North Park School for Innovation
Newsletter August 2024
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Welcome Back!
August 19, 2024
Dear NPSfI Families,
It is a privilege to welcome you the 2024-25 school year at North Park School for Innovation (NPSfI)! I hope this newsletter finds everyone well and ready to gear up for a new school year as we are excited to welcome our students back after Labor Day. Many plans have been made to make your student's experience at NPSfI better than ever. Please see the bullet points below for information regarding the lead up to the first day of school:
Open House: We will be hosting an open house event Thursday August 29 from 4:00 – 6:00 for families to come meet our staff and become familiar with the building. .
School Supplies: Every student should bring a backpack and a pair of headphones from home. We will put together supply packs with all other needed materials for students. North Park will split the cost of these supplies with parents. The cost for families is $25 per student and can be paid using this link. We will also accept cash or credit card in the main office.
Educational Benefits Application: In years past this application has always been referred to a “lunch form.” This is a misleading title because it releases funds to hire more teachers for our students. Although lunch will be free for all students this year, it is critical that these forms are filled out for every child. Please click to complete this form – even if your student always brings their lunch from home.
Student Devices and Internet Access: Each of our students will have a device provided for them to use while they are in school. In some instances, these devices may be sent home to do work outside of school. Online completion of the 2024-25 Technology Acceptable Use/1:1 Agreement Form is required in order for students to access our network to complete some assignments and to be provided a device. These forms can only be completed on ParentVue. If you do not have an active ParentVue account, please visit Madina in the Main Office during Open House for an authorization code.
Cell Phone Policy (Off and Out of Sight) - Many families wish to have contact with their students before and after school via cell phone. If a student has a cell phone at school it must not become a distraction or disruption to the learning process; therefore, students’ cell phones must be powered off and kept in their backpacks during the school day. Phones will be confiscated by a staff member if a student has the phone (on their person, is used, or in the classroom) during the school day. Parents/guardians must come to school to receive the phone if it is confiscated. North Park School for Innovation will not be responsible for lost or stolen items.
Help Needed: We are looking for committed, nurturing adults who enjoy having fun with students during their daily breaks at lunch and recess. The Lunch Duty Monitor position is a great way to connect with every NPSfI student during lunch and recess. If you are interested in this 2.5 hour/daily position (Be sure you apply for the NPSfI opening). If you are interested in full-time employment, this position can be combined with Adventure Club Assistant. Adventure Club is our school age after school care program. Here is a link to apply.
Class Assignments: You will receive an email with your teacher assignment(s) during the week of August 26.
Thank you for being part of this wonderful community and entrusting your most important people to us. We can’t wait for our students to return September 3rd!
Best Regards,
Jeff Cacek
Save the Date!
- August 29, 4-6pm: Open House
- September 3: First Day of School!!
- September 3&4: PreK family meetings
- September 5: PreK start
- September 9, 6:30: PTO Meeting
- September 20, 9am: Peace Day Celebration
- September 20, 5:30 - 7:30: NPSfI Color Run
- September 30: Picture Day
Oct 3, 6:30: PTO meeting
October 10: Flex Learning Day (Students Learn from Home)
October 11: No School (Staff Development)
- Nov 1: Picture Retake Day
- Nov 6, 3:30-7pm: Conferences
- Nov 11, 6:30: PTO meeting
- Nov 14, 3:30-7pm: Conferences
About Us
All Belong, All Succeed
Location: 5575 Fillmore St NE, Fridley, MN 55432, United States
Phone: 763-528-4300
Twitter: @NorthParkElem