Walker Elementary
Back to School Information for 2024-25 School Year
Dear Walker Families,
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! We are happy to welcome you to the new school year! The Walker Elementary Staff has been extremely busy this summer preparing for our Wildcats. We can't wait to partner with you for this upcoming 2024-25 school year. This newsletter contains important information as we start the new school year. Our job is to serve your child and your family! We are so excited to see our Wildcats back at school. Please let us know if you have questions or need help. New this year, we will have Universal Breakfast. All Wildcats will enter the cafeteria and be offered breakfast. Breakfast is FREE and we hope every student will join us for breakfast. Breakfast is a great way to start the day.
Thank you for your partnership,
Mrs. Lynn Ryan, Principal, lryan@sdale.org
Mrs. Katherine Wilson, Assistant Principal, kwilson3@sdale.org
Step Two
Springdale Public Schools (SPS) offers an optional Springdale Schools Device Protection Plan (SDPP) for students. The plan provides financial protection if a Chromebook needs to be repaired. Students can pay an enrollment fee of $20 by cash, check, or money order before October 1 or two weeks after enrollment. The payment should be made payable to Springdale Public Schools and received upon receipt of the electronic device
Please click on the link below to pay this fee. You will need for you to type in your child's name and t-shirt size in the notes. Thank you!
School Day
Universal Breakfast (NEW this Year!)
Great News! All students will get to eat breakfast for free this year. Breakfast will be served for free to any student for free from 7:15-7:45.
Office Hours
Our school office hours will continue to be from 7:00 am - 4:30 pm. Our school day will start at 7:45 am every day. On Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays students will be dismissed at 3:10 pm. On Wednesdays, students will be dismissed at 1:50 pm to allow staff time to meet in teams.
Arrival Procedures
All students in kindergarten through fifth grade will need to be in their classes ready to learn by 7:45. All students will need to unload from the passenger's side of the car (no exceptions). This ensures that we do not have children walking in the area where cars drive. Please have your child unbuckled with their backpack on and ready to hop out of the car when you stop. Adults may not get out of the car during our drop-off. Parents can not park and walk their child to the crosswalk unless they are a pre-k parent who needs to sign your child in. All students will go through the cafeteria to be offered a free breakfast. We hope you will encourage your child to try a free school breakfast.
Students may be dropped off between 7:15 and 7:44 AM. If a student is not in class by 7:45 AM, they will be considered tardy. Tardy students must be checked in by a parent using the QR code on the front door.
Dismissal times are as follows:
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 3:10 PM
- Wednesday: 1:50 PM
If you don’t have your car tag hanging from your mirror, please park and go to the door to show your ID. Make sure to pick up a car tag from the office by the end of the first day of school if you did not already pick one up on back to school night.
About Walker Elementary
Email: lryan@sdale.org
Website: http://walker.sdale.org/
Location: 1701 S 40th St, Springdale, AR 72762, USA
Phone: (479)750-8874
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Walker-Elementary-School-153949846329/?fb_dtsg_ag=AdwRYGYALRWaOM_WFS6amN-KET7MLpVyEIsHP67NBtqKpw%3AAdzbMII6M5eTTkPHoihXX-c_sZfj8FhoBtbfGpEfoEMIPA
Twitter: @WalkerWildcats1