Avon East Monthly News
September 2024
Dear East Families,
We've truly enjoyed having your children back with our school family! Their smiles, genuine love for learning, and kindness are contagious!
Please read all the information below as September is a busy month. If you ever need anything continue to reach out to us and we'd be happy to get you answers, hear your concerns, or celebrate any positives with you!
Thank you for such a wonderful start to school - it only gets better and better from here :)
With gratitude,
Mrs. Erin Elder, Principal
Mrs. Michelle Szczepanski, Assistant Principal
Upcoming Important Dates
- 2nd No School ~ Labor Day!
- 4th ~ AELC & East Boosters meeting at East- 7pm in the cafeteria
- 16th ~ Fall Picture Day
- 18th ~ Eagle Pride Day (Brave)
- 29th ~ Boosters Walk-A-Thon 4:30-6 @ AELC
- 2nd ~ Parent/Teacher conferences 4:30-8pm
- 3rd ~ Avon Homecoming Parade
- 10th ~ Parent/Teacher conferences 4:30-8pm
- 11th ~ No School- NEOEA Day!
- 14th ~ No School - Staff Professional Development Day
- 16th ~ Eagle Pride Day (Respect)
- 25th ~ Souperbowl game
- 31st ~ Halloween (students may dress up in costumes)
School Fees
You are encouraged to pay school fees each school year for your student. Payments can be made online using https://payschoolscentral.com/ or you can bring a check made payable to “Avon Board of Education” in an envelope marked “student fees” and turn it in to the Avon East office.
Unfortunately, students who have unpaid school fees will not be permitted to attend field trips.
Transportation Reminders
We wanted to send a friendly reminder that we require a weekly transportation schedule that is consistent for the afternoons. At this age, it's simply too difficult to remember different schedules for the week. We have over 500 little eagles to get home safely- so consistency is key! We appreciate your support with this.
Reminder- if your child is a car rider for the day- please send in a note to your child's teacher with their first and last name.
Thank you 🙂
Fall Picture Day
Picture Day for Avon East Elementary Is Monday, September 16th
Your Online Ordering Code is: 1001161594
Your Online Ordering Link is:
Your Downloadable Flyer Link is:
**If you are unable to click on the above links to open the online ordering site or flyer, copy and paste each link to the address bar located at the top of the page.
For our Frequently asked questions page :
For immediate questions please call our Customer Service Department at (216) 631-0664 Ext 28 or Toll Free (800) 686-7427 Ext. 28.
Fall Conferences
Our fall conferences will take place on October 2nd and 10th from 4:30-8:00. Please schedule your parent/teacher conferences using this link: https://www.ptcfast.com/schools/Avon_East
Thank you, in advance, for arranging childcare for other children when coming to your child's conference. While East students are permitted to attend (this is optional), we respectfully request you do not bring siblings. This will allow both teachers and parents to dedicate their 15 minutes of alloted time together on communication and collaboration. Thank you!
Fall Assessments, Screening & RIMPs
During the month of September, we will begin our fall assessments for ALL students. These assessments are used to monitor student growth over the entire year and are a way for us to collect information regarding your child's early literacy and math skills. We use the results from these tests to plan for instruction that will help support the needs of our students.
We use a test called DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) that helps us determine how your child is doing with the skills they need to read well. These brief one minute assessments are given to students three times per year to track growth and progress in literacy. Your child's teacher may begin to administer the fall set of these assessments as early as September 3rd through the entire month.
Students will also take reading and math MAP with their class anytime between September 16th and the 27th. These tests are on the Chrome Book. Specific dates will be announced by your child's teacher.
In regards to literacy, please remember that it is normal to see children have strengths and weaknesses as their reading skills are changing and developing quickly in the primary years. Results from both assessments will be shared with you at conferences as well as (if applicable):
RIMPs (reading improvement plans) are given to any student scoring below the target score in MAP reading. If necessary, a RIMP will be given to you & explained at conferences by your child's teacher.
If your child scores well below grade level (colored red on your report) on their Dibels assessments- there may be a chance the teacher does further testing- called diagnostic testing- to dig a little deeper into their early literacy skills. There also may be a chance your child's teacher wants to watch your child a little closer for a period of time as we know it sometimes takes our little ones time to adjust and get back into things!
