High School Warrior Weekly
Week of January 6, 2025
Los boletines se publican a través del sitio web de SMORE. El sitio web SMORE tiene una opción de "traducir" disponible, ubicada en la parte superior del programa. Si tiene preguntas o está confundido acerca de la información compartida en este boletín, comuníquese con nuestro intérprete del distrito al (608) 206-5730.
The bulletins are published through the SMORE website. The SMORE website has a "translate" option available, located on the top of the program. If you have questions or are confused about the information shared in this newsletter, please contact our district interpreter at (608) 206-5730.
New Door Protocol for Students
Hello Warrior Parents and Guardians
In our continued efforts to make Waunakee Community High School as safe and secure as possible, we have implemented a new door protocol for students as of January 2, 2025.
Students will no longer be able to use their student ID badges to enter all doors; instead, they will be limited to three doors before school. These doors will be Door 1 (Main Entrance), Door 13 (Bus Loop), and Door 17 (Pyramid Doors). These doors will be supervised by administrators from 7:45-8:15 am. Door 17 (Pyramid Doors) will also be accessible by badge and supervised from 11:55-12:35 and 1:30-2:10 for those students wishing to leave for lunch. Otherwise, all students will be required to enter Door 1 (Main Doors).
Please be aware that any students entering the building during the school day must use Door 1 at the Main Office. This includes students returning from release or appointments. Consequently, it is important that your student is prepared for the weather.
In addition, it is critical that students do not open doors to any individuals during the school day. If a student opens a door or uses a door other than Door 1, they will be suspended; this will also affect their athletic eligibility.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your student’s associate principal:
Steve Hernandez, Chad Gauerke, or Deanne Lensert
Career & Technical Education Students of the Month
Volunteer Judges Needed
It is once again time to start thinking about DECA Districts at DeForest High School. We are excited to welcome over 900 student competitors on Saturday, January 11, 2025 for an exciting day of career development.
This competitive experience does not occur without your continued support of our student competitors. If you would like to serve as a volunteer judge for the conference, you can register here.
Event Information
7:45-8:15 am - Judge check-in
8:15-9:00 am - Orientation
9:00-9:20 am - Individual event orientation
9:30- noon (approximately) - Conduct mock interviews
Lunch is provided after completing the mock interviews and scoring process. More information and registration can be found on our judge registration page.
Thank you for your consideration and continued support of our students. If you have questions, please reach out to Maggie Biermeier or Sandra Meinholz. Check out our NEW Waunakee DECA webpage for more information about DECA!
Pickleball 4 a Purpose
Be a part of the solution by participating in our upcoming pickleball tournament, January 4, 2025!
Register now through the Pickleball 4 A Purpose Sign up link.
The cost per player is $5.00. The fee will be collected at the door. All money raised from this event will be donated to Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA).
Thank you for your support of MDA and Waunakee DECA!
Together We Score
Raising Funds for Project Graduation
Senior Parents and Guardians
Volunteers are needed to help with Concession shifts at the Ice Pond. If you are able to help, please reach out via email waunagradparty@gmail.com or Facebook "Class of 2025". The next available shift is Monday, February 10 from 5:00-8:30 pm.
Thank you for your continued support as we work together to celebrate our seniors in a meaningful way - Project Graduation!
Coaches vs Cancer
Waunakee and Deforest Team Up to Kick Cancer!
Waunakee and Deforest High Schools are excited to announce that we will be sponsoring a Coaches vs Cancer event at the January 30, 2025 boys basketball game at Deforest High School. The schools share a great rivalry and what better way to elevate that than raising money to end cancer as we know it. Coaches vs Cancer is an American Cancer Society charity that is focused on all phases of beating cancer.
Donations will help: Support awareness and screening campaigns to catch and treat cancer earlier; Fund cancer support programs to assist those with cancer (Road to Recovery and Hope Lodge); Fund grants and research right here in Madison at Carbone Cancer Center.
We hope you will consider donating to our event and also sharing this information with your network. Corporate sponsorship levels are shown below. Individual donations can be made to our Event page at http://main.acsevents.org/goto/WaunVsDefo2025 . Please contact Korey Feiner at 608-345-5461 or at korey.feiner@nettechnology.com if you are interested in one of our sponsorship levels below. Your company logo and information will be included in game day signage as well as on the event program/website. We hope to see you at the game!
Hall of Fame (Title) Sponsor - $2,500
Event Naming rights Logo/name on all branding
Logo/name on T-shirt, event page, game day program, banners
Included in introduction of all activities during the week and on gameday.
Special thanks during start of game, halftime and conclusion of the game
Champion Sponsor - $1,000
Logo/Name on T-shirt, event page, game day program, banners
Mention during the Champion of the Game presentation
Thanks during Miracle Minute
MVP Sponsor - $250
Logo/Name on event page and game day program
*We ask for all corporate sponsors to be in by January 3, 2025. Please contact Korey Feiner at 608-345-5461 or at korey.feiner@nettechnology.com for interest/questions.
From the School to Career Coordinator
Dane County Mini Business World - Student Field Trip Opportunity
On Feb 13, 2025, TruStage Insurance Agency on Mineral Point Road is hosting our first Dane County Mini Business World Event! From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., students will work in groups to create a business idea, a prototype, a marketing plan, and a budget to present at the end of the day. Students will be provided with all necessary supplies, snacks, lunch, and of course, prizes!
If you are interested in this event, please sign up and a follow up with Ms. McGlynn (School to Career Coordinator) will happen in December to provide permission forms, transportation information, and more. Students would be excused from classes from 8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. on Feb 13. There is NO cost to students!
