Woods Creek Chronicle
November 26, 2024
Nov. 25-26: Parent Teacher Conferences
Nov. 25-29: No school for students
Dec. 6: Crystal Lake South High School Band and Choir performs for WC students
Dec. 10: WC PTO & Chick-fil-A Dine Out 5-8 p.m.
Dec. 12: WC PTO Meeting, 7:00 p.m., learning center
Dec. 18: 5th Grade Band Concert 7:00 p.m., gym
Dec. 20: Holiday classroom parties for students
Dec 23-Jan 3: Winter break
Remember: Every Friday is Woods Creek School Spirit Day! Wear red, royal blue or Woods Creek spirit wear.
Note from the Nurse: Update contact information
We would like to remind families of how important it is that parent contact information is up to date. You can view contact information in ParentVue. Accidents, injuries and illness happen and it is imperative that we have correct parent phone numbers and that voicemails are set up and can receive messages. We often encounter voicemail boxes that are full or ones that are not set up. Also, please check that your child's emergency contact information is correct and that your emergency contacts are available during school hours if needed. Let the school office know if anything needs to be updated. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Yearbooks Are On Sale
Woods Creek is partnering with Treering for yearbook compilation and online sales again this year. All yearbook orders must be placed online via this link: Treering Yearbooks.Our school passcode is: 1016039057551331. Each yearbook costs $18.60 (softcover) or $25.43 (hardcover). Yearbook orders placed by April 29, 2025 will be delivered to the school for distribution before summer break. Please contact Mrs. Walsh at kjwalsh@d47.org with any yearbook questions.
Chick-fil-A Dine-out Night, December 10
Come support the Woods Creek PTO at Chick-fil-A in Crystal Lake on December 10 from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Show this flyer or let the team member know that you are there in support of the WC PTO before paying for your order. Chick-fil-A will donate 20% to the WC PTO.
Winter Carnival-Save the Date & Volunteer
Save the Date! This year's Winter Carnival is on Saturday, February 15 from 10am-2pm. We are excited for a day of fun and need a lot of help to make the day run successfully and safely. If you're interested in volunteering or learning more about the carnival, please fill out this google form: Winter Carnival Volunteer sign up
We are so grateful to our Woods Creek families for all of their support! With many volunteer hours and fundraising dollars here's what we did in October and November:
Organized 2 Dine Out Nights raising over $400
Hosted a Family Skate Night for 298 skaters
Provided donuts and apple cider for a staff breakfast
Handed out 67 high interest birthday books to students
Completed around 80 teacher projects in the TAP room
Stocked the staff lounge with snacks and drinks
Helped fund props, costumes, and fees for Dot & the Kangaroo, JR
Hosted the Scholastic Book Fair, raising over $2,000
Bought every teacher a new book for her classroom library
Provided a staff dinner from Breaking Bread during conferences
Organized a parent/teacher conferences coffee truck for staff and parents
Like Us, Follow Us, Join Us
Want to stay in the know? Be sure to follow us on:
- Facebook: Woods Creek PTO
Please email the WC PTO at woodscreekpto@gmail.com with any questions.
Our staff and students honored and celebrated Veterans Day together with an assembly on Monday, November 11.