If you have any questions about any assessment results, please talk with your child's teacher! They are the experts :)
Additionally, here are some important test-taking reminders for our little ones:
Good night's rest the night before an assessment
Nutritious breakfast the morning of
In attendance all-day
Take their time on the test- reading ALL parts of the question & reading the passage (even if it's long)
Chrome book charged
PBIS & Behavior
As noted in our Avon East Handbook, we hold high expectations for student behavior, with an emphasis on independence, responsibility, and respect across the school setting. In conjunction with our PBIS framework, teachers and staff manage and respond to unexpected behaviors to ensure student and school safety, a positive and happy environment, and access to learning for all students. We strive to respond and reflect, aiming to teach expected behaviors to grow the whole student. We use the SOAR acronym (Say It-Own It-Act It-Respect It) for our PBIS and discipline framework.
We've spent our first couple of weeks learning what it means to SOAR at Avon East. Teachers and staff are explicitly teaching and modeling expectations and offering practice and praise for students in their classrooms, cafeteria, playground, hallways, and restrooms.
At times, students may need more support in the area of behavior. Teachers and staff follow a flowchart to respond to student misbehavior. For minor infractions, classroom teachers and staff will respond with redirection, reminders, logical consequences, or interventions. At times, teachers will communicate home to partner with parents in redirecting and supporting student behavior. Repeat minor infractions or major behavior infractions will be managed by a principal. This can involve a time out or loss of privilege, coupled with a reflection session. Parents will always be contacted if a student is seen in the office for a behavior infraction.
We value a collaborative approach in ensuring high expectations for student behavior. Thank you, in advance, for your trust, collaboration, and respect of our processes to ensure a safe, happy, productive learning experience for all of our little eagles.
Counselor's Corner
Something Special
Boosters ~ Reminders
- Boosters meeting September 4th @ 7pm in the East Cafeteria
- Community Day @ Willoway September 14th 9-3
- Walk-A-Thon- September 29th 4:30-6
Lunch & Recess Reminders
Lunch Room:
Our lunch routine is off to a great start! During the first couple days we focused on these expectations (see below). It'd be great if you could also reinforce this at home :)
- No sharing of food. We talked about how we can accidentally hurt our friends if we share food (allergies).
- Get an adult for help by raising your hand.
- Look, listen, and follow lunch teacher directions
Luckily, we've had really great weather days for outdoor recess! Here are some playground expectations that we reviewed with your child:
- We only go down the slides
- Mulch should never be thrown
- Find a "recess teacher" for help if you need it
- Hands and feet to self
- If you bring a water bottle outside with you- no dumping water on your head :)
A friendly reminder, we do not allow toys from home outside during recess. We want students to play with the equipment we have and enjoy interacting with others!
Office Reminders...
- We ask that if you are picking your child up from the front office at 3:15 or earlier that it be for appointments or emergencies only. Otherwise, please use our car rider line. Depending on where you are in line, children exit the building from 3:35-3:45. It really is a smooth process :) Please write your teacher a note for the office staff and be sure you have a car rider tag. If you forget to write a note- you can call our main office and the secretaries will take your name down and ask you to join the car rider line for pick-up- please have your ID ready. If you need a car tag, we can send one home with your child- just let someone know!
- As a reminder, please have your ID ready when using our front office. Our staff will be asking for IDs any time that your child leaves our building with an adult. Please also let your emergency contact pick-ups in PowerSchool know as well! Thank you for your cooperation!
Eagle Shop is now online!
Girls Scouts
"The Annual Girl Scouts Fall Recruitment/Registration Info Night is Wednesday, September 11th 6-7pm at the Avon Library. Come enjoy a fun night of free activities and information!!!
*Kindergarten through 5th grade is welcome!
*All girls who come will be entered into a raffle for some prizes!
*Girls will participate in a fun activity while caregivers hear all about what Girl Scouts have to offer
*Troop 50245 will be there to showcase their Bronze award "Free Seed Libraries Project" and have fall seeds to share"
SOAR through Parenting!
Hope for the B.E.S.T. Event
Contact Information
Ms. Erin Elder ~ Principal
Mrs. Michelle Szczepanski ~ Assistant Principal
Twitter ~ @Avon_East
Website ~ www.avonlocalschools.org