NWMS Weekly Parent Update
September 23-27
It's a Great Day to be a Viking!
Reminders and Updates
Good afternoon NWMS Vikings,
We have several fun weeks ahead and I encourage you to take note of all the upcoming dates/information found below. It is hard to believe, but this week marks the halfway mark of the 1st Quarter and Interim Progress Reports will be available in PowerSchool on Thursday! Thank you for checking your grades and attendance weekly in PowerSchool to stay up to date on any missing work or attendance concerns.
This past Friday was the 19th day of school and students who have missed 2 or more days of school are considered Chronically Absent. Your attendance in school matters and we encourage you to be here each day, on time, and ready to learn. Please also limit early dismissals and stay in school for the full day!
All students have been provided One Cards and it is very important that they wear these One Cards each day. In the morning the students tap their One Card to be accounted for as they enter the building. This is a safety measure that we take very seriously. If your student does not have their One Card it takes much longer for them to type in their Student ID. This causes our lines to get long and delays students from getting to class. Please help your student to remember to put their One Card on each morning before they leave the house.
This afternoon please go through your bookbag. Remove old items and only bring to school the items that are essential for your school day. Please remove any metal pencil boxes, umbrellas, or metal 3 ring binders because these items - when in a bag with your Chromebook - cause the Metal Detectors to go off. Thank you for checking your bag weekly and removing old work and items that you do not need to carry around.
Parents, I have included another copy of the Student Code of Conduct this week and I encourage everyone to review the district's rules and consequences as we enter this halfway point in the 1st quarter. Thank you for your attention to this and for spending time as a family once again reviewing these items. Remember, you can find this handbook and our School Family Handbook on our School Website under the Parent Tab.
Let's make it a great week,
Mrs. Francisco
Weekly Information
Monday, 9/23
- Chess Club after school
- Student Council after school
- Boys Soccer/Girls Volleyball @ Southeast
Tuesday, 9/24
- Chess Club before school
- FBLA before school
- NWEA ELA Map Assessment - use school wide testing schedule
- School Based Leadership Team Meeting after school
- Boys Soccer/Girls Volleyball @ Home vs. Jamestown
Wednesday, 9/25
- Run/Walk Club before school
- Purple Star Club before school
- Math Club after school
- Football @ Southwest (game at SW High)
Thursday, 9/26
- Interim Progress Reports available to parents in PowerSchool
- Impact Club before school
- Boys Soccer/Girls Volleyball @ Northern
Friday, 9/27
- Spotlight Breakfast 8:45 in Cafeteria
- Sept. 30-Oct. 4th - Annual Food Drive Competition with Northwest High (Oct. 4th is NWHS Homecoming Night). Middle School currently holds the Food Drive Trophy - let's keep it another year!!!
- Sept. 30 - Boys Soccer/Girls Volleyball @ Home vs. Kiser
- Sept. 30 - PTO General Meeting 6:00 pm
- Oct. 1 - NWEA Math Map Assessment
- Oct. 2 - Football @ home vs. Eastern - Matson Admin Coverage
- Oct. 6 - BIG SERVE Community Volunteer Day at NWMS
- Oct. 7 - Sports Tryouts for Girls Soccer and Boys Volleyball after school
- Oct. 9 - Football at Jamestown
- Oct. 11 - NWHS Middle School Band Night at NW High Stadium
- Oct. 15 - GCS All-County Orchestra Auditions
- Oct. 15 - Boys Volleyball/Girls Soccer at Kernodle
- Oct. 16 - Fall Picture Retake Day
- Oct. 16 - Boys Volleyball/Girls Soccer @ Home
- Oct. 17 - 6th Grade Field Trip
- Oct. 17 - 7th Grade Field Trip
- Oct. 18 - Staff Workday - No School for Students
- Oct. 19 - JR Theatre Festival for ITS Club @ Southeast High
- Oct. 21 - Boys Volleyball/Girls Soccer @ Eastern
- Oct. 22 - School Based Leadership Team Meeting after school
- Oct. 23-25 - Book Fair Preview
- Oct. 23 - Boys Volleyball/Girls Soccer @ Jamestown
- Oct. 23 - Football @ Home vs. Southeast
- Oct. 24 - 8th Grade to State Fair
- Oct. 28-Nov. 1 - Book Fair
- Oct. 29 - Boys Volleyball/Girls Soccer @ Home vs. Southeast
- Oct. 30 - 7th Grade Vision Screenings
- Oct. 30 - Football @ Home
- Nov. 1 - End of 1st Quarter
GCS Code of Conduct - Student Handbook
Battle of the Schools Food Drive
Our Battle of the Schools Food drive starts on September 30th. We are competing with the High School to see who can donate the most food to Guilford BackPack Ministries. Guilford BackPack Ministry is a local organization that provides meals to students in need. They are reliant on community donations to provide these meals. Last year Northwest Middle collected over 1,000 food donations for Guilford BackPack Ministry!
Starting on September 30th the PTO will be collecting donations during morning arrival! We will have signs and donation boxes set up in the car rider line.
Sports Try Out Information
Boys Volleyball and Girls Soccer tryouts begin Monday, Oct. 7. Anyone trying out must have all paperwork completed and turned into Ms. Thomas in the gym by 8:30am Oct. 7. Paperwork can be turned in at any time. The correct paperwork includes a physical form completed by a physician which is current for 395 days, a current medical history form and a concussion form which is current for the school year. Paperwork can be found on the NW Middle website under athletics.