Mrs. Trout's Weekly News
October 10-14th
What a fun week we had at the farm, with the Firefighters and our friends!
Read below to find out what else we learned and to see some great pictures and videos!
Language Arts: We learned the new sight words a and to . Students read, wrote and used in speech these words. We read the big book In 1492 . We made a KWL( what we know, learned and want to know) chart about Christopher Columbus and his journey. Students wrote facts about this great explorer! Students had the opportunity to work in differentiated reading groups. The Students focused on the following good reading strategies taught to them ( using a pointy finger, sounding or tapping out sounds, using the pictures as clues, etc..). Students pointed out sight words in the books and discussed the main idea and characters of the story. I asked the Students comprehension questions and checked for improved fluency. Students also worked in literacy centers focusing on beginning sounds, word building, sight words and rhyming.
Phonics / Handwriting: We learned the letters K and L. Students had the opportunity to brainstorm words that begin with these letters. Students completed a variety of activities where they will had to identify, write and illustrate words that begin with these letters. Students were taught the proper way to hand write the uppercase and lowercase letters.
Math: We started a math unit on number sense and writing and representing our numbers past 10. Students learned to use a 10 frame to help represent the numbers and use manipualtives to help in math centers.
Social Studies/ Science : We learned about Christopher Columbus and his voyage. We also focus on farms since went to Cherry Crest Farms on Wednesday! We discussed who and what lives on a farm. We also reviewed fire safety for Fire Prevention month. The West Goshen Fire company visited our school on Thursday and presented ways to stay safe in a fire! We even got to go on the fire trucks!
Cherry Crest Farm Fun!
Goshen Fire Fighters visit CBA!
Reminders and upcoming events:
- Pumpkins will be on sale for $10 starting Monday for our Parade of Pumpkins event! Buy a pumpkin, carve it into a Jack-o-lantern and bring it back to school for the Parade of pumpkins next Friday night!!!
- Parade of Pumpkins is next Friday night from 6:30-8:30- We will have food, fun and many Jack -o- lanterns to see!