Senior Tributes
We are excited to offer a special way to honor your graduating senior! Show them how proud you are with a personalized full color Senior Ad in the yearbook. It’s a heartfelt tribute featuring your own message and cherished photos for the entire school to see—a perfect way to celebrate their incredible journey.
Need inspiration? The yearbook order center can help you explore message ideas, sentence starters, and popular themes to make your ad truly unique. Once your design is complete, you can preview how it will look before finalizing your purchase. Because it is part of the order center you will have access to customer support to help you create the perfect memory.
Don’t miss this opportunity to make their senior year unforgettable. Click here to explore the ad sizes and options available for the Class of 2024-2025. Let’s make their yearbook one to remember! Orders are due by 6/9/25.
Full Page: $400.00
1/2 Page: $200.00
1/4 Page: $100.00
1/8 page: $50.00
1/16 page (Traditionally known as Senior Profile): $30.00
Counseling Office Connection
Attention Seniors
You can access and apply for scholarships in Naviance (located in your WCSD Bookmarks). Scholarship support sessions will be held this month in the counseling office during contact time on Wednesdays to help seniors find and apply for scholarships. Please sign up under Ms. Bonsett-Veal in Flexisched. Please see the linked flyer for more information.
Future Freshmen Night
As you take down your holiday decorations, or do some new year cleaning/organizing, please keep in mind our ongoing Annual Cord Drive! We have already helped WNC raise some money, AND kept those non-renewable recyclable resources out of the landfill.
The drive continues throughout the month of January. You can drop off those cords in the big purple bins found near each WCSD school office, WCSD district office, OR Ace Hardware in Waunakee.
Questions? Email jessicanorth@waunakee.k12.wi.us
Order Your Yearbook Today
Yearbook Pricing Schedule:
- Now – March 31, 2025: $70 – All options available!
- April 1 – July 1, 2025: $80 – Limited availability for add-ons.
Order Now:
- Online: Visit www.yearbookordercenter.com and enter school code 3927. (Preferred Method)
- Cash or Check: Email Mr. Willauer at jeffwillauer@waunakee.k12.wi.us for assistance.
Don’t wait—order your yearbook today to ensure you capture this year’s unforgettable moments! Keep the memories alive—reserve your yearbook today!
Committed to Accessibility: The Waunakee Community School District is dedicated to ensuring all students have access to the yearbook. Financial assistance is available. For more information, contact Teri Reible at 608-849-2000 or reach out to a high school social worker. Language assistance is also available at 608-849-2000, option 2.
Contact: Mr. Jeff Willauer, Waunakee Community High School at jeffwillauer@waunakee.k12.wi.us
Final Exam Schedule (January 21-24, 2025)
January Calendar
2025 Assessment Dates
ACT: Tuesday, March 11, 2025 | 7:45 am-1:30 pm
No School (Frosh, Sophomores, Seniors)
Forward Exam: Wed., April 2 & Thurs., April 3 | US History & AP US History Class
PreACT Secure: Wednesday, April 16, 2025 | 8:00 am-11:25 am
3 Hr Late Start (Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors)
LINK (155 minutes test time + 15 minute break)
PreACT Secure: Thursday, April 17, 2025 | 8:00 am-11:25 am
3 Hr Late Start (Freshmen, Juniors, Seniors)
LINK (155 minutes test time + 15 minute break)
Please note:
--Students with multi-day testing accommodations will need to be at school for both testing days
--There is no school on April 18 & 21
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM): WI test window March 17-April 25, 2025
AP Exams: May 5 - 16, 2025 | AM: 7:45 am-12:00 pm | PM: 11:45 am-4:00 pm
Click here for detailed course listing
Snow Day Procedures
Winter is Here!
Please view the letter regarding the Snow Days 24-25 Procedures. For more information, visit our website School Closings/Weather Updates.
"Snowflakes are one of nature's most fraigle things, but just look what they can do when they stick together." - Vesta Kelly
Community Education
✍🏻ACT Test Prep Class Registration
Registration is open for Community Education’s ACT Test Prep class! Students in this class will learn about tools and strategies for taking the ACT. The class will examine the sections of the test and discuss the strategies and timing needed for each section. Registration information along with additional class details can be found on the Community Education page of the district website under ACT Test Prep Class. Seating is limited to the first 50 registrants.
Adult Custom Sign Workshop: January 2025
Join us for a two-night hands-on workshop that is perfect for beginners and design enthusiasts alike, no prior experience is necessary. All supplies and materials will be provided, and participants will leave the workshop with completed custom sign projects. Participants must be 18 years old and older. Registration information along with additional class details can be found on the Community Education page of the district website under Innovation Center Classes. We look forward to seeing you at the WCHS Innovation Center!
Welcome Chef Mallory!
On behalf of Taher Food Services, we would like to introduce and welcome our new Executive Chef, Mallory Barker. She brings 8 years of culinary experience and we are thrilled to have her join our team.
Mallory will be hosting Kids in the Kitchen, and showcasing her meals at each school on a regular basis. It is also our hope that we will eventually incorporate staff meals back into our long term plan.
If you have any catering requests, please email her at Waunakeechef@taher.com. You can find the catering menu on the district website under food services.
Food Services
Taher's goal is to provide high quality, safe and healthy meal options to every student. Students need good nutrition to feed their minds and bodies to enable them to learn during the day.
To view their daily menus, please click on the following link: https://www.waunakee.k12.wi.us/departments/food-services
Waunakee High School Main Office
Email: waunakeehighschool_schooloffice@waunakee.k12.wi.us
Website: https://whs.waunakee.k12.wi.us
Location: 301 Community Drive, Waunakee
Phone: (608) 849-2100