Tuesday Take-Home
March 25, 2025
From the Principal, Mrs. Noe'
Happy Spring! I hope all families are experiencing a productive Lent as we journey towards Easter. Each classroom has a donation container for almsgiving. This Lent, St. Pius students are supporting Saint Vincent de Paul Society's Warm Homes, Warm Hearts. All almsgiving funds raised will go to local families to help with the cost of this year's high heating bills.
The Living Stations of the Cross is a beautiful way to begin the Holy Triduum. On Thursday, April 17 all families are invited to join us as grade 8 students participate in the Living Stations at 1:00 pm in the Upper Church.
Grade 8 Service: My Brother's Table, Wednesday, March 26.
A Lenten Opportunity for families: Fr. John Kiley will be hosting a weekly Lent/Easter Series on Tuesday evenings. A flyer with more information is attached below.
Overdue Tuition Deposit Payments: Emails went out last week to families who have overdue tuition deposits. Please log into FACTS and make your payment now to guarantee your child’s seat for next year.
Payment Plans for ALL Families enrolled at St. Pius V School: Please log into your FACTS account and verify that you have a payment plan selected for the 2025-2026 academic year. If you need to change your plan, please call the office. If you do not have one selected, please follow the directions below:
- Log into your FACTS family portal.
- Navigate to Financial on the left-hand side.
- Click on Set up a Payment Plan
- Make sure to choose the 2025-2026 Academic Year.
- Choose a Payment Plan. Please note that the Tuition Voucher Only Plan is for those families that have vouchers in our Three year old, Four year old, and Kindergarten programs only.
- Choose the due date (5th or the 20th of every month)
- Enter your banking information or credit card information to keep on file for payments. Please be sure to enroll in Autopay for Incidental Billing as well.
Financial Aid: Financial aid applications are now open. Please log into your FACTS account to make sure all of your documents have been uploaded and your application has been submitted. Missing information will delay the processing of your application.
If you need assistance with any of the above, please contact Mrs. Huggins at chuggins@stpiusvschool.org or call 781-593-8292.
New Student Applications: If you know of anyone interested in applying for the school year 2025-2026, or have a sibling ready to apply, the application process is in full swing. Apply Here or for siblings, you may access the application process through your family portal. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please reach out to bwhalen@stpiusvschool.org.
**Important Reminder**
- Students are only allowed to go home with another family at pick-up if the office has been notified. To eliminate confusion and keep everyone safe, parents must inform the office of any dismissal changes before 2:15 pm.
A Big Thank You to: Mrs. Markos, Mrs. Chavez, Ms. Conway, and Mr. Canton for chaperoning the Boston Symphony Orchestra field trip.
Summer Camp opportunities: Camp Fatima and Camp Bernadette - the flyer is attached below.
Girl Scouts Invitation: On Wednesday, April 30th from 5-6 pm at Sacred Heart Church there will be a Girl Scouts Event for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten children. Please see the flyer attached below for more details.
80th Anniversary Gala Tickets are on sale! Join us to celebrate 80 amazing years!
FLYER ATTACHED BELOW. A Special, Thank You, to all families that donated to Gala raffle baskets!
Parent Association Meeting Tuesday, April 1, 6:00-7:00: School Chapel Room second floor of the school, all are welcome:
Topics: Gala Baskets, Planning for Fun Day May 15.
Used Uniform Store. Bower Street Garage is open the first Wednesday of each month from 8:00 am-10:00. Next date, is April 2.
Prayer Intention:
Let us pray that through this season of Lent, we embrace the opportunity to be closer to our Lord and be filled with patience as we await the risen Jesus, at Easter.
Mrs. Noe '
Saint Slip Winners!
These students earned a Saint Slip for following the Saint Pius V School motto. "Do Your Best...Be Kind to Others."
Julieta Munoz - K1
Gerald Christopher - K1
Maksim Vikhrev - K2
Michael Soto Martinez - Gr 1
Evangelynne Cruz Vasquez - Gr 1
Scarlett Deleon - Gr 2
Vivienne Hope - Gr 5
Ava Liburd - Gr 7
Saint Slip Winners!
Saint Slip Winners!
Grade 7 and 8 Warrior blanket raffle winners!
This Week
Saint of the Week: Saint Peter the Apostle
Saint Peter is the Patron Saint of Fishermen and was the First Pope. The name Peter means 'rock' in Greek.
Tuesday, March 25
- Band
- Student Council Meeting
- Robotics Club
Wednesday, March 26
- Tin Whistle Club
- Grade 8 Students - My Brother's Table
Friday, March 28
- Enrichment Program: grades 3-6
- Pizza
Looking Ahead:
- April 1 Parent Association meeting. 6:00 pm
- April 9 Spanish Fair Grade 6-8 LCH 1 pm -( parents invited). Lunch in classrooms
- April 16. Grade 8 only NUT day
- April 17. Living Stations of the Cross
- April 18 Good Friday, No school, Easter break begins
- April 25 80th Anniversary Gala, Knights of Columbus 6:30 pm
- April 30. Art Fair/ Ice Cream LCH 2:30-4:30