Students-
7:55- Tardy
9:00- Attendance due in Power School
2:20- Dismissal Begins
2:30- Cross Country
Friday Sept. 27:
SLO's Due Next Monday
4th Grade Field Trip
7:45- All Teachers Welcome Students-
7:55- Tardy
9:00- Attendance due in Power School
2:20- Dismissal Begins
To Do:
Whole class, use reading or math NWEA
Highly Effective is 60% or higher
Effective is 50%-59%
Needs Improvement is 40%-49%
Ineffective is 39% and below
Targeted, critical standards and lowest kids; RIT strands
Math, lowest RIT band
Highly Effective is 70% or above
Effective is 60%-69%
Needs Improvement is 50%-59%
Ineffective is 49% and below
Upcoming Dates
Sept. 30- Lions Club Grades 3 & 5
Oct. 8- School Pictures
Oct. 9- First quarter ends
Oct. 14- PD/Parent Teacher Conference Day
Oct. 15- Sci Kit Return
Oct. 16- Dance Assembly 10:00 AM
Oct. 18- Batman Assembly 9:00 AM/ Early Out for Teachers
Oct. 19- Fall Break